20,284 Topics
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Hi, would u please help me with the buttons i use on my vb.net forms. I want a way in which if i drag my mouse onto a particular button it would increase its size and if i click onto it, it can respond to the codes. May be like … | |
Hello all! i am a beginner to network programming. I am trying to make an application in vb.net 2008 where in i can open a file from the client computer, do some changes to it and save it back. Can someone please throw some light on how should i go … | |
hi gd I am karthikeyan. can any one help me how retrive and delete data in vb.net. I am using access database. | |
Hi Guys! I have problem coding with a vertical Scroll bar. I made a label in form1 and a vertical scroll bar next the it on the right side. The vertical Scroll bar is to scroll down the label if the label is full of text. Here is my code … | |
Dear All, I hope you all would be fine please help me in printing i want to take print preview of window form and after taking print preview want to take print of form how can i do this please provide me example. Thanks in advance | |
hi everybody i tried to use this code to made a query from ms sql 2005 using vb.net [CODE]com.CommandText = "(select [email],[lname] form users where [email] = ('" & TextBox1.Text & "') and [lname] =('" & TextBox2.Text & "')"[/CODE] my question is there any problem with it ???:icon_question: | |
Hi guys I have made an advanced vb webbrowser and I'm hoping for you comments its in beta stage do you have any suggestions/feedback. features I didn't list: 1. Non ie based webkit based 2. supports file downloads. 3. User Login based supports multiple user data configurations 4. Supports Theming … | |
Hi team, I'm having some issues getting the results of my query to output on a data grid. I'm using an sql query to get the data from access, which is working fine, but then I want to output it onto a datagrid. My code is as follows just for … | |
First of all I know this has been asked several times before but I cannot get mine to work. Anyway, on the developer computer I have created a Class Library that contains COM classes. I have also created an Excel 2003 Addin that references the .tlb file that is created … | |
hi everybody i dont now whats wrong whith this code below when i run it debug show an error with con.open() [CODE]Dim con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = "Server=iraq\\sqlexpress ; Database=stats ; Trusted_Connection=True ;" Dim com As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand com.CommandText = "insert into users values('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & … | |
I am creating a update member page. I would like the page to auto retrieve the information he or she originally used while registering on my site and display them into the individual textboxes of the update profile page, this is to prevent the hassle to rekey in every individual … | |
Hi, i have a problem trying to query my database based on a value in a label. Here is the code for the query, Dim myCommand As New SqlCeCommand("Select * from CDRecord where ArtisteName like '%(label4.text)%'", conn) It shows no errors but during runtime, i get a blank for the … | |
hello frnds i m new in dis community as well as in .net field. i want to 9 wat is [COLOR="Green"]POST BACK URL[/COLOR] property in link button. | |
Hi there, I have a question regarding datagridview in C#. I have done the validateion for the datagridview in the cellvalidating event. And for the error message to display in the specific cell that the validation is done I have to click on another place for the error message to … | |
Hi friends, When i give breakpoint to my function or event. There is a warning that,"The breakpoint will not be correctly hit.The source code is different from original version" What is this warning. I don't understand.I m in trouble. I can't find my error even. Plz help me yaar..... Thanks … | |
Hi,Guys! I am currently making a project and got stuck.(I am a total beginner) The program is for users to submit their username by typing in their username and pressing the submit button. The username may be able to display on the Usernamelabel in form1.(I made the button on form2) … | |
Hello Every one I have worked with VB.NET two years back. I have lost little touch with that and trying to get back. I have to use key down event on text box in VB form. The code for the event looks like this: [CODE]Private Sub TextBox1_Keydown(ByVal sender As Object, … | |
[QUOTE]Guys, I've been working this for almost 3 hours but still I can't find the solution, I'm encountering an error "Could not find installable ISAM". I actually want to query an excel file with the use of oledb connection and "WHERE Clause". Is it possible? Here's my code. Hope you … | |
hi to all I have found some code using google for listview printing. I modified the code base on my needs. I have some problem if the list view more than one pages. It will not stop counting "Generating Previews" of my document. If I press the cancel it was … | |
Im writing a program (has been a little while) which will gather files off my computer and make a new partition the right size to store them. I would like this to be automated since it would help if I use it on friends machines. So pretty much what I … | |
[QUOTE]Guys,please help me. I want to filter data from man excel file as my data source is it possible to use "WHERE Clause"?Here's my code[/QUOTE] [CODE]dt = New DataTable dtempcount = New DataTable excelconnection = New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source='" & txtfilename.Text & " '; " & "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;") dtempfil … | |
Below are my stored procedure to change password and the VB.net code to call it. The Sored Procedure executes properly and returns correct values when executed from SQL Server directly, but it does not check its conditions and returns -1 when called from VB.net code. please help me in this … | |
hi there, i have a datagrid view and it have a datagrid view combo box in it. i use the below code to load data to the datagrid view combo box. [CODE] DataGridViewComboBoxColumn comboBox = (DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)dgvAction.Rows[i].Cells[1].OwningColumn; comboBox.Items.Clear(); comboBox.Items.AddRange(m.LoadUSEmp()); [/CODE] what i want is how can i display the first value … | |
Hi, I have a problem trying to capture data from a database to a label. I am trying to display a list of values from my database when i press a button. Can anyone help me out? This is my code for my database [ CODE]Dim strDBFileName As String strDBFileName … | |
hello everybody, I need a code to export data from Ms-access database to Ms-Excel sheet using VB.NET Thank you in advance:) | |
i am displaying data from a datasource using datagridview and i want to display the progress of the datagridview as it loads data from the dataset with progress bar how do i go about this. i'm using vb.net | |
Hi all, i'm working on a search function for a music CD store project. The form consists of a combobox that displays the artiste names from my database during runtime. Below the combobox are check boxes that represents the genre, such as Pop and Jazz. So for example in run … | |
Hi , I have textbox. When i type number with floating point(12.5) and leave focus on that textbox ,yhis textbox contains only 12. Why it is????? I want to do calculations with value of textbox so my calculations will wrong. Plz help me. Thanks in advance. Plz help me.......... | |
Hello guys and gals. As always any help is much appreciated. I am at a dilema. I am filling a datagridview with very lengthy results. Roughly 60k rows on average. I am filling them via an oracle database using a table adapter. The records then have a filter placed on … | |
Hi im trying to send a key to a game but it dosent work. i have tryed this [CODE] SendKeys.Send(X) My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys(X) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{X}") [/CODE] It works in Windows but not in a game |
The End.