20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for dagelmyster

I am having no trouble playing a swf file in VB but how can a play a second SWF file AFTER the first has finished? How do I know when the first file is done playing? Tried 'isplaying' method in a while loop but can't get it to work. Thanks …

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Member Avatar for NAGASAKI

When I look at a statement, how can i tell whether it's an accumulator or a counter?

Member Avatar for J-eezy
Member Avatar for icejack

Greeting, am currently using vb.net 2008, ive started a project and i need to import HTML line to a another HTML file that is being read in a web browser control, i've try something like : [code] Private Sub Line(ByVal Textmsg As String, ByVal type As String) WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for wasyazwan

[CODE] RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Find("Not Found") RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red[/CODE] that is my code.. my problem is in my richtextbox1, there are many line that contain "Not Found". So how can i change colour for all of that text to red colour? my code only work only with a single line that …

Member Avatar for wasyazwan
Member Avatar for london-G

Hello I would like to read a file and display certain lines ( like from line 5 to 10) in a label. i know how to read the file line by line but not the specified line i want. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for wasyazwan
Member Avatar for comsci2

Please help me. I know this kind a simple problem. My problem is when i select the end day of the month it gives me a negative days in txtdays. This is my code to txtdays [CODE] txtDays.Text = dtpEnd.Value.Day - dtpStart.Value.Day [/CODE] This is my code to add date …

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Member Avatar for mrclark

i am trying to make a program that in the even that a message is received when the program does not have focus a message box will be displayed, however, using: [code]if me.focused = false then TrayIcon.BalloonTipTitle = "New Message From " & array(0) TrayIcon.BalloonTipText = array(1) TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000) end if[/code] …

Member Avatar for mrclark
Member Avatar for avirooge

Hi, i would like to connect a webcam to vb6.0 or to vb.net and wolud like to take a photograph which is then to be stored in access / sql database. plz. help me Avinash Rooge

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for alphaman1101

Maby ive been going about this the wrong way. Im attempting to change the system volume using VB.net. I dont want to use the mediaplayer stuff because i dont want that to be open the whole time. if someone could point me to a working API or something for changing …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I've published a app using Clickonce Deployment for use on our LAN (so I've set it to online only for ease of updates etc) When I run the setup on my own machine, the app installs and runs with no issue however when I run the setup on …

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Member Avatar for Albert88

I have a problem with "left"syntax when i operate it in console application, it works but when i operate it in windows application, the left syntax is error... this is my code, can someone check my code please ' get and validate order no Dim strOrderNo As String = _ …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tusharvichare

Any one have idea about how to convert Visual C++ application to VB.net Or how to include VC++ application into the vb.net application so that function of VC++ application can use in to the VB.Net application. Thank you.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mrnobody

Hi, I'm currently doing a program to search for text in powerpoint files using interop in vb.net 2005. When a user does a search, it will open the powerpoint (.ppt) file and do the search. This is working fine. What I want to achieve next is if the powerpoint file …

Member Avatar for mrnobody
Member Avatar for mtsaad

i can't save my data into access using vb.net [code] Dim SQL As String DB.Open() Dim Ad As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From candidate", DB) Dim Check_dataset As DataSet Check_dataset = New DataSet("check") Ad.Fill(Check_dataset, "check") If Check_dataset.Tables("Check").Rows.Count <> 0 Then MsgBox("Certificate already exist.!!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "") DB.Close() Exit Sub End If SQL …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mrclark

I am trying to make a TCP chat program, but instead of having people enter in the ip of the computer they wish to talk to everytime, i would like the program to be able to listen on all ip addresses, so that it will provide for a better user …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hi, I was wondering if any knows how to specify the patch for the database when making a vb.net program executable. The data base which is access is in the debug folder of the program. Any Ideas Thanks James

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

Hi Experts i m using these code for selecting data grid row [CODE] While i <= DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 If Trim(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value) = Trim(TextBox1.Text) Then DataGridView1.Rows(i).Selected = True Exit While End If i = i + 1 End While [/CODE] it's working nice. but , when no of row more then …

Member Avatar for ukshir
Member Avatar for ukshir

Hi, I have a project developed in VB.NET 1.1 (using VS 2003). The project has forms developed using the DataForm wizard (Connecting to Access Database, having a dataset and couple of adapter as automatically generated through the wizard - See attached screenprint "Original Form In VS 2003.PNG"). I converted the …

Member Avatar for ukshir
Member Avatar for renyges

hi guys i have develope a database based system recently but its shows a error as in title do anyone can help me???? its realy urgent guys here is my code : [code] Imports System.Data Public Class Form2 Dim inc As Integer Dim maxrows As Integer Dim con As New …

Member Avatar for renyges
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

Hi Experts My problem is how to search any text in data grid view ? please help me soooon........

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for noname1015

Hi, i am doing with deleting row permenately from database currently,but the problem i face right is that i can delete row from datagridview only, but the data inside database remains unchange.I want to delete a row which i selected permenately when i click a delete button . Here is …

Member Avatar for noname1015
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Below code is opening Folder Browser dialog on button click, I want that if mine PC is in network..In Folder Browser Dialog even the network drives are coming,I want that Network Places do not come in treeview.Is it possible?? [code] Option Strict On Option Explicit On Option Compare Text Public …

Member Avatar for ghimangi
Member Avatar for shanakaprabath

Can some one give me a sample code or project on how to load a data of a particular table in access databse in to a data grid view

Member Avatar for shanakaprabath
Member Avatar for RAjushendre

hi, i am retrieving the names from database by using combobox by a character by character search method as they do in search engines like google when u want to search anything in it by entering 2 to 4 characters u can get full related topics of same characters .. …

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Member Avatar for bumassjp

I am using an INSERT INTO statement and one of my database variables is a varchar(51). Can a string be directly stored as a varchar or do I need to convert this to something else beforehand?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nickelmann

Hi, I want to extract certain words from a sentence input by the user. For e.g., the user enters "Jones born in 1967" and the program will extract the words 'Jones, born and 1967' but will not extract the word 'in' and will print the extracted words out. Is there …

Member Avatar for nickelmann
Member Avatar for scias23

i have many textboxes in my form, now i want to validate the data inside it. how can i achieve this other than the try catch? i want the validation to be usable in all my forms so i'll write it as a sub/function. any suggestions?

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for riju tp
Member Avatar for zenbakir

I have a report named crystalreport1 added to my web application in visual studio 2005 when i try to create the instance of the report like dim rpt as new crystalreport1() it shows an error crystalreport1() not defined What is the problem and what namespaces need to be included.

Member Avatar for kodema
Member Avatar for commingtovb

Hello, i just decided to join, i am a high school senior and am in the club BPA (Business Proffesionals of America). I have not practiced vb in a while but scored at state events and i am going to nationals. Nationals this year is held at Anahiem, CA so …

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The End.