409 Topics

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Member Avatar for mordicaii

If I try to use ld -T <script>, it fails and throws an error saying "ld: unknown option: -T", it does the same thing with --script. Am I missing something, or has the ability to use a linker script been completely removed?

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for inquisitivemind

Hi could anyone here tell me how to list the daemons that are running in a unix machine ? Thanks for all the help.

Member Avatar for evinkeating

I have a program that works fine under windows, but when i run it on Unix I get a very slightly diffent set of results, followed by a 'segmentation fault' message. I'm at a loss to explain why. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for evinkeating
Member Avatar for evinkeating

I've a 2-d array declared as such [CODE]lower_tri = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(dimention)); for(i =0; i < dimention; ++i) lower_tri[i] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(i+1));[/CODE] So that it looks like... [] [][] [][][] [][][][] ... However, it causes a segmentation fault when I try to de-allocate the array with [CODE]free(lower_tri);[/CODE] (only in unix, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for zageela

Hi All, I am adding a calendar coded in cgi to my page.As i can use a JS calendar also but it have to do it with cgi only. my present calendar prints current month on the page.Now here the problem comes. I want each & every date to be …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for evinkeating

I'm working on a C program that needs a lot of dynamic memory allocation of 1-D and 2-D arrays. The program works fine when I compile and run it using windows and Visual C++, but when I compile and run it in a Unix environment, I get slightly different results, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for AlanWilhelm

Hello, I put together a small tutorial that I wanted to share. I found only scattered information on this and put a more complete tutorial together with code and comments. [URL="http://blog.ajwilhelm.net/archives/7"]Parsing Excel files with Python[/URL]

Member Avatar for titotoms

Hi, What is a log file?What is its purpose?How do I open, read and write to log files? Thanks, Toms

Member Avatar for Lalchand Saini
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i want convert the time stamp unix format to hours and days i have this: $date = trim(date('H:i:s', $ofwhat)); $ida = trim(date('d', $ofwhat)) -1; if ($ida >0) {if ($ida==1) { $dia= $ida. " day, "; } } if ($ida >0) { if ($ida>1) { $dia= $ida. " days, "; …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for fishwater00

Hi Folks, I got some problems and need your help. In school, my codes are writeen under UNIX system (Solaris10/SUN), now I need to transfer those codes to Linux (Redhat5). But after I directly copy to Linux, it shows many errors and warnings. Does anyone know which codes I need …

Member Avatar for JOAT
Member Avatar for griffith

PHP UNIX_TIMESTAMP Help!? How do we make a function where after 5 minutes, there is an update query.

Member Avatar for Chosen13
Member Avatar for khess

To you, my loyal readers, I must offer up a sincere apology for my recent post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254705.html"]Five *nix Myths Busted[/URL], and am posting this full retraction for that post. To fully drive home my retraction and refute any myths about my competence with Linux or Unix, I am going to …

Member Avatar for jonkx
Member Avatar for tobes

Can someone help. I need to find the sco openserver licence version on our server. I tried going into "scoadmin" .... it only gives the licence number... not the version number. I know we are on Openserver 5 but Ima not sure whether it is version 5.2 or 5.4..... :confused:

Member Avatar for bbuchen
Member Avatar for nshh

Hi, please answer me the following questions. It will be very useful for me...Thanks in advance. c questions: 1. storage classes (auto, register, extern, static) in c with these informations (scope, lifetime, default value and memory location(where it stored in memory)). 2. why should we use static in function prototype …

Member Avatar for UncleLeroy
Member Avatar for khess

Earlier this evening, I had a conversation with a friend and colleague in the IT business. He runs his own independent computer consulting firm and we were trading war stories about customers, hardware vendors and work sharing. Work sharing, also known as "farming out" work that you can't do yourself …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for ansar_el_sonna

Dears I need your advice to make a c# application which execute UNIX commands The application procedure - connect to UNIX box - execute a UNIX script (such as <touch file_name>) from a C# GUI Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for ansar_el_sonna
Member Avatar for Famous16

Hi all, I have Unix operating system but I couldn't connect to Internet in Unix. Can anyone explain how can I connect to internet in Unix? waiting for reply. With Regards,

Member Avatar for bsdbum
Member Avatar for johndoe444

There are so many information dispersed in so many places. And most of them kind of cover the same set of topics like ps, cd, pwd, chmod, chown, etc. But there are so many things to learn. Really need some advice how to muster all the knowledge.

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for johndoe444

I was wondering where I can find the complete list of unix/linux utilities which can be found in all standard distributions. There is a list in wikipedia: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unix_programs[/url] Is that all?

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for khess

See SCO keep going. Stop SCO Stop. Seriously Stop SCO Stop. In a seriously OMG moment yesterday, [URL="http://www.sco.com"]SCO[/URL] lost another battle in its UNIX ownership claims. The Utah jury decided that [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL], in fact, did not transfer the UNIX copyrights to SCO when they sold UNIXWare to them years before. …

Member Avatar for jameskatt
Member Avatar for methopoth

Howdy People :) I'm a newbie & its my first question here. I've started learning Unix Bourne Shell scripting recently and struggling already :p Can someone PLEASE help me with the following problem. Somehow my script is not working. * Display an initial prompt of the form: Welcome to machine …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for bohongtw

hi there i have an assignment about writing Cshell with some features i m not gonna ask plz gimme the codes or smth. but i need some advice how to start writing it, what to do maybe smn can show me ways to do it , thanks for help here …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for Mysticmev

Hi, I am planning to take up IBM Certified Administrator for Rational ClearCase UNIX. Please can you provide or point out where I can get manuals for recommended Prerequisite Skills * SCM271: Essentials of Rational ClearCase for UNIX * SCM370: Essentials of Configuration Management with Rational ClearCase * SCM471: Mastering …

Member Avatar for iliali16

Guys I am not a good C programmer. I ahve experience with object oriented paradigms such as Java and C# but I never programmed in C or Pascal. I have done some tutorials in C and I seem to grasp some of the ideas of the language but as I …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for freakzilla

Hi guys, I have been trying to implement a shared circular queue between 2 processes. My structures are as follows: [code] typedef struct client_entry { long shmid; int pid; struct client_entry *next; struct client_entry *prev; } client_entry_t; typedef struct client_queue { unsigned int num_entries; long current_shmid; int notify; struct client_entry …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Sobakaa

Hello everybody! I've wrote a very simple echo server, based on a book about LInux socket programming example and it works just fine. My only problem is that i want to use select() function to handle several connections at one time. I've read lots of reference concerning that function and …

Member Avatar for Sobakaa
Member Avatar for pravatkumar

Dear All, I am using solaris server and RHEL5 server . Please anyone send me a shell script to monitor the server cup and memory utilazation And export that data to a csv file. Regards, pravat

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for paddy8788

Hi! I am trying to figure a way to measure a process' system time. The Unix's time command seems in effective because it only displays the result in seconds but my program is small so second is inappropriate. I also tried to use gprof. However gprof uses atexit() to trace …

Member Avatar for paddy8788
Member Avatar for tekneck

I am trying to call a php script from a crontab sh script... I can get it to work if I hardcode each file, but I want to pass a variable to a single php file either from hardcoded calls in the sh script, or even better, by looping through …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

Hi friends , i have a plan to port a open source Linux application into Windows as part of my M. C. A Project. Can u tell me , is it possible to port Linux applications into windows , if yes then which Compiler or IDE i have to use …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.