409 Topics

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[URL="http://www.sco.com"]SCO[/URL] is putting up two of its business units on the auction block: Mobile Business and its Unix OpenServer Business. Jeff Hunsaker, President and COO, stated that "The auction, we believe, is the best approach for us to move forward and also to exit bankruptcy." Ah, the agony of utter …

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Linux will continue its soaring success in 2009. Yes, Linux is free and free is good but what about its other advantages over commercial Unix flavors and Windows? Here are the top seven reasons why Linux will continue to smash the competition in the face of the economy, the Cloud, …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Which hypervisor performs better, [url=http://www.xen.org/]Xen[/url] or VMware's [url=http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/esx/]ESX[/url]? That apparently depends on which organization you ask. But for a team that's tasked with choosing a virtualization platform, some impartial data would sure be helpful. "That's where we come in," said Michael Salsburg, director of the [url=http://www.cmg.org]Computer Measurement Group[/url], a non-profit …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Making what now seems like the next logical step for operating system evolution, VMware today told the world about [url=http://www.vmware.com/technology/virtual-datacenter-os/]Virtual Datacenter OS[/url], which it positions as a way to "pool all types of hardware resources--servers, storage and network--into an aggregated on-premise cloud." The solution gives enterprise administrators flexibility and options …

Member Avatar for EddieC

A new application programming interface released this week gives development and test teams the ability to link their ground-based test systems with virtual operating systems accessed through a browser. It all comes from [url=http://www.skytap.com/]Skytap[/url], which earlier this year released [url=http://www.skytap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=120]Virtual Lab[/url], a Web-based infrastructure that provisions virtual hardware, software, networking …

Member Avatar for EddieC

You’re about to begin a project that will tap into or integrate data from a database. You’ve been looking for low-cost ways to clear that data of duplicates, near-dupes, and obsolete or garbage data. But cleansing tools are expensive. As of today, there’s a free solution for you to think …

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Lawyers for [URL=http://busybox.net/]BusyBox[/URL], the open-source Unix utilities popular for use in embedded applications, filed two more copyright infringement lawsuits yesterday, claiming that Bell Microproducts and Super Micro Computer violated terms of the GNU General Public License that governs the software. “Before filing these lawsuits, we contacted both companies and gave …

Member Avatar for khess

Just when you thought it was safe to forget SCO and their ridiculous notions about suing IBM and others for infringing on their copyright ownership of UNIX, it isn't. It's been 5 years since SCO sent out its threatdown letters to large companies telling them that they may owe money …

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Remember when SCO used to be known as a big fish in the Unix OS pond, well respected and pretty much a pillar in this particular vendor community? No, neither do I. The image of a company that sought to claim IBM had somehow inappropriately contributed to Linux development, a …

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Hot on the heels of JavaFX, taking on the likes of Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash, Sun looks set to formally unveil its plans for Project Indiana this week and attack the Linux developer heartlands. Solaris has long been known as the really secure Unix variant that sucks when it …

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Recently I have decided to switch from Ubuntu linux to Freebsd and here I am going to outline why. 1. [B]The Ubuntification of linux:[/B] Lately I have noticed a trend on social bookmarking sites, mainly digg, which have people posting articles with titles like "Ubuntu Tutorials" or something similar. In …

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ReactOS is an open source operating system that has been in development for 10 years. The main goal of the project is to build an operating system that is completly compatible with Windows XP. It uses all free software and uses a similar directory structure and program names to Windows. …

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Member Avatar for mikeandike22

So lately the Apple Fanboys have been talking about this software called Parallels which can emulate Windows inside of Mac OS X. However is this really good or bad for Apple? In the short term I would say yes, but in terms of long term success Microsoft will be hands …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I love IT wars, always have. Back in the day, I was a columnist for a couple of Amiga computer magazines and more than happy to throw my opinion around concerning just why an Atari was such rubbish by comparison. Things have moved on since then, but also stayed much …

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Recently I was at work and I needed to do some css stuff and I did most of it in notepad because the current machine I was on didnt have dreamweaver(and yes it isnt necessary) and so rather than wait for someone to find a copy of dreamweaver and its …

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As from July 11th, some 70 million users of the Windows OS will be left stranded without official support, and that includes no more security updates. By withdrawing support for its Windows 98, Windows 98 SE and Windows ME platforms, Microsoft is effectively leaving around 12.5 percent of Windows users …

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Operating System software is an entity that lives and breaths on it's own. It requires little tweaks and enhancements here and there to make it better, and to fix problems. Such is the case with Apple's Tiger OS X, 10.4, and the release to 10.4.3 Let's look at some of …

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Apple has had a busy month -- a new iPod, new iTunes, new iMac G5, and now, 3 new ultra-cool Powerbooks! Available in the standard 12, 15, and 17" models, these new laptops have new features and performance levels not seen before in Apple's line, and after taking a look …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

A little discussed feature of the upcoming Windows Vista is called 'Freeze Dry', and it's sure to be a blessing for all of us who leave our PCs running rather than shutting everything down when we move away from the keyboard. Have you ever come back only to find that …

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Member Avatar for Dani

My friend Darren from Google just informed me a couple of minutes ago that Google Notifier is out in beta ... for the mac! You can check it out at: [url]http://toolbar.google.com/gmail-helper/index?promo=gdl-en[/url] Now comes the time when I thank Darren for considering the fact that I'm a mac girl and messaging …

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Ladies and Gentlemen, stop the presses! Well, in today's world, I should change that... Stop uploading the websites! This is BIG News. Ever since Apple came out with the Macintosh (1984), they have only shipped with one-button mice. Even mice prepared for the Apple IIe / IIc / IIgs had …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

John C. Dvorak has a vision and I suspect it may be myopic. Over at Ziff-Davis’s PCMag, the renowned John C. Dvorak has witnessed Windows Vista’s arrival as an almighty dull thud, and sees recent events as a potential portent of the demise of the mighty Microsoft. [url]http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1840480,00.asp[/url] Windows Vista …

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Member Avatar for bumsfeld

Question of wordcount program similar to Unix wc came up in the forum and I worked on a solution. Program shows number of lines, number of words, number of characters and text file's name. Good learning for commandline, file and string handling.

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This is a little code for a shell that allows for simple redirection and multiple yes! MULTIPLE piping abilities. It is slightly glitched for background processes, and this is only my second program written with C/C++ so it looks to be quite inefficient, but the piping works pretty nicely. The …

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Member Avatar for anurag_pareek

This Program gives the UserDetails of the logged in User. a) The RealName b) Login Name ( Why do we need this?) c) Home Directory d) Default Login Shell Additional Purpose of this code would be to invoke/ learn at man getpwuid and about struct passswd

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Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i just got myself a mac book and don't know much about its unix. first of all, i would really like to know if there is a repository like redhat so i can do "yum" to search and install the repository packages. when i do "uname" it is Darwins …

Member Avatar for syahrizal
Member Avatar for pixiewolfe

Hello, I would like to download a compiler that works with max os x MacBook Pro that when doing my Unix homework I can compile and then know it works before I go to the University's website to log in and run the program. Or do I have to use …

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Member Avatar for bluem1

Ok, so this may be an odd question but I am just not sure about this. I have a customer who has multiple sites with the same content on some pages. We are trying to figure out if there is a way using some type of include file if we …

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Member Avatar for karpaklu

hai dani, pls anyone help me how to add data into filename actually i tried like this: $str|cat >> EmpFile for the above statement im not able to do coz even $str is also considere as command. how to insert the value?

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Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello everyone! I'm having a bad time trying to find a solution to my problem: I'm developping a client-server application. On the server side, I am calling a method, Recoit (receive), that calls internally msgrcv(), a UNIX system call for message-passing purposes. The problem is that I always receive a …


The End.