20,284 Topics
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Hi Everyone! I got two form. form 1 i ask the user a number of guest form 2 i ask each guest their name, their age i decide to make a loop throught form2 array base on the number of guest but then i got this error. NullReferenceException was unhandled … | |
Hi I'm trying to display the version number of my application on the screen using the code below. [CODE]Version = My.Application.Info.Version.ToString[/CODE] When ever this line of code runs Version always ends up being but my publish version number is Is the My.Application.Info.Version not the same as the publish … | |
Hi! everyone. i have never learn to loop an groupbox or anything so i don't know what wrong but the compiler said "NullReferenceException was unhandle" and here is my code. Please help! [CODE]iNumberOfPassengers = CInt(txtAdult.Text) gboPassengerDetails.Hide() Dim gboNextPassenger(iNumberOfPassengers) As GroupBox For iCounter As Integer = 2 To iNumberOfPassengers gboNextPassenger(iCounter) = … | |
Good day vb.net programmers!. I have here a combobox1 named choosename in form1. then i have a 10 textboxes named answers in form2. I want that if i choose from the combobox1 the textboxes answers of form2 to will link to it. and it save into my sql database. can … | |
Hello friends.... I have to check the folder path in such a way that c:\Pooja\[COLOR="red"]dynamic_folder[/COLOR]\Output.txt From Pooja folder how will I be able to move to the text file since the dynamic folder can be anything and I want to move inside the dynamic folder... is there any way... i … | |
hi gud day please help me to my problem -(....i don't know how to create dailytimerecord system in php please please help me...our defense will be on Friday march,[COLOR="Green"][/COLOR]16...please help | |
i have this problem : Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information. ... the button used to delete record in my project is button6 at the end of the code my code : [CODE]Public Class Form1 Dim … | |
[CODE]<input type="button" onclick="javascript:fnnSaveChanges()" onblur="lsTest=0" onfocus="lsTest=1" value="OK"> <input type="button" onclick="window.close()" onblur="lsTest=0" onfocus="lsTest=2" value="Cancel"> </td> <td class="clsTableElement" align="right" nowrap=""> Selecting 'Save' in the Main Window is required to Save the new settings. </td>[/CODE] i've tried [CODE]WebBrowser1.Document.All.GetElementsByName("OK")(0).InvokeMember("click")[/CODE] but i get value of 0 is not valid for index. index should bebetween 0 and … | |
Using format NOW will just show the current time but the time will not run. Is it possible to make it to make the time keep running?? | |
Hey guys, I am setting my viewmodel as datacontext in my xaml but I override it to my view to make few functions work however to achieve the visibility on some grids and I have a property in my VM can I override my datacontext back to my VM? If … | |
Hi, I have a form in VB which is scrollable (using autoscroll) and when I currently click 'print', it only prints what I can see; it takes a screenshot of the viewable information. Here's my code: [CODE] Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click Dim … | |
Hi all, What seems like a fairly straightforward process has got me stumped! How do I show a MapPoint map on a VB Net form? I have MapPoint 2011 (Europe) installed on my dev pc, and have added the references "Microsoft MapPoint 18.0 Object Library (Europe)" and "Microsoft MapPoint Utilities … | |
how to transfer all items of a list box to another list box in vb? i want coding of dat.../ plz help... | |
Well I have build a program until now with an MySql database. The programs add records for the customers and the products of the company(Its works perfect).. I am trying to build now the Orders the last part of my project but I have a little problem.. First of all … | |
I need to define a two dimensional array and assign values. I was wondering if there is an easier way in vb.net to do this other then how I have it below. some of my other arrays have over 700 elements in them. Dim L1(8, 2) As Double L1(0, 0) … | |
Hi everybody >> Thanks to this forum >> I need your help please .. My problem in the Combo Box and SQL query .. I have three comboboxes linked to an Access 2007 database first one "Department" second one "Year" third one "ClassRoom" in third combobox I need display the … | |
I'm having some issues with this code: [CODE] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class loginForm Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '--Connection string to POS database Dim loginFormConnection As New SqlConnection("SERVER = localhost\SQLExpress; DATABASE = POS; INTEGRATED SECURITY = true;") '--Check to see if Windows Point … | |
Employee Record Hello, Ive just wanted to get the idea for my problem. Im making payroll system now. I just wanna know what is the way of tracking the record of employee when i save theyre info in payroll. Like if the employee got paid in these date lets just … | |
Hi I have several things I need help in it 1- how I can put picture in tool strip and put it convert to split button without the picture go invisible when i click on it 2- how can I make tabs in the forms 3- I want to put … | |
In my project all, my forms are accessed through my MDI form, [CODE]Private Sub DocumentCollectionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DocumentCollectionToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim capture1 As Boolean = False capture1 = noduplicatemdi("DOCUMENT_COLLECTION") If capture1 = False Then Dim mdiForm As New DOCUMENT_COLLECTION mdiForm.MdiParent = Me mdiForm.Show() End If End … | |
Good day!. I want to save my textbox to my sql database. this is my code: Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Try con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\dbEvaluation.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" con.Open() cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Comment([Comment]) VALUES ('" & TextBox1.Text & "')" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() … | |
I'm making this POS software for a restaurant and I was wondering what the best way to create the button interface for the items since it's going to use a touch screen monitor. I was thinking of adding the buttons at runtime to solve the excess space problem, and also … | |
Hi, I need to change size parameter of OvalShape, I have about 100 of them, named like OvalShape1, OvalShape1...... OvalShape100 Search the froum I noted this [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/367949[/url] This example works for Label, but throws error for OvalShape, following is my modified code that giving error; [CODE] For Count As Integer … | |
I have a combo box which help me select SQL servers in my local computer, but now I want it to be able to select just any connected servers (like remote servers) as possible, how could I solve it??? [CODE] Sub server(ByVal str As String) con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" … | |
I have a project for school where I am to create some form of security for an application, our brief was to basically to create and hide a text file in the applications program files (not all that secure really, but heh I don't write the briefs) So I have … | |
hi Guys, i have several clients on a LAN network, these clients all have access to a particular sql server. i want to write an application that allows any client on the network to send one or more messages to another client on the network providing that both clients have … | |
Hi, Currently I'm trying to make multi selection (draw shape) on the picturebox but no matter how i edit my code, it jus dn draw any square or circle when I click on my button (either circle or square). Can some1 pls guide me on how I can get it … | |
i want to show records from other tables but this error occurs [CODE]Sub fillorderdetail() conn.Open() Dim adpt As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from orderdetail", conn) Dim ds As New DataSet adpt.Fill(ds, "orderdetail") DataGridView2.DataSource = ds.Tables("orderdetail") conn.Close() End Sub [/CODE] | |
hi every one. I would like to know how to save data without click on the floppy disk on binding navigator. IS there any coding which i can use under a button to do the same function as binding navigator.I just want to use button to save and delete data … | |
[CODE]"UPDATE cg_security_user_right SET user_id, right_id ,enable_flag WHERE LastName= " & tuser.Text & " right_id = " & tright.Text & " enable_flag = " & CheckBox1.Enabled & ""[/CODE] How can i improve this code thanks in advance |
The End.