20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I need help with this script, i can't seem to use this to switch beteen dll files that contain a form eg. if i use it to open a form from the dll file called "Dll One" then when i click the button again it still opens the …

Member Avatar for indrajeet6

Hi all, I had originally installed MS SQL Server 2008 R2 in my C: when I was developing the application. While I had the SQL DErver in my C:, everything was fine, no problems at all. Then I began getting low disc space messages, so I uninstalled it from my …

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Member Avatar for LucianAdamson

I've been through post after post after post for the last few hours trying to figure this out... im new to the XML parsing stuff so I am starting to get frustrated. Here is a sample of the XMl im trying to parse: <level id="1"> <prop n="PROPERTY" v="VALUE"/> </level> <level …

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Member Avatar for LucianAdamson

Hello all! Hopefully there is someone out there who can help me with what I need to achieve. Goal: Loop through XML file, reading node by node searching for a node with a specific attribute with a specific value, then write to another attribute of said node found. I feel …

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make grid transition in visual studio using the language visual basic. Please help...

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for lich

i want to connect the sql dabase to vb.net form. can anyone tel me how to do it. i tired google. but it only says about ms access database. please help me

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for kayceedude

I have a program below that I want to display when checkbox is checked and hide when unchecked. I created a Message Label for it but the thing is that when its unchecked, my messagelabel and message displays.... Pls is there a way I can hide the message without the …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for keyontes

Need help building a Shipping Calc with some limitation really confused on how to word and code this program. Below is the code I already have after creating the form. This is my assignment Weight of the Package (in kilograms) / Shipping rate per Mile 2kg or less / $0.01 …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for midnite11

Hi, I need to fill a toolstripcombobox with dates. The values in the toolstripcombobox need to be sorted by date. The database field that I am pulling to fill this toolstripcombobox has the following fixed format: 201201, 201211. So, I first need to convert the retrieved values from YYYYMM to …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

i have a MySQL table with the following columns: employeeID, firstName, lastName, gender, salary. whenever i insert a new record for this table i want to be able to retrieve the employeeID of that record. how should i write the commands in VB.Net

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for akasekaihime

Hello good evening to all of you! I know this question is basic but I am really having a hard time doing it. I am a creating a Employee information system. My dilemma is I want to view all the informtion of all the employees from the department that I …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i want to call items in a database based on a date range...can someone help me with this..i really don't have any idea how

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Member Avatar for revathi.sampath.90

i have two textbox..TimeInTextbox that contains time in for example(8:00 am) and TimeOutTextbox that contains time out for example(5:00 pm), i want to add TimeInTextbox and TimeOutTextbox to get the total working hours but how am i suppposed to do that?

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Member Avatar for shriram.pendse

Hello Stallwarts, I am making a simple VB.net HMI application. I have dlls which give me functions to read / write registers from PLC / controllers. Now How do I do this ??? One threads keeps communicating with devices with these read write functions. Another thread looks after GUI and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello everyone I've been searching for help for a long time and still can't find somebody to solve it for me :(, The problem is im not good at explaining it , But here is the problem I'm creating an application in visual basic 2010, and i was aiming to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for aerandir.miriel

i got error when making this code. Here is i attach my code and tables: My Tables are =============================== **PRODUCT** **TR_RECEIVE_PRODUCT** >ID_PRODUCT >ID_RECEIVE_PRODUCT >NAME >ID_PRODUCT >CURRENT_STOCK >DATE_IN >STOCK_IN ==================================== ============================================================================= Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim connectionString As …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Linuxfreak17

Hello all, I am new to vb.net and I am having a problem. I have to search a selection of drives for specific files, but whenever I get to a harddrive, the application experiences an path access exception, specificly, whenever the application attempts to search SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION, RECYCLE.BIN and …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was making my own custom window and i need help with making it in wpf, i am new to wpf so i don't know much XAML so i was wondering if you can help?, this is what i wan't. In the example i'm using the minimize button. …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for kenomote

Any idea on how to Add dates based on the number inside the data tables? for example I set the limit of Days of books for borrwing it then i set the amount of fine that will generate if the the borrowed books is not returned IE: `DateNow * Value …

Member Avatar for kenomote
Member Avatar for shriram.pendse

Hello, Shriram Pendse from Pune , India. Industrial Automation system dev (i.e. PLC PAC SCADA HMIs Drives etc), now venturing into VB.net. Presently launching MiniSCADA or PC based HMI for those who cant afford commercial SCADA.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kkhembrom

Dear Sir, I am building a software in visual studio 2010 Ultimate, by using VB ; I want to know how I can customize the report in crystal report as I am unable to make any kind of customization . So that I can change the look of the report …

Member Avatar for khair.ullah
Member Avatar for priyanka9
Member Avatar for muhammad.ibraheem

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class test Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim txtName As String = TextName.Text Dim txtcomment As String = TextComment.Text Dim txtemail As String = TextEmail.Text Dim con As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand con.ConnectionString = "SqlData Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=App_Data\library.mdf; Integrated …

Member Avatar for muhammad.ibraheem
Member Avatar for jdaniel13

I'm trying to do, an order and some orderline. Imagine that the user come and select several item from the shop then when he click on the checkout, the reference number in the order is send back to the several item in the orderline table. How would i insert that …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for TeaYou

Hello! I'm very new to visual basic and I'm stuck at transfering the text from one label on a form to another via a button click event I have 2 forms which I will call A and B. On form A I have a menu which when clicked brings up …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for salam786191
Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i want to add dates from two datetimepicker...for example the user chooses the date 1/1/2012 in the first picker and chooses 1/3/2012 in the second picker the answer should be 3 that will be shown in a textbox.. this is the codes that i tried: Dim dt1 As Date = …

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for trevor.hood.921

**Background**: I have a friend who lets me use his MySQL database on hostedresource.com. He has successfully accessed the database with this snippet of PHP code: `mysql_connect ('dbname.db.1234567.hostedresource.com', 'dbname', 'password')` I tried to access the database with the following vb.NET code: Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Imports System.Data Public Class classDataConnector Private connection …

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Member Avatar for hdeo1235

hey guys! i have a problem, for my GCSE i have been given the task of making a prixe draw program, which allows the user to add 10 names then select a name at random. i have come to a problem when i have tried using a for loops to …

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The End.