20,284 Topics
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I am creating a random number guessing game. I have 6 options. 3 Game playing levels and 3 timer levels. I have my form display with 6 radio buttons: radRookie radVeteran radPro radThirty radFourtyFive radSixty You select your level and time. Then you have a text box to enter your … | |
hi The idea is to make DataGrid contains a field of type combobox it have another data source to choose from those and save data in the DataGrid , this is possible and without any problems.. But when make Parameters to filter data in the combobox and when i try … | |
hi there. anybody knows how to display conntents of (SQL)database in vb.net using label? | |
Hi, Im new in VB.Net. im having trouble with filling the datagridview with data. the program seems to skip the part where i declare the **datagridview datasouce** and only executes until **da.fill(dt)**. here is my code, hope you could help me. thanks in advance. Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Dim … | |
hi dears.. i have really big problem with save values of checkedlistbox in one field but i can't do it..what can i do?? is it a database or code problem?? i want the data save like this: 1;2;3 for example..is that possible?? plzzz help.. | |
We are using digital persona for our biometrics. We can already save employee ID, employee name and assigned finger .Our problem is that we dont know how to save a fingerprint template to a database and retrieve it so that it can still be read and verified by the biometric … | |
Hi, Everyone, I've coded a program that uses a web browser control and loads a java applet, the process created when the java applet was loaded is java.exe, then on another tab, I've executed again a java applet and created again a java.exe process, now I need to kill the … | |
Hey guys. i was wondering if anyone knew any good tutorials for making an audio software, similar to audacity or mixpad. i prefer it to be in vb.net but it can be in C# or C++ too. thx! | |
i want to click on a row in grid view and the details of each attribute can show separately in textbox field. i had type this in my coding part, but it doesnt work. may i know how to do it? thanks you. Dim text As New TextBox Dim sql_productname … | |
Hi Guys Can anyone give me an example on how to retrieve the value 16 in bold under the tagname <td>In process</td> with a webbrowser and insert this value to a texbox. Thanks <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td>In Process</td> <td class="number">***16***</td> <td class="number">1</td> <td class="number">01:16:48</td> <td class="number">02:54:00</td> <td class="radio"><input type="radio" name="queue" … | |
Hello programmers! I made new software, LD File Browser. This software contains ListView but this ListView has error. Software works fine when I run it on F5 (debug), but when I run .exe icon I got error when I select different item in ListView. Here is the code: TextBox1.Text = … | |
I am Creating an application in VB 2008 to Find Bold, Italic text in Rich Text box and replace the Find the result with the following: Bold Text needs to be replaced with <b> Find Result </b>. Italic Text needs to be replaced with <i> Find Result </i>. Underline Text … | |
Hi, Everybody... Can anyone knows what is the maximun character limitation of a Label in Vb.net? Basically i need to scroll a label with timer as Marquee. The label text is coming from a richtextbox. The richtextbox contains more than billions character. I replaced all vbLf(LineFeed) of richtextbox with a … | |
How to print pdf directly to printer from published site. It works fine in development environment but not in production. Heres my code using pdfSharp. PdfFilePrinter.AdobeReaderPath = "C:\<AdobeReaderPath>\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" Dim printer As New PdfFilePrinter With printer .PdfFileName = <FileName> .PrinterName = <PrinterName> .Print() End With Thanks! | |
I have a grid called staff which shows staffNo, name, position. Does anybody have any ideas how i can retrieve the staff number from the grid and use it in an SQL statement? eg select name from staffTable where staff_no =** (value from the grid)**. Thanks | |
Hello, I'm a complete noob when it comes to .Net. I'm working on my college project. In my application there's a combobox/drop-down list. My requirement is as soon as user starts typing inside it, i.e. when text_changed is triggered it should retrieve values starting from that letter from a column … | |
See i want to print my bill separated by lines and should appear like each column spearated by a lineand each row separated by a line. but these should no appear in main form only in print preview it should appear is it possible how can i do it clearly … | |
hi, i write a code uisng VB.net. i have design few checkbox and would like to write class function in class file. can anyone guide me how to create and call the function from the class to the page. i have create a class file as below Public Class clsKYC … | |
Hello programmers! I am making File Browser software and I want to display icons of my files in listview. Here is the code: ImageList1.Images.Clear() Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(LocationA.Text) Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*") Dim fi As IO.FileInfo For Each fi In aryFi For Each files In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(LocationA.Text) Dim … | |
error connecting to databaseAccess denied for use 'root'@'localhost(using password:YES) using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using System.Windows.Forms; using DPUruNet; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing; namespace UareUBiometrics { class HelperFunctions { private static Fmd[] fmds; private static Fmd[] allDBFmds; public static Fmd[] GetAllFmds { get { … | |
Hi, I'm printing a VB.NET form using BitBlt API my code as follows: [CODE] ' create a printing component Private WithEvents pd As Printing.PrintDocument ' storage for form image Dim formImage As Bitmap ' create API prototype Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias _ "BitBlt" (ByVal hdcDest As IntPtr, … | |
Hi I have a datagridview with a set of 10 rows for data entry. I have a loop that runs through the rows so I need to have a default cell value. can i set a hidden default value. I have the default value pre entered for all rows so … | |
I have two forms with one listbox on each form. How can I show what I have in the listbox on form1 on form2. I have a button on form1 to go to form2 [CODE]Private Sub btnform2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnform2.Click Form2.Show() Dim sTemp As … | |
i have one more question. how to make a connection using lan between two pc? they use a same ip address? | |
Download source code of Program : http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/96114261/file.html I got Error 'Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))' of using cross domain in webbroser iframe tag. Error Line : WebBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames(0).Document.GetElementsByTagName("input").Item(0).InnerText = "MyValue1" Please solve the program. Thanks. | |
Hi there, I'm trying to create a math quiz that reads a series of questions from a sequential access flat file. The file should contain a series of numbers, separated by commas. The first field(value) should be the first number for the problem, the second should be the second number … | |
Being somewhat new to VB.NET, I built a data solution by using wizards and drag-and-drop on forms. My data is in an Access DB and I opened up those tables with Server Explorer and dragged them into my dataset. I connected the tables to datagridviews. Worked like a charm. Then … | |
Hi, I was wondering whether there is a way that i can use the bindingsource with a datagridview without a datatable. I have a datagridview that has two columns with a set number of rows and would like to bind it with two textboxes on a second form. Basically the … | |
Hello everybody you will excuse my poor englsih I am french, since two month I began to develop an application using Vb.Net . This application must use a database . I chose MS SQL Server for the database, but I dont know how to connect my application to MS SQLSERVER. … |
The End.