20,284 Topics
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Hello everyone... I love the magic that programming does, that's why am here. Right here, I am using ..........Visual Studio (VB.net) 2012 ..........SQL Server 2012 I am actually creating a program to do two main functions.... 1). To Search for records from multiple MSsql tables and display the result in … | |
I cannot make my program calculate the total of two integers (one on the main form, and the other on a different form). It keeps putting in the value "0", but when I tried it without a button it'd always just put one of the chosen integers instead of adding … | |
hey guys i need some help on my code here.......... im trying to do some computation about the biling system or a library if the borrwer returns the book on time it will be no charge.......but if hte book is damage then it will charge him trice the ammount of … | |
Hello, I am trying to make a program that allows redstone circuits to be made in for Minecraft,but how do I export the world into a .schematic file if the program each block ID and coords? | |
Hey Guys, I'm an A level student studdying Computer science, and hence using VB.NET for my coursework. Therefore I'm very novice at VB! While trying to update Data in a Microsoft Office, Access table (Office 2010) - I get this error. (In VB) Bare in mind, I've read all this … | |
I have 2 graphics I draw onto a form. 1 Graphic is a Randomly Generated Star Field, these stars move, and are updated every tick on a timer(50ms) Once the stars have been drawn/updated a cockpit is overlayed onto this image to give the appearance of moving through space. The … | |
I'm new at vb.net. i'm making a calculator using only 1 text box and want that my text box show the value( assigned to first variable at run time) along with the operator[+,-,*,/] in upper line and then the value entered in the lower line should be assigned to the … | |
**For our final requirement before my groupmates and i can graduate we have to develop a LAN-Based Enrollment system we searched about the pros and cons when it comes to using either Access or MySql as the database and the majority of the results are in favor of using Mysql … | |
OpenConn() Dim qqttyy As Integer = Val(ListView1.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(3).Text) Dim codee As String = ListView1.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(1).Text OleDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE Inventry SET QTY = QTY -'" & qqttyy & "'WHERE CODE ='" & codee & "'" OleDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() CloseConn() | |
The code in this snippet (and attached project zip) demonstrates how to use a background worker thread to monitor a network address (name or IP). It shows how to start and stop the thread and how to update controls in the main thread using delegates. It should be simple to … | |
I want to format my textboxes in such a way that when someone fills in the details in the textbox if they press enter button on the keybord the focus is given to the next textbox that they should fill in .I tried the code below that we used in … | |
I have this webpage. It has a wysiwyg html editor. It will create a blog post to my blogs with its contents everytime I hit submit. I hired someone to create this webpage so I cannot edit it. I don't want to mess it up. I created a program in … | |
Can someone help me... I am new to vb.net with sql connection and I can't fix this error : variable name '@date' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique-- I need this to be fixed "ASAP" Im running out of time here because of the error here is … | |
hi everyone! i was wondering if anyone could hed me in the right direction 2 programming a program like pinger (preferably vb.net). i have visual studio .net 10 so can someone help me? thx! | |
Hello all. I'm using an API function via PInvoke, with the interesting data being returned to a pointer. My application crashes when attempting to free the pointer. If run with no breakpoints, the application hangs on Line 61 below. After the first run, it will then throw a memory exception … | |
Private Sub ComboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.SelectedIndexChanged txtdayattended.Enabled = True sql = " select work_day from tbl_yearset where month='" & ComboBox3.Text & "'" If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close() rs.Open(sql, conn) If rs.EOF = False Then txtworkday.Text = rs(0).Value End If End Sub Please let … | |
Hi, I use databinding.addnew() but when I try to type data in cell an error message apper(DBNULL Exception).... Pls let me konw: How can I insert or edit data in DataGrid Thanks | |
Hey guys i need some help on how to save Values in My.Settings Two texboxes to save two different values and be albe to read those values or laod them when the program is oppned again...and also to be able to be replaced those values... | |
Private Sub btnInsert_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim Pnum As Integer Dim InDate As Date Dim PDate As Date Dim Amount As Integer Dim CmpID As Integer Dim Tax As Integer Dim TaxAmt … | |
I have 3 TextBoxes in my Project Form , textbox1 is for taking Maximum_Marks, TextBox2 is for Minimum_Marks and the textbox3 is for taking Obtained_Marks ,but i dont want my Obtained_Marks textbox should take value Greater than Maximum_Marks textbox1 value or Less Than Minimum_Marks textbox2 value. i am trying to … | |
Hello guys I have got a little programme that been written in Python, I did connect it to an application been created in Visual Basic 2010, But to run the Python file, Of course you will need to install the Python software/Format to be able to run the python file, … | |
Private Sub chktop_Click(Index As Integer) 'read toppings PizzaTop = chktop(Index).Caption End Sub Private Sub cmdBuild_Click() 'message box Dim message As String Dim message2 As String Dim I As Integer Dim b As Double Dim e As Double Dim PizzaSize As String Dim PizzaCrust As String Dim PizzaWhere As String If … | |
I want to send the message from my PC to my mobile usnig vb.net...... please help me.... it's urgent...... and if possible please provide the code.... thank you for your help in advance.... :) | |
Hi all! I have a table with (StudentID,Physics,Chemistry,Total,Average) I want to pull values of Physics,Chemistry and calculate Total and then Average for a specific StudentID. With the following code: "SELECT SUM (IIF(ISNULL([Physics]),0,[Physics])) As Phy, SUM (IIF(ISNULL([Chemistry]),0,[Chemistry])) As Chem, SUM([Physics])+Sum([Chemistry]) as Total FROM tblForm1 WHERE StudentID = '" & Trim(Me.txtSearch.Text) & … | |
I want to display datatable result in a label. I have something like this : PLEASE TAKE ACTION FOR LINE **LABEL** But i want the result to be like this: PLEASE TAKE ACTION FOR LINE **Z3, Z5, Z8** I try to use loop but still cant get the result that … | |
I want to perform an UPDATE query but i'm getting this error: ![errorHAVING](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL2Vycm9ySEFWSU5HLkpQRw%3D%3D/500 "errorHAVING") This is my Sub in vb.net: Public Sub changeStatus() Dim Sqlstr As String Dim connectionString As String = "server=xxxx;uid=xxxx;pwd=xxxx;database=xxxx" Dim strtTime As String Dim endTime As String strtTime = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") & " " & "06:15:00" endTime … | |
Hello everyone In my app i'm using the counter and timer, But im stuck with resetting the counter My code is: If Timer2.Enabled = True Then counter = counter + 1 Label1.Text = counter If Label1.Text = "180" Then Timer2.Enabled = false Timer3.Enabled = true End If End If End … | |
| Hello, I need a code that will check if a certain text exist. This is how it's now: If TextBox2.Text = ".sys\clock" Then TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + Environment.NewLine + ("It's") + DateTime.Now End If and I want to make something like this If TextBox2.Text = ".sys\clock" Then TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text … |
Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a program that will copy text from an excel spreatsheet and place it in another using visualbasic.net not vba? Please Help |
The End.