409 Topics

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Member Avatar for connColl

Hello, <br /><br /> We are struggling with getting IIS 6 (Win 2003 server) to connect to a Samba share that contains some dynamically generated resources. We are able to mount the drive on the Windows server and create a Virtual Directory to that new drive using 'Connect As' with …

Member Avatar for esesili

Hi All, I got a program which was written in c++ for unix at 1999. There are almost a hundred of source code files and makefile is available also. I do not have access to unix because of this, I need to get it worked in windows. My question is …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for khess

I love mythology and there's nothing like hearing a technology myth to make my day complete. Just today someone applied one of the following myths in a conversation with me. I didn't say anything but it gave me the idea for this post. Here are the five myths related to …

Member Avatar for ripratm
Member Avatar for jananis

Hi all can anyone please help me write a shell script for file transfer from windows to unix server and vice versa. i m new to unix shell scripting so kindly bare with the small mistakes tht i mite have made the code is: [CODE]#!/bin/sh filename="sample.txt" user='user' password='passwd' IP='some ip' …

Member Avatar for jananis
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

What is free solution available. I need to do two things: 1. Connect at machine in same office. I cannot use RDP as it is KDE Mandriva machine. 2. Connect fro home to that machine without VPN i.e over internet Thanks

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for prankyrules

Hey guys, I have a already written package in python2.5.1 for windows,it includes wxpython biopython1.44 modules and now i want to transfer it to unix server,is there any way i can do that or i have to write that functions again...\ Thanks in advance Prankyrules

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Gonbe

Hello. I'm writing a program in C that should ask for a line of input, and extract the process name and parameters. This doesn't have to be totally bulletproof at this point. An example input could be: "Hello these are parameters". On this example "Hello" would be the string i …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I have not been using unix itself for long I usually just brows the file system via the window ui, now I know how to change directory using the cd command, but how do I move backwords. Say i go to documents/applications, what command would take me back …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for afireinside7710

hey guys, first post. I have a program that takes a file from a windows box, and FTP's it to a unix/linux box. The program works fine, however there is something i want to add to it. I want the program to send 2 commands to the unix box while …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for avirag

Hi all I am making a code for folder lock, for that i made a unix code in notepad which makes a batch file of that but i am having a problem in this, when i run this batch file the folder converts into control panel shape.But i want that …

Member Avatar for Mattpd

I officially have the worst C professor in the world. The guy hasn't answered my email in weeks and I don't have a class meeting before this assignment is due, so I have come here for some help. If anyone could point me in the right direction any part of …

Member Avatar for Trad
Member Avatar for Yeen

I've got a bit of a problem. I've got a test tomorrow in python programming, and I've been learning the language using 3.1. The computers we're taking the test on all have 2.6 installed. They're Linux (not very familiar with Unix). Obviously this is troublesome. I don't want to spend …

Member Avatar for Yeen
Member Avatar for khess

I've done a bit of research on Windows 7 Enterprise to discover some of its new features and to uncover its secrets. From what I've seen so far, [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] has provided some interesting Linux-esque features that might accidentally boost Linux adoption as a side effect. The two primary features to …

Member Avatar for MikeAinOz
Member Avatar for naziatarannum

Hi all, I have a simple question as it appears. But am unable to get the solution. Question is -how do I get the access time of a file in unix. please advise on the command. Thanks

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for PopeJareth

Can Someone tell me why these files won't compile on unix but work fine (mostly) in windows? It looks like unix-land doesn't load the variables from the inherited class QueueArray into the proper scope. prog5.cpp is supposed to create 3 different types of Deque classes. each Deque inherits from ArrayQueue …

Member Avatar for PopeJareth
Member Avatar for jerrytouille

Let's start with 1 pipe such as ex: "ls | grep hello" What I'm trying to do is to split the *args[] into 2 that one contains "ls" (left-of-the-pipe command) and the other contains "grep hello" (right command) -> so I can execute the child pipe as producer and parent …

Member Avatar for jerrytouille
Member Avatar for onemanclapping

Hi, I'm an IT Engineering student and I have the task of doing, in C, a function that does on linux the equivalent of the 'locate' function. Can someone help me? I need ideas for how to read a file system! How can I list directories (to a string or …

Member Avatar for redpython

Hi all – I am running Python 2.6.2 in a Windows XP Pro environment. I am trying to write my first python/cgi script combo and they must execute on a Linux websever. After surfing the web I realize that MS-DOS and Unix systems use different methods to identify end-of-line information …

Member Avatar for redpython
Member Avatar for want_to_code

what are the ways that a process can be created in UNIX apart from fork/vfork?

Member Avatar for 50701735
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

one of my trusted friends said that even microsoft uses unix servers as a response to my comparison of unix vs windows servers. What do you think?

Member Avatar for zcat
Member Avatar for OneDreamCloser

hi all, i am using a unix script to control various pieces of code, sometime i call this python script, HOW can i store the result of the python script INTO an array defined in my unix script ? thanx

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

I'm writing a program that needs to use only the Unix system calls open, read and write to get and print data!The problem is that the program doesn't allow me to input the marital status of the first student! Am I missing something? Here is the code: [code] #include<stdio.h> #include …

Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

from telnet application i want to run windows program. for example when i type vi, i want to run notepad.exe with the output of vi. how can i do that ? thanks.

Member Avatar for Point Red
Member Avatar for Samyx

I am using the file ex3test.c to run the following program, but the UNIX gives the errors: [38] $ gcc -o ex3test ex3test.c Undefined first referenced symbol in file discrete_uniform /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o printFirst /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o addToList /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o printSecond /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o disparity /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o clearList /tmp/scratch.hYayTQ/ccRDoT1o.o ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to …

Member Avatar for Samyx
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for zeeli

Hi, I am a total newbie when it comes to makefiles and now I'm in a need of one. I have a directory structure as follows: [CODE] Project_root/Makefile Project_root/src/ Project_root/src/widgets/ Project_root/include/ Project_root/include/widgets/ [/CODE] Each directory contains multiple source/header files. I need to build a shared library out of this directory. …

Member Avatar for khess

Just when you thought it was safe to return to those keyboards knowing that all is well with the world and the ownership of Unix is happy with its rightful owner, Novell; he's baaaack. I'm sure that I'm not the first to look at this latest news and say "WHAA? …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for khess

OK, I can't resist this whole SCO thing, since it has again raised its ugly head. My [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4658.html"]previous post[/URL] on the subject the other day drew a lot of attention from a diverse gaggle of readers and commenters so I thought I'd go back to the well at least once …

Member Avatar for decentralist
Member Avatar for happygeek

Did anyone else get just a wee zing of excitement at 11.30pm (GMT) last night? I will admit to raising my glass and downing a large Jim Beam Black in order to celebrate the fact that UNIX Time had hit 123 billion seconds. OK, so I am a geek, what …

Member Avatar for AceofSpades19
Member Avatar for khess

In a recent [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/pdfs/Novell_Replacement.pdf"]report[/URL] by ComputerWorld, Unix is losing major ground in the SAP data center space. HP-UX is losing at a rate of about 41% and AIX (IBM) is losing at a rate of 18%. And in the time period (roughly 2.5 years) between October 2005 through March 2008, …

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The End.