20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dili1234

I used this code delete recods from table ............ in VBP is database name Sell-is a table name The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Sells_Product_Details". The conflict occurred in database "VBP", table "dbo.Sells", column 'P_Id'. The statement has been terminated. Dim check As Integer Dim cmdproduct As New …

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Member Avatar for arslanazam90

"SELECT * FROM table where column=" & Request.QueryString("querystringfeild") i want to add order by condition along with where condition. But i don't know how to write syntax please help me. thanks!

Member Avatar for xerohomicide
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

in my work i get 03:00:00 as the total hours work..how can i make it in just 3? Dim TimeOutHours = TimeSpan.FromHours(Val(DateTime.Parse(TimeOfDay.ToString(Me.TimeOutTextBox.Text.Trim)).Hour)) Dim TimeInHours = TimeSpan.FromHours(Val(DateTime.Parse(TimeOfDay.ToString(Me.TimeInTextBox.Text.Trim)).Hour)) Dim TimeOutMins As Integer = (Val(DateTime.Parse(TimeOfDay.ToString(TimeOutTextBox.Text)).Minute)) Dim TimeInMins As Integer = (Val(DateTime.Parse(TimeOfDay.ToString(TimeInTextBox.Text)).Minute)) Dim mingreat As TimeSpan = TimeOutHours.Subtract(TimeInHours).Subtract(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)) Dim minless As TimeSpan = TimeOutHours.Subtract(TimeInHours) …

Member Avatar for xerohomicide
Member Avatar for thewilf

Hi All, Got an issue that I know is quite common and read through lots of guides but cant see where I am going wrong. Got the code below which when form is loaded goes and grabs user from a table of usernames and puts them against a combo box …

Member Avatar for thewilf
Member Avatar for UKnod

Here is what I am trying to do: From VB.net open a word template --- Done Populate it from a database ------Done Have word report back with the saved file name so as I can add it to the database history ----Not done. I know is has something to do …

Member Avatar for UKnod
Member Avatar for SQLpower

My Insert statement is not working for some reason and I cannot figure out why. Any help would be highly appriciated. Imports MySql.Data Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class frmCreateUser Dim connectionstring As String Dim dbCon As MySqlConnection Dim strQuery As String = "" Dim SQLCmd As MySqlCommand Dim DR As MySqlDataReader …

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Member Avatar for Jawow

I'm working on a homework in which i need to create a Pizza order form. I've created the form along with the code but when i debug it, it gives me error. Errors below:(i've attached my code) C:\Users\Vasquez\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Pizza Order\Pizza Order\Form1.vb(113) : error BC30451: Name 'txtSurname' is not declared. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for zarifin99ska

hello, i'm doing a searching form, here is my code [CODE] Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim rd As OleDbDataReader con.ConnectionString = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Bengkel\Project\db.mdb") cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from Book where authorName like '%" & textsearch.Text & "%'" cmd.Connection = con con.Open() rd = cmd.ExecuteReader …

Member Avatar for sinsarith
Member Avatar for tieties

ok i need help with this code i more than triple checked the spelling so i dont know what is wrong anymore and i have checked that i inserted the right data also. This is my code i use to insert into my DB when i break it i get …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pratik65

hi, frnds i am making a project on Grading System of school and i am using vb.net 2010 as my front end and SqlExpress as my back end . i have a Marks_Table in my database in which user stores student marks info . i want to generate marksheet on …

Member Avatar for tooGr8

Can someone please show me how to get the Odd number using the For..Next loops in VB I have declared the following; Dim intCounter As Interger Dim intStartValue As Interger Dim intEndValue As Interger Dim intSum As Interger intStartValue = 0 intEndValue = 50 intSum = 0 Iam trying to …

Member Avatar for khair.ullah
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

Hi! How should I get date, month & year in ascending order there in Crystal report? I have written following code there in my form to show report. Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Public Class Income_Sheet_Report Private Sub Income_Sheet_Report_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load cmbisrbdt.Items.Clear() …

Member Avatar for Gus_19

I have a loop to look for the key i.d. "veh2." The loop is there because even though the next line in the text file is where it should be, it is not there in all cases. The problem I'm having as far as wording or a way to go …

Member Avatar for Gus_19
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hi all, i am not able to redirect/login to my owa page. when i run my code below commandd windoe comes and disappears nothing happens. please seemy code below: Sub main() Dim strServerName As String = "12.345.56.789" ' my owa ip Dim strPassword As String = "password" 'my password Dim …

Member Avatar for pratik65

i am trying to get crystal report of my Marks_master Records From Table . I tried Following Code But It is Giving Me Exception As : System.IO.FileNotFoundException was unhandled Message=Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\dotnet1\crdb_adoplus.dll' or one …

Member Avatar for lulu79

Hi, How can i change the bar chart color after I click a button? Here is the senario. I have a bar chart to show line progress. Here is the 3 condition for the bar chart: 1) Before the bar chart reach maximum limit, the color will set to blue. …

Member Avatar for lulu79
Member Avatar for seeking_help

If ofd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Try TempImage = Image.FromFile(ofd.FileName) imagename = ofd.FileName System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("filetest.exe", imagename) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("sobel2.exe", ofd.FileName) PictureBox1.Image = TempImage this is my code. sobel2.exe works file with the argument. but filetest.exe hangs and gives win32 unhandles exception if i give a proper filename within codes to imagename filetest.exe works fine.. …

Member Avatar for seeking_help
Member Avatar for muhammad.ibraheem

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Configuration Partial Class books Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not IsPostBack Then BindRatingControl() End If End Sub Protected Sub RatingControlChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for lulu79

How can I change the color of bar chart based on value in database column? For example, in table "STATUS" in my database, I have 3 type of value. What I want is: 1) If the value = 0, then color will change to blue. 2) If the value = …

Member Avatar for lulu79
Member Avatar for Neethaa

Sub empno() ComboBox2.Items.Clear() sql = "select empno from tbl_empinfo" If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close() rs.Open(sql, conn) Do While rs.EOF = False ComboBox2.Items.Add(rs(0).Value) rs.MoveNext() Loop End Sub how do i write this for an access connection???

Member Avatar for xerohomicide
Member Avatar for poojavb

Need help while working with timer.... I am trying to do the database restoring part.... When the user clicks on the restore database button the progress bar shud be shown and as soon as the restoring is completed the progress bar shud stop and display success msg... Right now I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Neethaa

Actually I'm doing a project to maintain the company info, here i wanted to write a code to check whether the company id already exists or not. that is if the id 123 is already present in the access database then it shuld show the msg that it already exist. …

Member Avatar for Neethaa
Member Avatar for tieties

How do you display an image in a dgv..i can display all the other info in the table, just need to know how to display an image.

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i have here a code that add timeintextbox and timeouttextbox to calculate for the total hours work. my problem is that i want to subtract 1hour in the total hours work for the break time..please any idea on how should i do this? Dim TimeA As Date Dim TimeB As …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for seeking_help

so i am using visual basic express edition 2010 i am now able to select an image and displaying it in the picture box. now i need to run a c code (its exe file) by clicking a button in the vb form. i was able to this too by …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for virusisfound

Hi all, I want to create a crystal report. Before print the document I want to see the output first, and then give the print command. On print button, But the problem is I have dot-matrix printer and I the page size is fix. So how can I overcome this …

Member Avatar for steveeshair
Member Avatar for sheetal1289

hi while resetting text box value to blank it gives error txt_cash_acc.text='' Error : conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.// thank you in advance

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for ohwhatacuteanaconda

I have to use a basic ByRef and ByVal in a program and its not showing up in the labels when I hit the calculate button. The program I am creating is very basic and it calculates your age, nextyear age, month born, astrological sign, days old and seconds old. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for KatyHex

I have always used Excel.interop before but I thought oledb would be simpler because, for this application, I only have to read the data which it can't seem to do. It accesses the file alright because I can't open the file while I am at a breakpoint. It attempts to …

Member Avatar for AutoTester
Member Avatar for pratik65

i have a database table and it has some column with duplicate values , and i want to get that column value of the table in a combobox, but i want every value single time not repeatedly ... i tried but it is still giving me all values in the …

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The End.