20,284 Topics
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Hello, In my program, I have added a SplitContainer with Fill on Form. Where Panel1 keeps all Button and Panel2 keeps other objects, I'm trying to code on SplitContainer_MouseMove event. But it does not work when i'm Panel1, If i move mouse pointer to panel2 and go again in panel1 … | |
How to reproduce this error? Create a new winform Select a backgound image for the form Add a new panel Set color transparent for the panel, set autoscroll = true, and add some controls inside the panel Example: http://i.stack.imgur.com/YxRhx.jpg Now scroll down or up and see the what I say... … | |
[B]Hello programming experts,[/B] I have a problem. Is it possible to make an OS with VB.Net with C, C++, Objective C, Assembly language, FreeBASIC, C#, BASIC, Java, Object Pascal and with a bit of machine language? And if possible how to mix the languages? And could you give me a … | |
Hello programmers! I made two programms. One is for my marks in school and second is for library for my school. One man who work in the library in my school has error with this my software. Software can't load database anymore. When I start program I got error message: … | |
I have a AXI camera that count the number of people entered the building and show the result on web page with video. The webpages update the count every time it detect a passing person. I believe the page has 2 iframes. I`m trying to insert the value of the … | |
program that contains a Rich Text Box & a scroll bar where scroll bar represents the size of font size of selected text in Rich Text Box as soon as user scrolls the scroll bar.help???? | |
Ok my title is probably very vague and unclear. Kind of hard to sumerise in the title. My form has a bunch of textboxes. The content is supposed to be saved with a button. BUT not all the textboxes will have content in them. So lets say i added content … | |
I have two datatables that generate a datagridview like below: 1) datatable name : grpDT ![119](/attachments/large/3/119.JPG "119") 2) datatable name : grpTot ![211](/attachments/small/3/211.JPG "211") I want to merge both datatable so that I the datagridview will be like this: ![34](/attachments/large/3/34.JPG "34") what is the best way to do this? do … | |
Hi, Everyone, i'm here with another problem, I'm working with a windows form where i am adding Panels programmaticaly. With same time when its busy with adding Panels to form I want to work, like- **Loading another form or do another command in another form**. plz help, here is my … | |
Hello , i was making the game "Pong" in VB.net 2010 and i had the code to move the 2 bars but can anyone give me the code to let the picturebox with that "cirkel" simbol in move automaticly and also how to bounce further away when touches the bars … | |
I wanna know how i can make a .net form with textboxes allow me to enter variables and have them trasnfer to a webpage's.. For example i have a form with textboxes for say name, last name, birthdate, password. I wanna enter those variables on the form and have them … | |
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Form1 Public sConnection As New MySqlConnection Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If sConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then sConnection.ConnectionString = "SERVER = localhost; USERID = root; PASSWORD =; DATABASE = vb;" sConnection.Open() End If LoadPeople() End Sub Public Sub LoadPeople() Dim … | |
Hi! I am designing a form which contains a datagridview which can display all customer orders. I also have a button inside the datagridview so that if a user clicks the button it will open another form which contains the items which the customer ordered in a datagridview. I am … | |
Hi, I have 3 tables Description, Item, Transaction Description Item Transaction DeID Name IID Name DeID TranNo Type IID Date 1 Printer 1 Styl T10 1 1 Repair 1 2 Monitor 2 MPS 1 2 Repair 3 3 ImpSonic 2 I need to count how many printers, Monitors etc. are … | |
Dim Cname As String Dim CID As Integer Dim Rmaterial As String con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ace.Oledb.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Soft\Database\Login.accdb") con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand("select * from Purchase where CompanyID='" & txtnum.Text & "'", con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() If txtname.Text = "" And txtnum.Text = "" And txtraw.Text = "" … | |
Hi, I have a simple program with datagrid view bounded to MsAccess DB in Visual Basic 2010. When user changes the width of datagridview columns and restarts the program, width of the columns have been reseted to original state. Now, what code can I use and how can I save … | |
Hi, I have 3 tables Description, Item, Transaction Description Item Transaction DeID Name IID Name DeID TranNo Type IID Date 1 Printer 1 Stylus T10 1 1 Repair 1 2 Monitor 2 HP 1 2 Repair 3 3 ViewSonic 2 I need to count how many printers, Monitors etc. are … | |
Hi all, Had alot of problems with writing this code to update an access database from vb 2010 - even my computing teacher is at a dead end as what we havent tried. - Da.update(ds, "stafftable") Basicallly i can navigate records fine - but as soon as i try to … | |
Hello Developers, I'm here for your kind help, I am making a program where these codes i wrote: for i as integer = 0 to 5 If TextBox4.Text.Contains("1") Then TextBox4.Text = TextBox4.Text.Replace("1", "_n_") End If If TextBox4.Text.Contains("2") Then TextBox4.Text = TextBox4.Text.Replace("2", "_o_") End If If TextBox4.Text.Contains("3") Then TextBox4.Text = TextBox4.Text.Replace("3", … | |
hii, guyz i wanted to learn how to declare and and use one and two dimensional array can any body give me a guidance through an eg. | |
Hi guys, I normally package a dotnet installer and my software installer for my client and he normally has to install each seperately. Is there a way i can add dotnet installer to my project installer... I do not want to use third party apps like install shield wizard... You … | |
how to insert , update and delete records in vb.net Database and Access as the Back End | |
Hi all, With BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio)/SSIS, I have a process that downloads zipped CSV files. I store the files using the naming convention from the source ie 03260020-eng.csv. In a script task using BIDS, I would like to rename the file to exclude "-eng" but I'm not sure … | |
Hi, I am trying to clear the rows of a bounded datagridview without clearing its dataset. I cannot clear my dataset since i m using ds.update() to update changes from my datagrid to the sql database. On every new selection from the combo box( cb_video) the details are inserted in … | |
i am making a Student Grading System in Vb.net which will store student and teacher information into database, as well as it will store student marks of particular semester and exam. i have done with my storing information part and designing part and now i am doing the grade calculation … | |
Hi guys, i have a project payroll, i need to create 3 reports (" Any kind report format ") im using databindingsource.. | |
hey guys, i created payroll system for my thesis project, i want to generate three reports using crystal report from visual studio 2008, but when i try to create connection using > OLE DB (ADO) > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server > Server = "Servername" > it has … | |
i am making a project in vb.net and i have a bio data form in it i have 2 textbox in it, TextBox1 is for Name and the Textbox2 is for father's name . i want to make the first letters of Name in textBox1 as Capital(eg: Pratik Shukla) in … | |
I created an application that can looks into the database for people having their birthday today and then send mail to them. The issue is that I want the system to do this automatically instead of me clicking it every day. I tried a scheduler but it stops working after … | |
Hello guys im in need of a help. I have a checkbox on a Listview1 and i also have listview2, textbox and 2 buttons. On listview1, i have a list of items and its subitems. Then im going to put a check on the one of the listview item then … |
The End.