20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for JaneLewis1615

I'm suppose to create a Slot Machine game. The user starts with 100 tokens. With each "pull", the user loses 1 token and the computer "spins" three wheels, each consisting of the numbers 1, 2, 3.If all are 1, the user gets 4 tokens; If all are 2, the user …

Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for sanus

I am a beginner in visual studio and i don't have any experience in programming .I want to create a DTMF generator using visual studio . I already made the GUI using drag and drop function . So i want add functions to that button . Button work's like a …

Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for Grazel

hi i am creating a program that needed an excel app., and i already do it, at first no error, but after a sudden, an error appeal, here is a error. **Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application' is not defined.** i am still new and still exploring in vb.net. thank you in advance! Any help …

Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for GianniD

Hello I have an assignment where I have a XML file with data and I need to able to read it inside something like a listbox where I'm able to select the name of a company and all the other data related to that company name is shown. Example: <?xml …

Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for vbhobby

Hi good day guys i would just like to seek some help regarding my problem here in VB.NET. I have this program that if the text in the textbox is equal to the text in the label of the previous form it will add 1 for each correct answer but …

Member Avatar for babujibabuji
Member Avatar for ZIPB

Need some help with the code below. Getting and error at ExecuteNonQuery() Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRoomSave.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand cmd = New OleDbCommand(Command, con) con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='C:\PATIENT_O\PATIENT_O\Patient-O.accdb'" cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text cmd.Connection = con con.Open() cmd.CommandText = …

Member Avatar for babujibabuji
Member Avatar for deyb.dizon

.i'm dave and i'm working with some receiving and m0nitoring system like.,i develop a system but it is a individual machine or a stand alone system,which means it w0rks only on a single pc,.my problem is i want to convert it to be a client server system which i can …

Member Avatar for deyb.dizon
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to create a program which will work in the background and can be brought back to the topmost upon a keyboard shortcut. I got stuck when creating the multiple keypress statement, and not sure how to make the shortcut work when the form is not in focus. Here's …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Spyderbane

I am trying to start a process a a different user but it keeps telling me that the "The directory name is invalid". Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo("notepad") info.UseShellExecute = False Dim password As String = "Password" Dim securePassword As New SecureString() For i As Integer = 0 To password.Length …

Member Avatar for Spyderbane
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to zoom in on a Picturebox when scrolling the mousewheel, the code below zooms in on the image only to the center of the image, not at the current cursor position. How would I fix this? PictureBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(PictureBox1.Width + e.Delta / 1, PictureBox1.Height + e.Delta / …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for virupax

This the error I am getting when I install VB application which is developed in VS 2010 with Access 2010 as backend error: ACEW OLEDB 12.0 not REGISTERED on local machine This appears to be faced by many people. I faced it first time when I installed similar project in …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Riteman

Am doing an application to allocate the seats to the students in a building with rooms. I have almost done to allocate the students appropriatly in the rooms. The problem now is convert them to a single variable. So here is the place am struck with: I have these data …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kenasco

pls i need someone here to help me with the coding trend am using. this is an example of my code inserting data in to sql server 2008 table... Public Sub insertStocks(ByVal serialNumber As TextBox, ByVal itemcategory As ComboBox, ByVal itemname As TextBox, _ ByVal dateofmanufacture As DateTimePicker, ByVal dateofexpiry …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rui Lin

hi every one. I need some ideas for the calculation. I have a table in the database with field names: Product_id,Name,Description,Quantity,Unit_price What i want to do is when customer chooses the product, as soon as he/she enters the quantity it should automatically be multiplied by the unit price of that …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for abiraminehru

hi i place a gridview control in form. i add the column in gridview using edit column properties of gridview control. I place the the column as S.NO,ItemName,Rate,Tax,Qty,Total. If click a add button i can enter data manually in gridview control first row. but set the property of control in …

Member Avatar for Riteman
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I would like to know if there is a way to get the corresponding list index of another list like below: Dim panelTitle As New List(Of String) panelTitle.Add("First Panel") panelTitle.Add("Second Panel") panelTitle.Add("Third Panel") Dim panelName As New List(Of Panel) panelName.Add(Panel1) panelName.Add(Panel2) panelName.Add(Panel3) So when I choose "Second Panel" …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for vodkasoda

I am am experience Mainframe programmer, but new to SQL-Server & learning vb.net so I realise that this is probably very basic ... I have a DataTable called MailTypes which contains 2 Columns, the ID & the Name. I have a DataTable called Leagues which contains a lot of Columns, …

Member Avatar for vodkasoda
Member Avatar for Gabriel_4

Hi, I have some deals with this. I can't make this run. It says that "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB 12.0 is not registered on the local machine". I tried with diferent providers, but still not running. I tried installing the Access Database Engine Driver, and the application seems that don't want to run. …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Steven_6

I was wondering, how do I make it so users can login. I have an SQL database, I have a VPS, I have a VPS. I just need help setting it up and adding an account.. This is the login form: Public Class Form1 Private Sub FlatToggle1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object) End …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Jeff_12

I am new to VB, and I am trying to add data to an array from a textbox and have the data display in a listbox on a different form. Can any body give me some generic examples. Thank you in advance for your time. JLJ

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi guys, I have a form that could be called from 3 tool strip menu items at different times.And from that form you can select an item and proceed to another form based on the selection.Since they share the items this form is holding. Now i want this form to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sin Savada
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I want to create a class in which I typed the text between **""** then the text color get changed. and also yes, I want to change the text color for some words. Yes it is somewhat similar like the Script Editor. Can anyone help me with this?

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

This is for a command button array but i have a problem in the quoted text, the error Expected End of Statement, i am learning from a book, i guess there is some problem in typing the code. Please somebody resolve my problem! Dim BookMark1 As Variant 'Mark your place …

Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury
Member Avatar for matt_8

hello everyone, im pretty new in this language (vb.net) so i have difficulties understanding its function, right now i am able to populate my database to datagridview, i've been looking for some related answers. but found no luck. so i decided to post it in here. so i have this …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for RADSMIL

Hye dude, Really need help. My problem is I want to insert data from treeview checkboxes into database. Currently im using an array, but when i insert the value it become double. for example, when i click two checkbox. the id insert in database will be two. Can someone help …

Member Avatar for atinobrian
Member Avatar for nyathikhulumani

Hie! hw do i find an executable file in a downloaded system written in VB.net. Are there any other indications for such files besides the '.exe' or the 'application' extensions? Khu

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for gh.fuz

Hi guys, I want to enable the Exit Button controls on startup and disable the Reset Form Button control on startup. and also assign a calculate button to the enter key. any guide or help?

Member Avatar for gh.fuz
Member Avatar for kjklls

I have a tab panel on form1 and on the 1st tab there's a button and when i click this button it will enable a function. what i want to do is to work on other tabs while the function on the 1st tab is still executing. is there anyway …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Grazel

hi! i am creating a program that need to import excel file. i really don't know how to. Can someone help? Thanks in Advance! God Bless!

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The End.