5,213 Topics

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Member Avatar for PaddyRamsey

Hey all, slight hardware/Windows related problem I'm really hoping someone might be able to help me with. Basically I've assembled a new computed from parts purchased separately (all parts are working as I have tested them separately) - except for a hard drive which I have taken from my previous …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for galmiklos

I left the window open, and it was raining that night. To make the long story short, my son't T30 was standing in water in the morning. He woke up first, and after wiping it, turned it on (unfortunatelly). It came on, but after half an hour or so, it …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for hxzero

Last night my computer froze as I was using Firefox. Unable to shut it down normally, I powered it down. Today, I turned it on, expecting it to either come up normally or scan the disk, what it normally does. Instead, it hangs at "Initializing USB Controllers..." at POST for …

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Member Avatar for Skamilton

For a while my computer would constantly restart or freeze and after months of this I decided to try and do something about this, I moved the pc from 1 case to another with better cooling and air flow, I also bought some replacement/upgrade ram and a larger psu. The …

Member Avatar for Skamilton
Member Avatar for captbilly

toshiba laptop will not come on none of the three LEDs come on could it be the battery I was switching users when it went completly dead thanks.

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for yoe2270

Good day. I had a "friend" download a bunch of crap onto my computer. I went through and started deleting temp files, etc. I fear I ventured into somewhere I should not have been, as I wiped off a lot more than temp files and cookies. The computer shut down …

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for bo55m4n

Hi all, Im a new member and would really appreciate any help. I have a Dell Inspiron 9300. My niece was using my laptop and its not powering up anymore. She says she only closed the lid and left it. Basically When I press the power on button, all I …

Member Avatar for fren
Member Avatar for sebastian101

Hello. I have the following problem: After installing some drivers for the video card, I rebooted my computer. But after Login off the monitor went black, and its LED start blinking (like in the moments the computer was switch off). The fans and other lights from the computer were on, …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for swfl10s

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 8:59:00 AM, on 8/31/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011) Boot mode: Normal Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSvcHst.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\AppCore\AppSvc32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\AOL\ACS\AOLacsd.exe C:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveUpdate\ALUSchedulerSvc.exe …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for morphine1978

I had a beep code for memory on my motherboard because I didn't have any memory in it my uncle salvaged it when he gave me the board makes sense than I got a stick of Kingston 3200 528MB. Now my PC doesn't boot at all just a blank screen, …

Member Avatar for fren
Member Avatar for craytabor

I have a Sony Vaio PCG-f590 laptop that has been a work horse for me. I recently upgraded the Ram (a month ago), the hard drive (3 days ago), and the OS (from win 98 to XP home, also 3 days ago). The computer worked fine for two days. And …

Member Avatar for craytabor
Member Avatar for quietstrm98

HP Compaq nx 6125 does not go past "press F10 Rom based setup and F12 network service boot"Dim and brightness controlls work,network card works.Might be something simple.reset bios and that wasn't it.

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for anobody

Hi, I updated my Bios for My Gigabyte K8T890-9 Mother Board & when I rebooted I found it wouldnt recognise any of my drives except for Floppy, I tried to reinstall old Bios as which I Downloaded as well & stored on Floppy but it wouldnt except it for some …

Member Avatar for fren
Member Avatar for dazg60

Help! i have a fujitsu siemens amilo l6825 laptop xp home sp2 p4 2.8ghz 30gb hd 256 ddr3700 ram i just surf the net & the screen goes black at random times,can be 5mins or 25.but the power light stays on and it sounds like the HD is on aswell,but …

Member Avatar for carolmkav
Member Avatar for gbrady28

Can someone tell me how to hook up my computer to my receiver so that I can play music through the receiver. Specifically I want to know if there is a wireless way to do this. I know that I could just run an optical with a mini plug on …

Member Avatar for emreguner@gmail
Member Avatar for Ensis

Hi there, I'm a univ. student and recently moved back after the winter break. I brought back my machine, a 2.4ghz Athlon XP, 768mb RAM, Geforce 5700 LE, and set it up. I've been using this machine for about a year without any major troubles, but after about using it …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for Weazletoe

Hi all. I just inherited a t30, DOA. push power button. All you get is the green lights tab lock, num lock, and battery light come on. No hard drive light, and no fan. sometimes the scrren comes on, but nothing on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Member Avatar for igor056

Help I have an eMachines T1840 which has died. Tried most things without success. CPU fan turns for a couple of seconds on power on and the keyboard lights flash once, then nothing. Can anyone out there suggest a reason and a cure other than the sledge hammer. Thanks

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for joeallstate

I had the dc jack replaced on a hp ze1115 recently and when I started it, it gives me the windows won't start due to software or hardware screen. I tried the last known configuration option, but it shuts down after a few seconds. It does show a WindowsXP screen, …

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for verbob

I just acquired a P20 toshoba laptop...nice little rig - 17", dvdrw, etc... Problem: Fans will come on, power light on...no blinking lights just solid blue power light. Tested the ram and cpu elsewhere...they are fine....tried an external monitor(and tried the Fn-F5 to swap displays,etc) no go... Before I resort …

Member Avatar for mauro1947

Hi! In my Toshiba Satellite the light of Sattelite word (at left bottom of notebook) is off. When i press Power button light turns on for less than 1 second and turn off again. Any have any idea about how to fix it (notebook is new, never open, has only …

Member Avatar for xiltepin

I hava a vaio PC and suddenly it doesn't start. when I push the on button I can hear the beep the power button starts turns on for a second and then turns off but I can hear the fan is running, does anyone know what can be the reason? …

Member Avatar for igor056
Member Avatar for Blaite

hello everyone i have a EASYNOTE M5260 laptop link to the brand [url]http://support.packardbell.com/nl/item/?m=home&pn=p880401505[/url] but now i have a weird problem when i press the button , i have absoluutly no responce at al when i plug in the power supply (recharge cable) only 1 light goes on for 3 seconds …

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Member Avatar for jeffc418

Hi! For the past few months, I've been having an issue where I hit the power button on my computer (built it in February), and the lights come on and the fans spin, but I get nothing on the monitor, and no POST beep. A month and a half ago, …

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Member Avatar for mdhomiak95md

I just bought an HP ZE 4145 notebook computer that needed repair. When I turn it on, it comes up with an error message - PXE-E61 Media test failure, check cable and then Operating system not found. I tested the hard drive on another computer but couldn't get anything to …

Member Avatar for tadgey
Member Avatar for Cheval

This is my first post and you'll soon see I probably don't deserve to own a computer! My Dell 3000's (I know, I know) monitor went berserk a month ago......quivering pages, black outs, jiggling and zig-zags. The guys at Firedog checked it out, thinking I needed a new video card, …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for landry137

This machine was given to me, working slowly, and freezing in windows when it got hot. I took it apart, to get the dust out of fans and grates and what not, and now this. It powers up, and all three fans run. But I get nothing on the screen, …

Member Avatar for ramjo
Member Avatar for majones15

I have an AMD64 machine that I loaned to a friend for a couple of weeks and when they returned it, it wouldn't start at all. I took the cover off and noticed that when you plug in the power cord with power that the CPU fan turns about a …

Member Avatar for ramjo
Member Avatar for RamLover

Hi, recently my gateway 420gr,p4, 2.93 ghz, 150 gb sata has been acting wierd. It started when norotn antivirus kept giving telling me i have Hacktool.Rootkit virus and that slowed down my computer and also frequently crashed it. When it crashed i would get this message Windows could not start …

Member Avatar for fren
Member Avatar for chardos

Hi, my problem is as follows, any help would be much appreciated: My computer has been overheating periodically for the past few months, usually when playing high-requirement games or the like, (I figured it was related to summer till I found out what I thought to be the problem) and …

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The End.