20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello, I have a scenario where I fetch all the records from a database table using ADO.Net and I want to convert one of the column values which has either "0" or "1". If 0, then "No" should be replaced with 0 and if 1, then it should be "Yes". …

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Member Avatar for RADSMIL
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

Please preview image: I want to create something like this. Red fonts is just typed using paint. (it's not software or else) I know how can I know the Size, attribute type and all so but the main quesstion is how can i create tag on windows? at the bottom. …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Philip Carlo

an i ask for help? what is wrong with my codes thanks in advance Sub show1() Dim DReader As MySqlDataReader SqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM book WHERE accesion_num = '" & b_id & "' ", SqlCon) DReader = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader While DReader.Read accnum.Text = DReader.Item(0) isbn.Text = DReader.Item(1) txteditbooktittle.Text = …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for bijoy.balakrishnan.3

I hav two tables sales (sa_no,sa_date,cu_id,total) ladger(ledger_id,cu_id,payment,payment_date) I want to display the transactions of a customer (cu_id) in one crystal report in the order of dates ,such as sa_no sa_date total ledger_id payment payment_date ie one row from sales then one row from ledger for the customer cu_id Please help …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for VBnewbiecode

'i got a problem here. i want to add a new record to my database but when i click the add button an error occurs saying syntax error on INSERT INTO statement. it is placed on the da.update(ds, "studentprofile") what should i do?? here's the code: Private Sub btnadd_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for benscomputers

I have visual basic 2010 windows application assignment in which I have to populate a one dimensional array from a text file stored in the projects debug folder. The text file is 6 five digit numbers on seperate lines. One number was typed then enter was pressed 6 times. The …

Member Avatar for jeremy.lawrence.7587
Member Avatar for Learner010

i want to add child forms in mdi parent form and i done this but the problem is : i have an picture box in the top of MDI form and now here i want is that the child form should load after that picture box and this does not …

Member Avatar for msrd
Member Avatar for Learner010

hello , today i suddenly think about creating an application that has limited uses . i mean after using an application for 30 days , it should not start the application . How can i do that ? i can decide if the day is the last day or not(i …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi All I have droplistlist populated from database.When i add records everthing is ok with the dropdownlist: but when i edit records it shows duplicate values like High Medium Low Medium how can i romove duplicate values?

Member Avatar for sup1991
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Hi guys I need help in deleting rows in Excel. What I want is if I delete a row in DataGridView it will also delete a row with the same value. I tried using the OleDb way and I find out I can't delete a row using that so I …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for BOTHEILLONE

I cannot figure out why my code for calculating student grades makes every number I enter an A. Here is the code. I hope someone can help.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for xile27

I want to show on Messagebox the value max and min value in my database. Help guys query = " SELECT Emp_ID, MIN(Log_Type) as min , MAX(Log_Type) as max FROM tbl_timelogs" mysql_connect(True) cmd = New MySqlCommand(query, SQLConnection) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Member Avatar for xile27
Member Avatar for aabbccbryanmark_1

hi guys i just wanna ask why does my program gets an error after i tried changing the formborder to none, the error i get is about the 'Windows' and 'Drawings' not being a part of 'System.Windows.Form.TabPage', what might be the problem of this?

Member Avatar for aabbccbryanmark_1
Member Avatar for ronakpatel94apc

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim no As Integer no = Val(TextBox1.Text) fact(no) Dim ans As Integer = 0 End Sub Function fact(ByVal no As Integer) As Integer If no > 0 Then ans = ans + (no * fact(no - 1)) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for y0yie_333

i got my project from vb 2005 upgraded to vb 2012..now i had so many problems.. like " dim dte as date = now " it says 'now' is not declared. it may be inaccessible due to its protection level..why is that ?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sanitak

Hi all , Im starting to learn visual basic and I have a question if all dont mind to answer me , I need to know and identify each individual component for this vb commands ? This = That.theOther (something) Much appreciated

Member Avatar for sanitak
Member Avatar for sayiina.bazar

[](http://www.)how does a datagrid for example when you enter a data and it automatically update/enter at the datagrid when you click the next textbox? please i need a clear explanation tnx XD

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for pvr1

I have a datagridview (bound) which works fine as long as the users "accepts" each cell they type in by pressing the tab key. However, when they click in another cell before pressing "tab", the value is visible in the cell on the screen but is not actually there. What …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for kamaran

Hi I require some one to build a project either by asp.net or vb.net, please message me for more informaiton . thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aabbccbryanmark_1

Me.ToolStripMaintenance.Font = New **System.Drawing**.Font("Bookman Old Style", 9.0!, **System.Drawing**.FontStyle.Regular, **System.Drawing**.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.ToolStripMaintenance.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("ToolStripMaintenance.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.ToolStripMaintenance.ImageAlign = **System.Drawing**.ContentAlignment.TopCenter Me.ToolStripMaintenance.Name = "ToolStripMaintenance" Me.ToolStripMaintenance.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(90, 70) Me.ToolStripMaintenance.Text = "&Maintenance" Me.ToolStripMaintenance.TextImageRelation = **System.Windows**.Forms.TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText heres a sample of my code with those error, can u help me identify what to do to …

Member Avatar for Roily Lucky

Looking for how to write code to compute for quadratic equation on a vb.net application

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for kloktor

Custom ComboBox control is not displaying data when hosted on TabControl. Basically, it is inherited ComboBox from Microsoft ComboBox control with added "few" lines of code. Compiled in dll and referenced in another project. Except on a TabControl, ComboBox is working fine. But, if I first add TabControl on a …

Member Avatar for Philip Carlo
Member Avatar for Roily Lucky
Member Avatar for Roily Lucky
Member Avatar for mikidrip

I am new to VB, and have attempted to load all the free versions of the SQL available. Dispite many go's I still can not make any work. I go through the motions of including a database into my programs but I keep geting a long delay then "Unable to …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Gebby

I used VB6 some years ago and need to buy it again for a new computer. Is VB.Net the one to buy and is it really free? I just want to do some programming to create and check puzzles I'm writing. Gebby

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for fhau013

how do i knowif the biometrics im going to buy is vb.net ready?? thank you :)

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for christan

Greetings, i'm having a problem on inserting all my items from listview to my database using stored procedure. heres my code. Dim lvItem As ListViewItem For Each lvItem In ListView1.Items With dbComm .AddParameter("@details", lvItem.Text, SqlDbType.VarChar) .ExecuteStoredProcedure("insertRecord") If .Success = False Then MsgBox("Record failed to save.") Else MsgBox("Record Saved.") End If …

Member Avatar for pawanthenerd

The End.