20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for Programmer629

Hi everyone. im kinda bored so i made my own code language. the code is like a=e b=q c=m d=p e=i ect. so i made it into a program. so i started to fill in the code: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim …

Member Avatar for Programmer629
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

Hi everyone! I have used following code to show dates in combo boxes. Private Sub Income_Sheet_Report_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load cmbisrbdt.Items.Clear() cmbisrbdt.Text = "BEGINNING DATE" cmbisredt.Items.Clear() cmbisredt.Text = "END DATE" Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) Dim com As SqlCommand = Nothing Dim …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Nutster

If am writing a VB.Net module for a project I am working on and have decided to try out different ways of doing some things, without getting rid of the older code that worked. I am selecting between these methods by setting a `#Const` at the beginning of the Module …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for prince.abankwah.5

i have a checkbox (ckVat) and a textbox (txtvat). what i want to do is that when i check the checkbox, it should pull data from the database into the textbox. the table from which am retrieving the data is called "Vat" so i want it to pull the vat …

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Member Avatar for rexyspy

Hello Everyone... Can someone tell me what am not doing right here? Because am trying to insert a record into a database through a VB.net 2012 windows form into a MSsql satabase. Problems: When I write the codes without the insert statement, it will work well and open the connection. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Kukonangagila

Guys, i have a project payroll system, i want to generate reports, im using databinding source to add, update, delete, data.. I need to create 3 reports "any kind report format". Example1 for payroll payslip: i have Emptable and payroll table. in emptable contains empID, empfname, emplname, etc.. and payroll …

Member Avatar for Rachna0309

| Sr.No | Membership No | Name | Addresss | Occupation | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Account | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | 35957 | SHAH HEMANGINI KANAIYALAL NATVARLAL |SHROFF STREET,, KILLA PARDI, DIST.VALSAD, Pardi, Pin Cd : 396125 | | 1 | 35959 | SARSIWALA SAKINABEN ASGARALI ABDULHUSEIN |OPP.HIGHPOWER SODA FACTORY,, DUNGRI FALIA,DAMNI …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

**I have a text file as below:** I have a text file as below:  BRANCH :SARDAR BHILADWALA PARDI PEOPLE'S CO-OP. ,Head Office NODE : 9 BRANCH CODE : 1 RUN DATE :11/05/2009 USER : SNA REPORT ID :R048260 * AREA WISE MEMBER LISTING OF SHARE CUSTOMERS ** PAGE : …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for lulu79

Hi, I have 2 datagridview. 1 to show TANTOU, TOTAL SUM of DURATION and COUNT of event happened. Another 1 is to show TANTOU, AVERAGE of DURATION and COUNT of event happened. I have use LINQ function to get the result. But how can i combine it so that i …

Member Avatar for vijaycare

Hi All, I am working for a database solution using vs 2005, and it is in final stage for reporting. I have 3 access databases. One is for selecting godown. And the remaining is godownwise databases. The godownwise databases having same structure (Tables and relationship but the data may be …

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Member Avatar for Blaze_Razgriz

Hello Forum I'm learning more about Form Apps in VB.net and I encountered the error 'System.ObjectDisposedException', no matter what I do this error doesn't seem to want to stop. This error occurs in two stages all under the declaration of BBGO which is declared as graphics. This should be the …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for Rachna0309

I am using Like operator in ms access query to get part of string.This query runs well in ms access query wizard but when I use this query to retrieve records in recordset,recordset is null. Also I am using update query with like operator.Records are not updated and also no …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for hhm_pro992

OpenConn() Dim li As Integer Dim qqttyy As Integer = Val(ListView1.Items(li.Index).SubItems(3).Text) Dim codee As String = ListView1.Items(li.Index).SubItems(1).Text OleDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE Inventry SET QTY = QTY -'" & qqttyy & "'WHERE CODE ='" & codee & "'" OleDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() CloseConn()

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I want to know if there is a way to make a program that will click a button on a webbrowser but the button does not have a name (name="") or id (id="") property it just has a class (class="") property and if there is a way is …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for pratik65

i am making a project in vb.net 2010 with SQLEXPRESS as back end. i tried to run on my college computer but i think i may to again make full database on the college pc and then run..? is there any solution so that i dont have to make the …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for PrasannaKB

Hi All i have generated matlab code into stand alone (DLL) using matlab builde NE,i writen interfacing code to Proficy Trouble shooter and cause+ tool in visual studio,i have used thes MATLAB DLL as add reference inthe program and i am able to build .NET Assembly (DLL),If i integrat this …

Member Avatar for summey

I am trying to load two text files from a dialogbox into a listbox. I noticed in the dialogbox properties there is a place for multiselction but how would i pass both textboxes to an array?

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Member Avatar for JAVA-Shake

Hello Friends, I try to find a solution to place subscript/superscript in labels with VB2010. Is there a syntax to fix this problem for my chemical equations?

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for ms061210

** Please help me debug the code, I am experiencing error in this part: cmd.CommandText = "select ROUND(((date_from - date_to)/30),0) as months from rental where tenant_id = '" & Me.TextBox9.Text & "'" cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text It says: Error while retriving record on the table.. There is already an open Data …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for pratik65

i want to Autogenerate id column in my database table , my code is given below . it is not workin it is giving me Exception as "startIndex Cannot be larger than Length of string , parameter:startIndex ".how should i solve it Private Sub AutoGenerateNo() Dim no As String Try …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mattwagner

Hello, I'm very new to using VB.Net so I found it quite difficult to understand other answers that I searched for. Basically, I have an project to develop where a user can create an account, and log in with it. So far I have : Created a database in ms …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for purijatin

I have a barcode scanner. So when the barcode is scanned using a gun, the value normally is entered to textfield placed on the screen. So I have made an excel macro. And when the barcode is scanned, the text appears on the cell ending with the new line character …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for aishapot

Sub filllist() strsql = "select * from tabletest" ListView1.Items.Clear() sqlcmd.CommandText = strsql sqlcmd.Connection = sqlconn sqldr = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader() [B] sqlda.SelectCommand = sqlcmd -- the error is pointing here and it say NullReferenceException was handled then Object reference not set to an instance of an object. How do i solve this? …

Member Avatar for neeturathi
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

Hello, I've recently created a vb.net windows form application which i user the background worker component in it, Now i'm trying to do the the same for smart devices in C#.NET or VB.NET, how to do threading in smart devices , what i basically wanna do is start a loop …

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for nore

I have a data table with query inside, then i need to sent value of data table exactly in datagridview i made before. Anyone can do this?:-/

Member Avatar for pcs77
Member Avatar for UKnod

Is there any way of running and compiling with known errors in the code. Her is my reason. I am using a reference to word 2008 and word 2010, so as the program will work with both versions. Trouble is that if the computer I am using to test the …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for kenomote

hey guys i need some help on table values for example i have a table for books and it has two fields one is number of Copies and Number of Borrowed how do i subtract and add values to each fields for every single transaction on the same table?

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Member Avatar for zalen17

Can you give me some codes of how to make a Online Grading Enquiry System using visual basic. i need your help sir beacause this is uour project. hope can you help me

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Member Avatar for boher

In my project, I have two seperate forms and in one of them I can add various panels using a button. After adding let's say 5 panels I click on one of them and I need the code to tell me which panelI clicked on. The reason I need this …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Dili1234

I used this code to retrive from one record to another first tried to retrive the first record................. varible decalaration Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form3 ' Dim connectionstring As String = Module1.connectionString Dim sqlconn As New SqlConnection(connectionstring) Public sqlDataset As New DataSet Dim da1 As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim myCommand1 …

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The End.