409 Topics
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Hello, I need help making my shell in c. The shell needs to ignore spaces, this means that you can put the spaces you want an the command needs to work, I already resolved that problem, the next problem is that if you put ; two commands need to be … | |
Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have a university assignment in which I need to program a 2 player pacman game, using C and the Unix operating system. If more than 2 users have typed the command to run the program/s the users must wait in FIFO … | |
This is an assignment question, I know i should do it myself, but believe me i have just learned this subject and couldn't find the answer. Please if someone could give me the answer, i would be greatfull. And please if you could hurry because I have to submit on … | |
Hi, I wanna traverse inside the file system by using threads and processes.My program has to assume the first parameter is either given as "-p" which offers a multi-process application or "-t" which runs in a multi-threaded way. The second parameter is the pathname of a file or directory. If … | |
Hey all! So i've been working on a unix chat server and I think I've done a good job having no idea what I'm doing :-p. The only issue I'm running into is that I can't get it to go 1 to multiple. For instance, the idea is that any … | |
In a shell script, I want to 'spool' (record) the shell prompt & command typed alongwith its output into a file. eg: In the script, if I give a 'ls' command, the file should contain: [CODE] <<root@server ~>>$ ls a b c.txt <<root@server ~>>$ [/CODE] i.e. the command as if … | |
I am taking a data structures class and we are using the standard gcc compiler on a unix system. This is fine and I have no troubles using it, but I would like to begin using an IDE for my labs. I am trying Visual Studio 2010 Professional with my … | |
Hey all. I don't want to be one of those that sounds like HW but they didn't say it was so I'll be honest, this is HW but I feel like I've done enough that it's reasonable to ask for a little help here. This is a snippet from a … | |
hi everyone is there's any different between linux and unix ??? | |
What I want to do is to take the previous day's logfile, strip out the search phrases and insert these into a mysql db. Currently using Deep Log Analyser to manually lift the search terms, but I's appreciate some pointers as to how the parsing could be done by a … | |
Is it possible to somehow use the winsock API on a unix machine? | |
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Hi All, I wonder if anyone could help? I have a large Java program which needs at various points to run UNIX commands. The only wayI have found to do this is below (although I would have liked the program to output all terminal commands into the same window (shell) … | |
hi everyone i'm new to unix/linux . almost know nothing about it , but i wants to learn about it . so how can i get it on my pc . now i use windows xp | |
Hi All, I want to transfer a html file generated by my VB application to my account in Unix Server, please let me know if this is possible and if yes, how can I achieve this? Thanks in advance! | |
Hello, On the UNIX system that I am current working, to open a file in the pico editor ,I need to do the following: [CODE]>./pico filename.c [/CODE] Is there a script/command that I can execute which will remove the dot/slash and change that to: [CODE]> pico filename.c [/CODE] Thank you! | |
Hi there guys, how the hell i am able to create a UNIX window, I mean i am pissed off from that console, and how can I use GTK ? Thanks in advance! | |
I want to export some of the records of a table to a file in Linux. Is there any command for this? | |
Hi, I am trying to run sql command on unix. this results in the following error "sqlplus: not found" Here is the unix part [CODE] sqlplus id/pass@some_server.com<<eof select sysdate from dual; exit eof [/CODE] The database is on a remote server and. Do I need to enter all the tns … | |
I have to: Run the grades program twice, so that it accepts the data in the files t1 and t2 as input for the two respective runs. I ran the grades program, it asked me to enter digits, I have the t1 and t2 files, how do I make the … | |
[CODE]function forcd { len=`wc -c /home/mint/AP/file2.txt | cut -c1-2` cutcmd=`cut -c4-$len /home/mint/AP/file.txt` cd $cutcmd } newvar=`pwd` clear echo "root"$newvar">" read cmd until [ "$cmd" == "exit" ]; do echo $cmd > /home/mint/AP/file.txt cutcmd2=`cut -c1-3 /home/mint/AP/file.txt` if [ "$cmd" == "dir" ]; then ls -l elif [ "$cmd" == "dir /p" … | |
Hi, As part of porting a (mostly C++) library[1] to a "new" operating system[2], I'm trying to link the library's semaphore class to the platform's semaphore implementation. The problem is that the library assumes that the semaphore implementation will be a modern POSIX one[3] but the operating system's semaphores are … | |
Having problems with executing jobs using fork. The code is supposed to create one job and execute one job and repeat this multiple times. We are only supposed to use usleep in the jobgeneration() function. We are having trouble sleeping and executing ctrl-c in the execute job function. [CODE] #include … | |
Hi Guys, I am planning to learn Linux.... I have heard from Many RHCE's that if you will learn Redhat then you will know every Linux Distribution.... Is it true??? My 2nd Question.... I want to practice the Command Line in Linux...You can say want to prepare for RHCT... So … | |
Why am I not able to edit my unix file though i have the permissions -rwxrwxrwx? :( | |
Hi I'm new to Java, I'm trying to convert standard time to Unix time so I can use that data in Max/MSP (to modulate a tone) eventually I will allow this program to take a text file of ordinary times and write to a text file the converted Unix times … | |
Ok wild stab in the dark as i am new to this. I am trying to sutomate an FTP from UNIX box to another UNIX box. Further to aumating an FTP, the file needs to be renamed and a small amount of editing which is the same editing each time. … | |
Hello friends, I am writing a program that behaves like a (Linux)shell (but it's not really a shell because it does not interpret commands itself). It will read some commands like in Linux shell and then run the command in the same window of course. The standard MSDOS shell does … | |
Hello, I am trying to connect a unix server using ssh (phpseclib) and running an external program like 'C' program. I am using exec() to run .exe. My code looks this way [CODE]echo $ssh->exec('./demo.exe');[/CODE] demo.exe is a executable for program to add two numbers and the inputs are hardcoded within … | |
I am trying to write a variable argument function on SUN solaris. According to MSDN, the _vscprintf function that I'm using on windows should work on unix as ANSI is listed. [b]_vscprintf[/b]<stdio.h>ANSI, Win 98, Win Me, Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP [size=2]However, including stdio.h doesn't seem to help. Is … |
The End.