20,284 Topics
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Hi friends! I'm looking for an easy way to enable a user of my app to print the contet of a GridView.However, I think an easy way will be to convert it into a Crystal Report or pdf (many people say to pdf is terrible), so, I'd like to convert … | |
MVC is something being sugested to us for use in vb .net (by someone who doesnt use vb.net, uses php etc.) i did research on it, and it seems to be more of an asp .net tool and not so much a vb .net tool.. for asp it states: You … | |
Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum. I am in the process of learning VB.net and have been assigned a project to be written in VB.net using MVC Patterns. I am trying to understand more about MVC Patterns. Can anyone tell me about any articles or preferrably a text … | |
Hello! I am developing an application for my employer. I am not a programmer but I do it as a hobby. The story is as follows: we have a store that sells lawn tractors and riders. Every lawn tractor has a serial number, product code etc. I am trying to … | |
Hi, i have a dataset with 2 columns. 1 column is in String datatype and another one is in Timespan. Now i want to generate a chart from the dataset. While i'm trying to generate the chart, it has error: *"Series data points do not support values of type System.TimeSpan … | |
Hello! I want to add query to report viewer, but i don't know how. I can't find a tutorial that does what I need so please help me po. I want to fill the data tables or report viewer of datas coming from different tables. Here is my sql code: … | |
So I'm a highschool student in CMPT Programming 1. The assignment is: Write a program to print the value of a series of numbers from 0-9 in descending order. Now the lesson gives me information on the "for statement", "while statement", and the "do-while statement". It gives these examples: *For … | |
I have a vb.net 2005 project that is writting an audit trail to a text file. I would like to format the file name so that it includes the date and time it was created. Such as myfile_030707_1645.txt I am not having much luck doing so. I am new at … | |
I want to send crystal report as email Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Imports System.Web.Mail Public Class Form1 Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As … | |
i had a problem with this codes.. this codes will retrieve image from database that will based on the employeenumber. Dim CN As New OleDbConnection(cnString) CN.Open() daImage = New OleDbDataAdapter() daImage.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM EmployeeProfile ", CN) dsImage = New DataSet("dsImage") Dim dataTable As DataTable = dsImage.Tables(0) If … | |
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = e:\wms\wms\wms.mdb") conn.Open() Dim userDetailsAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from daily_trans", conn) Dim userDetailsTable As New DataTable userDetailsAdapter.Fill(userDetailsTable) Dim returnRows() As System.Data.DataRow = Nothing returnRows = userDetailsTable.Select("cons = " & TextLine) If returnRows Is Nothing Then MsgBox("Can be saved") Else MsgBox("Primary Key") End If … | |
I need help with the calculations done in a change concevter. The user enters the amount owed and the amount the purchaser paid and the change due, followed by the amount of dollars, quarters, nickles, dimes, and pennies are displayed. I have been working on this for a while and … | |
-We should only be able to enter ISBN's in this format, 0-1234567-8-9 or 0-1234567-8-X. -What I have now automatically inserts hyphens at a certain text length but doesn't let me delete the hyphens that have been added (besides the last one) -So how would I be to delete the hyphens? … | |
Dear Visitore of this Question I m New to VB.net i have declared a structure in vb.net and i want to give values to its members how could i can do that help me plz Structure Employee dim inta as integer dim strs as string end structure how to intialise … | |
I need assistance with using Keypress to only allow a certain range of numbers (1-26) to be typed into the textbox. When ever I do it, it only allows me to press the numbers "1 and 2". I'm very new to VB so the help is much obliged. I know … | |
Hello Everyone So i have this flowlayoutpanel that contains checkboxes, so what It does is if a select a checkbox the text of that checkbox will be passed to the ProblemTextBox ![checkboxes](/attachments/large/3/checkboxes.png "checkboxes") My main problem is that I am able to add new checkboxes to the ProblemTextBox, but when … | |
Hi! I have a question I couldn't find answer to. I have a datepicker where user can pick a date. This is a warranty start date. Then there is a warranty duration combobox with options: 1 year, 2 years; 3 years. And then there is a textbox that should display … | |
i have a combobox that contains the items 0001,0002,0003, etc. i have a listview with 3 columns namely ID, Name , Age. I want to do is when i select the ID "0001" in the combobox, it will display the name and the age in the textbox1 and textbox2 that … | |
Hi. I'm fairly new to VB.NET programming, and i'm currently developing an application for the sake of experience. What i know about Visual Basic programming might be considered dangerous, but none the less, i'm trying. I'm having difficulty getting past the idea of how to update a record in a … | |
overload resolution failed because no accessible 'new' can be called with these arguments.. the error shows at the Dim *dataadapter* As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd, connection) Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Private Sub BtnGenResult_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnGenResult.Click Dim ConnectionString As String = "Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=D:\PKBW Batching … | |
Hi Guys, in vb we can get the week number counting from January. ex Jan 1st is Week 1 and Feb 1st is Week 5 etc by DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, Now) I need to count the week number from a given date. ex: if set the base to July 1st then July … | |
I am new to vb and I have been working on getting my brain around this if condition problem I am having in a windows forms in VB. This part of the project is a form writing back to SQL. I am looking to valdate input in textboxAm before I … | |
Hi! I am new in vb.net and use it in our game programming. I don't know if this is the same in what they do. Here's the code. Thanks! :) Dim jeepEnemyGallery As New jeepGallery Me.y = CInt(Int((8 * Rnd(1)) + 1)) Select Case y Case 1 To 2 jeepEnemy … | |
hey everybody, i am new to vb.net environment pls help me to sort out my problem. let me explain it. in my project i need to clone/copy the content of the two fields from one table to another table in same database.i have tried my level best but got the … | |
Hi, I am new into Visual Basic programming and I am using a VB2010 Express. I've been working on something and so far managed to achieve results by refering to different articles online. Now I am stuck at the serial communication part. Can anyone please help me describing how to … | |
i have 1 text box and combobox. all i want is to enter all data that is type or selected in combobox is showed in list view. can you help me to do that.? and all entered data in listview could be save in database. ^^ | |
1) Could anybody tell me why I am getting a NullReferenceException when I hit exit? 2) Also, how would I display my txtPrice in currency form ($0.00) 3) How would I disable my navigation buttons at the same time once they reach the end of the datagrid? Option Strict On … | |
i want to save my picture in database i have these codes but then there is an error . " command text was not set for the command object " how to solve this problem? thank you.! Try If imgName <> "" Then Dim fs As FileStream fs = New … | |
I have a problem that hopefully someone can shed light on. My OleDBdataadapters and OledbTableadapters have gone on strike!! In a simple vb.net 2005 pro project I have an Access 2003 .mdb with 2 tables each with 1 primary key and all other fields allowing zero length and not required. … | |
hey, i want to perform difference of two values in datagridview and update it in access DB using oledb.. pls help me... |
The End.