20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Grazel

I have a login form , i want to limit privileges of the user based on their type (e.g ; admin, encoder) wherein when the admin login, the mdi form will load and all the control buttons are accesible for him, while when the encoder login , only one button …

Member Avatar for Grazel
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to get only the visible section of the image from picturebox1 and place it in picturebox2. So what I have is picturebox1 set to a certain size, and the image size mode is set to center. Picturebox2 is also set …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Spyderbane

I am trying to created a program that will check for updates then restart the computer and recheck for more updates. I want to know how to restart the application with elevated permission but only ask for permission when the program was first launched. I am not looking for someone …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for swagatjena

I am migrating an application from vb6 to vb.net. The application has some checkboxes and dropdowns whose values we can store in a file. For this it uses propertybag writeproperties to return a variant which is then written to a file by file put.similarly for loading the settings the file …

Member Avatar for dsimonovski1

Hey. In VB.NET, I need to write an array of bits to the serial port, in such a fashion that I can directly control the output signal. For example, I write 00110110 in VB and I need to get exactly that on output. I have tried SerialPort.Writeline but it's not …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
Member Avatar for Evil03

Hi All, I have created a Vb.net application with back as MS.Access..I shall be very thankful if someone pls guide me on how to EXPORT DATA from the VB>NET Textboxes to NOTEPAD.. THe methof that i am using is creating a CSV file which is can Adjust in excel after …

Member Avatar for Spyderbane
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm create an application that register a user and now because we accept even oldest people we have to include their years in a dropdownbox so I'm not sure if this is possible but I do think it is possible it just that I don't have a clue …

Member Avatar for Spyderbane
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

Hello, I am attempting to make a section in my application where a user can enter their own code which will be executed at runtime. I have looked up how to compile and run Visual Basic code while the program is running (Below). Dim VBP As New VBCodeProvider Dim CVB …

Member Avatar for Paladine

This is sample code for a ASP.Net Login page (using Visual Basic.Net code behind) with OleDB connection to an Access Database using ADO.Net. The datebase used is the Access Northwind Database. With the connection string being placed in the [i]web.config[/i] file. [b]1. [u][i]Web Config[/i][/u] File code:[/b] [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" …

Member Avatar for Anita_1
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to avoid duplicate lvList DoubleClick() Dim line = lvList.SelectedIndices(item.Text) lvPrint.Items.Add(lvList.Items(line).Clone())

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Noralyn_1

hello, ahm, can somebody help me, i'm always getting this error InvalidArgument=Value of '25' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index this is my code: Dim currrentRow As Integer currrentRow = lv2T1.Items.Count() If compare(lv1T1.Items(currrentRow).SubItems(2).Text, txt2T1.Text) = True Then Dim lv As ListViewItem lv = lv2T1.Items.Add(txt1T1.Text) lv.SubItems.Add(txt2T1.Text) txt1T1.Text = "" …

Member Avatar for Noralyn_1
Member Avatar for DanSugar

Hi, I use these two sub procedures to read and write data into a textfile: Sub readrecord() 'Declare Variables Dim intcounter As Integer 'Reads how many Records are in file intNumberofRecords = filereader.ReadLine ReDim QuestionArray(intNumberofRecords) intcounter = 0 Do Until filereader.EndOfStream = True intcounter = intcounter + 1 'reads each …

Member Avatar for jopajenago

i have problem in programming specially in visual basic, can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m trying to create a textbox, where the user enters a number, and the output shows a word representing each digit, each word is in an individual label created by the code, regardless of how many digits are entered. So if the user enters 153, the output will be: one …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for poksmdpk

i would like to search in my datagridview by using only a textbox and will automatically search the following data in my server how could i do that? please anyone help me!

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for dokeh.miel

Hi, Currently i'm developing a project which creates a videoke or karaoke like file. My main feature is to remove vocals from a mp3 file. is there any vocal remover plugin or vocal remover dll that i can use for my vb.net application?? if yes please help me how to …

Member Avatar for mavtcr

I was working with VB6. Now I am trying to study VB.NET. In vb6 There is Cancel property for command button eg. If we make the cancel property of exit command button 'True',then if we press Esc key ,we can exit from that form even without clicking the exit button. …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Twirlz

Hello :) I am having a bit of trouble with a bit of code. I'm not really sure what is needed. The program contains a few buttons etc however, I am having trouble with two picture boxes. For this thread they are called **picBlue** and **picGreen** I want **picBlue** to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kjklls

hi guys, i'm currently working on a project wherein i would enter a router's configuration using vb i've tried it on my netgear router by calling putty using vb and manually typing the commands on the console what i want to know is, if i'm using a software like packet …

Member Avatar for kjklls

hey guys, i'm currently working on a project, i have a tabbed panel and i've put a timer on the 1st tab panel. what i want to do is for the timer to remain enable even if i change tabs. what could i possibly do for this problem? thanks

Member Avatar for XongErvin

I am creating a pageant scoring system. I managed to display the field names from different tables : [Click Here](http://oi58.tinypic.com/5c0jz5.jpg) The first column "Participants" is from Participant table and the succeeding columns is looped from the Criteria table. This is the code: Private Sub CreateDataEntry(ByVal CatID As Integer) Me.CriteriaTableAdapter.FillByCategory(Me.PSSdbDataSet.Criteria, CatID) …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Iamateur

When the array is declared,the size of an array is supplied in the following way: dim inquirybyyearmonthday(20)()() as byte My question is why there are extra 2 opening & closing brackets after (20)?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends I am new to VB.Net Please help me I have two text boxes. When I press the 'Enter' key in the first text box the focus should go to the second textbox What will be the code?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Spyderbane

How do I find parts of a word in a string using an array for the keywords? I need to run a program on computers but exclude certin users based off of the computer name. The computers naming convention is xx-yyy-Lastname. The Lastname sometimes has the users initials added to …

Member Avatar for Spyderbane
Member Avatar for faresayyad77

hello how can i show the form if it already hidden when the user press a button so the form is hidden the code i want is : to show the form if the mousecursor moves at the form area

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I have a DataGridView with 2 Columns an Order column (text) and a price Column (decimal) The Datagrid contains all the orders and price for a certain customer. I'm currently adding all the prices and adding a new row to the datatable containing the total.In this row on …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for elouch

Hello! anyone... i cant delete the sheet i have added in my excel file. i already tried below codes to delete it but it doesnt work... and i'm not getting any error which is why i dont know what is the problem.... worksheet.Delete() workbook.sheet("sheettobedeleted").delete()

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for DeepKiran
Member Avatar for DeepKiran
Member Avatar for Grazel

hi iam new in vb.net.. and what i am doing is i am making time in and time out record. my problem is, i don't know how to stop the time in logging out.. can somebody help?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for riayas

I have 2 tables in sql , one is called stock and the other stock warning the stock table has columns ' Pid, pdescr,current stock, stock warning' this shows up in datagridview 2nd table(stock warning) has columns 'pdescr, current stock' showing in datagridview in the stock table when the 'current …

Member Avatar for Rahul47

The End.