38 Topics

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## Introduction ## On the android platform, widgets provide a quick way to interact with your Apps. They are extremely useful at providing quick information without the user launching the app Activities themselves. Common use cases for homescreen widgets are weather, email, or banking information. In this tutorial, we will …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Among all of the animation API’s on Android, MotionLayout is one of the best classes to use to create complex animations. It can animate property and motion of multiple views at the same time. Other benefits include declarative style XML and the intuitive **Motion Editor** built right …

Member Avatar for johnoOz
Member Avatar for Pradnya_4
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## With OLED screens becoming more and more common on smartphones, adapting a dark theme to your app can provide a boost to battery life. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a dark theme to your native Android app. ## Goals ## At the end …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## All TextView objects have a special attribute called `textAppearance`. This attribute can be used to set the style for text content in a TextView without affecting other styling attributes on the same TextView object. In this tutorial, we will learn how to apply `textAppearance` to TextView objects. …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Complex Views can use up RAM and reduce the performance of your Android apps. If a View is rarely used, you should consider delaying its rendering until it is needed by your app. One way to do that is to use the ViewStub View. ViewStub is very …

Member Avatar for samertaha

what is UX/UI design ? please explian for me , i know only programming in php and javascript and css i know nothing about UX , is it for graphic designers ? or for programmers ? thanks.

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for macfan

once you start new topic/reply (in general:: open editor pane) and hit ESC, you will be switched from windowed to full screen and vice-versa. I am on macOS. I have no ability to check it on other platforms.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for happygeek

Have been trying to change my profile pic via the community profile update avatar option. I keep getting told that 'The image you are attempting to upload doesn't fit into the allowed dimensions.' However, there is no clue as to what the allowed dimesions might be. The one I'm trying …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for alan.davies

On my android device I get no dropdown menu at all from the hamburger. Chat and profile image on the titlebar work fine as does the main dw logo. Also while creating this post. The continue button on the first screen (deciding forum and thread type) was unresponsive. As does …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

OK, so I'm gereatric and have fading eyesight, but light typeface in light grey on white? Serioudsly: constructive requests vfor the topics summary page: 1. Show the name of the OP 2. Bring back the click to go straight to the laest post in a topic 3. Use sensible colours …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for happygeek

OK, so in [this thread](https://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/507918/presentation-loads-with-error) I offered advice to visit the Microsoft troubleshooter here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/927477/how-to-troubleshoot-a-damaged-presentation-in-powerpoint-2007-and-powerpoint-2010 and DaniWeb broke the link and struck a line through it to say it didn't exist, when it quite clearly does. It may well break again here, let's see. I suspect that DaniWeb isn't handling …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for pty

It would appear that too many notifications are added to the feed for certain events, making it difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. Take the example of this annoying spammer creating a post: ![Screen_Shot_2017-01-26_at_15_16_46.png](/attachments/large/0/70f9ca54d7b9fe3b576a82ab688e0d74.png "align-center") Aside from the fact he's a waste of oxygen, that's more than one …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jkon

I know that I have made my comments about that UI. Moreover I have shared ideas of how to move on with daniWeb . Just two quick questions. Why do you think that is responsive to serve the same app in the same view in different devices ? Does desktop …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

Just noticed that the blue burger menu is showing 'Web Applications' as a forum, but when you get there it is called 'Cloud-based Applications' instead.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

The unread PM counter in the main toolbar (between the finder and chat icons) is stuck on 0 and doesn't change to show new/unread PMs. Not exactly the most serious of problems, but something to flag for later when you get a chance to check it out Dani.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

On the plus side, there certainly seems to have been a drop in spam activity since the new UI went live. I suspect the spamming hoardes don't like it very much :)

Member Avatar for IntegratedTweak
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

Howdy So I have a set of data coming back from a process with five different pieces of data per entry in the set. Are there any fancy ways you can generate some kind of look-a-like report on the fly in WCF, else what would be the best way to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The purpose of this short and sweet tutorial is equally concise: how to get the original look and feel of the Google Chrome web browser back after installing on a Windows 8 computer. Having recently been forced into buying a new laptop, I finally took the plunge and decided to …

Member Avatar for birbilis
Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame

I don't know if it's just me, but I find the fact that the rooms re-order their position slightly irritating. The active room always makes itself the first in the list (after the room list). When you select another room, the room you were just in is then pushed to …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for dany12

I would like to know what means Java Web UI with html5 knowledge,flex,javascript,css? Do you have to use plain jsp jsf servlet and then use a MVC pattern? If so the views are made with html5 flex? If anyone knows more about this please explain it to me because I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

As I spend time in the Daniweb forums, I see some questions that ultimately come down to the issue of manipulating JavaScript data and a user interface on a website. When you build a GUI that lets your user view, add, edit, and delete data, a common approach is to …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell
Member Avatar for code_rum

I have some div's one after another. When i click anywhere the first div hides and other div's shifts to fill the empty space. But the movement of other div which aren't hidden are not satisfying as it takes the place but not smoothly. I have no idea as how …

Member Avatar for code_rum
Member Avatar for dfn77

Hi, I am using Kendo Web UI and am trying to filter a listView using multiple rangeSliders. I've seen a few examples of filtering, but never with a listview using range sliders. Pretty much all of the examples I've seen involve filtering a grid with a dropdown. I am curious …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pln89

I need to use a kendo slider which is a compenent of kendo ui framework. This slider must display date ranges.I have to show data from database based on this range.How can I achieve this?

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for pln89

Hi, I am trying to develop an application with pie chart by using kendo ui framework. I created a datasource which type is json, but I need convert it to javascript array to draw the chart. my code is: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="View.aspx.cs" Inherits="JsonTest.View" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for dban07

Hello friends, I'm a Computer Security student. I need some opinions for my Final Year Project idea. Im planning to create an application on VB.NET which protects a network from unknown users like hackers by filtering their MAC addresses/Hostname/IP. The application will work similar to the software inside the modem/router …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jdgieschen

I've got a project I'm working on where people can search using checkboxes, sliders, and an input box. The search works, but I've got issues here, especially when using IE as the browser. Haven't even tried Safari and Opera. Even in Firefox, there are minor issues. First, the lagging of …

Member Avatar for jdgieschen
Member Avatar for tech_man_12

Hi, I'm a newbie in php and web development, and I'm just able to develop basic applications using php and html. For an application I'm developing, I designed a landing page, and people told me it looks so 90s design, and you need to improve UI and give a more …

Member Avatar for shahbaz13
Member Avatar for tusharbhatia

I have seen similar questions asked before, however my question is a little bit different to the other ones that have previously been asked. I want to make the div's expand/collapse on the jquery "click function" I have created. The difference between my question and other questions is the fact …

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The End.