20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for timon.bijl

Hello , i was kinda getting interested in a keylogger so can anyone maybe copy paste a keylogger code just an easy 1 . If you type something it just has to appear in a textbox if you can help me , please do it! thx

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sundar.mjk

hi it 's working but the Grid view not disp.lay the details Dim cn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;" & "Data Source=D:\Task_one_one\TaskNew\TaskNew\App_Data\db1.mdb") cn.Open() Try Dim myTable As DataTable = New DataTable("MyTable") 'Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Emp Id")) myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Start Time")) myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("End Time")) myTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Hours")) myTable.Columns.Add(New …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for dr.syroj
Member Avatar for Programmer629

* Hey ppl! i was wondering if anyone could get me started with a project in VB.NET 10. the project i wanna create is a program lik outlook 2010. its prob a long shot but i want it to be in *COMPLETELY* VB. i have VS 10 .net and u …

Member Avatar for Programmer629
Member Avatar for bballdrew45

I am currently working on a program for a higher or lower card game. I have my game set up and in place, however I am having trouble keeping track of the cards that have already been drawn from the deck. I am only playing with one deck and need …

Member Avatar for gianni.joris
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to replace a cell value from one excel spreadsheet and save it as another spreadsheet but with the replaced cell value. Please Help

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for ebrahim1

Hi all Im trying to send integer value from combobox in form 1 to textbox in form 2 I try use this code on form2 : me.textbox.text = form1.combobox.selectedvalue This code works with a textbox **does not have a data source** but when I **set** the data source for the …

Member Avatar for ebrahim1
Member Avatar for EmpK

For a project i have to create a program that is able to write and read a sequential file and list the contents into textboxes. So far i am able to write to the file but the problem is i am not able to retrive/read the information from the file. …

Member Avatar for xerohomicide
Member Avatar for pratik65

i have textbox in my form and i want it take only numbers from 1 to 12 only and not any thong else...i am trying but iam not getting the logic for it

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for EmpK

How do i make a label display if the textbox value that was entered is invalid? This is my code so far and when i press the button to find the invaild source the label is suppose to appear but nothing is happening when i click the button. Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for magord86

I'm trying to switch "M" to "Mr." and "F" to "Ms." when the last name is selected in the listbox. When I clicked on the first name it worked, but when I clicked on anyother name, I got this error message: --Additional information: Index was outside the bounds of the …

Member Avatar for magord86
Member Avatar for Bliper

Hi All, On my form I have a datagrid. From this form I initialise a new instance of my data access class and using a dataadapter I return a datatable from my sql server database. The datatable is then set as the datasource for my binding source and intrurn the …

Member Avatar for khair.ullah
Member Avatar for EmpK

So far i have a code that only allows you to enter numbers but how do i limit the value from 0 - 9999. Also how would i be able to display a message label if the user is doing something illegal. Right now i have the messagebox setup but …

Member Avatar for EmpK
Member Avatar for 404notfound

I found a tutorial online that so far has been aswesome. I downloaded the access db and so far can read and browse through it. However, when I try to write back to it (btnSubmit_Click), nothing happens. All other buttons work fine, I can still browse, and I get absolutely …

Member Avatar for XEN0
Member Avatar for adam.n.halpin

I am trying to print all the contents of a combobox in a program. For example: ComboBox1 Contents: Yes No Maybe No opinion My code so far for PrintDocument1: Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage Dim horizontalPrintPosition As Single Dim verticalPrintPosition As Single Dim …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for mikeybware

I have the following code which prints my datagrid nicely. The problem is that it only prints the first page and cuts off everything thereafter. I know I need to implement the e.HasMorePages = True in some manner but I am unable to get that working. Here is my code: …

Member Avatar for robtrue
Member Avatar for VirusHeart
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi, All, I am running out of options and I can't fix it. I am loading a form with webbrowser control which loads a java applet in another form, it is working but I can't type in the textbox, what am I doing wrong. Attached is the project solution, hope …

Member Avatar for x38class

I have an app that fails because mscorlib is not installed from Net Framework 2 SP2 Without it, I get the following error: Could not load type 'System.DateTimeOffset' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. The error can not be trapped in the runtime of the application, it appears when app …

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Member Avatar for james19862012

Hello all, First time poster here. I'm creating a website for class that essentially lets people register with a user name and password. Whenever they're logged in they will have the opportunity to go to a page called SubmitStory.aspx where there will be a textbox, lets say it's just called …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for savedlema

Why do I get an error creating a temporary table with something even as simple as this:"CREATE TABLE #Results"? But this "CREATE TABLE Results" works. I thought we put # when we need to create temporary tables (Access), its like I've once done that. Help on that please? Thanks!

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I'm updating an application to .net from VB 6.0. It uses crystal reports to display reports but we get issues around versioning and having to have the client install Crystal so we would prefer not to depend on Crystal. I was originally going to use an XMLReader object to …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for ProgenitorVirus

Hi there, I'm reading the contents of a text document and saving all of the values (csv) into an array. My issue is that the very first article in the document is always being saved with "" appended to the beginning. eg. Text document reads: Hello,Doctor,Name,Continue,Yesterday,Tomorrow When it is brought …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for manoj323
Member Avatar for bandurao

Hello friends, This is my first port so please bear with me. I am developing a simple software in Vb.net 2010. In this software you can add, edit, delete, print records. I have done everything except print option as I dont have any idea on how to do this. I …

Member Avatar for dinhunzvi
Member Avatar for kaizen202

Hi All, Is there any event to catch the column visibility change of datagridview? I am using a custom datagridview. I need to update the horizontal scrollbar maximum value whenever the column visibility is changed. Please provide some idea. Thank you.

Member Avatar for kaizen202
Member Avatar for shhh

Dim odcell = OutgoingdeliveriesDataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value.ToString() Using _conn As New MySqlConnection("Server = localhost; Username= root; Password =; Database = forms") Using cmd With cmd MsgBox("Connection Established") .Connection = _conn .Parameters.Clear() .CommandText = "SELECT FormName, Description FROM FormMaintenance WHERE FormCode = @Code" .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Code", odcell) _conn.Open() Dim dr As MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() If …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Dili1234

I have two tables major and student majorname is the foreign key of Student table Student primary key=Reg_No I want to delete entire student record from student i used the coding like this........... Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click myConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionstring) myConnection.Open() …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SQLpower

Hello guys, I am trying to dynamically update a combobox using mysql database, however I get the Error Catch Message. Any help would appriciated. Private Sub cmbName_DropDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbName.DropDown Try dbCon = New MySqlConnection("SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test;") strQuery = "Select name from customer_details" cmbName.Items.Clear() If DR.HasRows …

Member Avatar for SQLpower
Member Avatar for onlykl

Hello as title says, i would like to see if it is possible somehow to write in vb.net simple application that check if port 80 is used by some application and if it is to show Error message that it is used by APPLICATION NAME and asking if you want …

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The End.