20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for renyges

hi guys i need some idea on how to do a login form which check the information in database and if the imformation is true then login to system i got textbox1 and textbox2 my database name is mpp eelection1 and table name is maklumatpel textbox1 need to be check …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Hi guys, as per title above, im at my wits end after a week of thoughts.... i want to download a file from a SSL web to my local(C:\) e.g [url]https://www.abc.com/File/myfile.txt[/url] Scenario: from the web browser(Internet Explorer), i required to login to the site in order to download the file. …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

[QUOTE]Hi all I have two forms which are being displayed from the MDI Parent form. In the following code I would like to send data from form 1 to form 2. [/QUOTE] [CODE] DsgnForm.InsertOE = txtOrderEntry.Text DsgnForm.InsertFN = txtFirstName.Text DsgnForm.InsertLN = txtLastName.Text DsgnForm.InsertAD = TxtAddress.Text [/CODE] [QUOTE] My problem is …

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Member Avatar for aakasha
Member Avatar for automata

I want to append string in front. [CODE] 'For example Dim value As String = "a" 'I want to append the 'value' string so that it prints the below: ' gfedcba [/CODE] I found the below thread which tells the solution for my problem: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread139781.html[/url] But I was wondering if …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for k1robert

My problem is I want to be able to read through this xml document and populate a winform before validating it and then storing it into a table. This is a snippet of the xml document, it's way too big to put it all here. [code=xml] - <Applicant> + <common:PersonName> …

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Member Avatar for Nexx

I didn't know where to put this, this was the closest to VB 2008. I have a code, that when you click a button it takes you to a login webpage, puts in the information that you typed. Then presses submit. kind of like a quick login. But for some …

Member Avatar for AirGear

i'm new in using VB, so i'm not quite familiar with it.. if any of you use cpp, i'm sure that you know STL in cpp, like vector and stack.. does VB has that kind of STL too? i really need good data structure using VB now, and it will …

Member Avatar for AirGear
Member Avatar for php99

Hi, I have made a working program that collects data from a server then puts it into an array. I decided its time to move away from text files and on to XML. [CODE] Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(frm_Loader.jokes_dic) Dim input As String input = sr.ReadLine() frm_Loader.counter = 0 …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BigGar

Hello. I've programmed in VB for ages, but just started dealing with databases and VB.net. The problem I am having is related to a menustrip item. I used the data source wizard to add a database to my application, and did the drag-and-drop thing to put the details on my …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for aigoo_myself

hi I'm really new to c# but i really don't know how to do this! well I have a table customer with a customer_no as a primary key. I have a second table named order and it customer_no is one of its primary key. What I want to do is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for automata

First I am sorry if I am creating a thread in the wrong category as I am not sure which is the best suitable place for this question: Please provide me suggestions or any pointers. I want to create a user defined data structure, which will be a 2 dimensional …

Member Avatar for automata
Member Avatar for IT21

hey im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base using GetDateFrom (Select, from, where) [code] Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text) [/code] i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query .. [code] INSERT INTO `details` …

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Member Avatar for TomW

I have a process that does a lot of data manipulation and then prints a simple report directly to a printer. The overall priority is speed. Tens of thousands of records need to be scanned & processed individually so moving thru them quickly as possible is the goal. Pseudo code …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jallan2010

Sir, Please anybody help me My another question is in txtlani textbox I have to enter only digit i.e. 0 to 9 and currency formate i.e. 1,000.00 and 1,00,000.00 it is possible in text box. and another text box which I have to enter only date i.e. at run time …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for chuck.balogh

I occasionally have to search a very large text file as a troubleshooting step. The file is continuous text (with spaces between much of the text) but almost everything is date/time stamped. The text is actually messages between two machines so I'd like to insert a line break after every …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ukshir

I have a form developed using the Dataform wizard (VS 2003). The Form shows Master-Detail data. The details are showen in a Datagrid. The form automatically loads the data in the Form_load event. Now I want to store the data from the datagrid to a datatable. I am using following …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JohnnySpider

Hi All..Im new to Visual Basic 2008 and I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to to print all my tabs in my application. I have 5 tabs which have text boxes, labels, and combo boxes. Is there a way to print the contents of each tab and …

Member Avatar for JohnnySpider
Member Avatar for Dionysos

Hi I found code for a customized TabControl to make a dll. Same as the original there is a disturbing border which i cant remove. The black border around the whole Tab Control need to be removed. First i took the backcolor from form for the tabcontrol that the border …

Member Avatar for gangsta1903

Hello everyone, This piece of C# code does not produce any overflow exception. wordsize is a constant equal to 32. the x and y can be very big at the computation time. So big that long or decimal even cant hold. But C# handles the problem even the value of …

Member Avatar for gangsta1903
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

Hi Experts i need to set text Box Format at run time. Like , when type any case , then show in Only Upper Case

Member Avatar for sjshilwant

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread18153.html[/url] [/b] I am in final year of mca I want to do project on banking using the RSA algorithm in net banking please give me the tips for developing the project in asp.net Thank you!

Member Avatar for yonker

Table 1 has fields: A, B, C, Table 2, there are fields: D, E, F, Table 3 has fields: G, H, I Connect the condition that A = D and F = I Please provide a look at Table A left join B, C of the SQL statement

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for zukumikah

i would like to get help regarding my program. all that's left to do is the printing, but i dont know how to do it. my professor also wanted to see sorting in my sales report and delivery report.. anybody know the codes?? THANK YOU -jex

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Member Avatar for tgf-47

I am having trouble loading and displaying my .rdlc report file in my reportviewer. I've been all over the internet and nothing worked. I think it might be because i am using vb.net 2008. Also I am wondering if there is a click event in Microsoft Reports or in Crystal …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I Use visual Basic 8.0 and Mysql 5.0 I have one Table1: Table1: RecordID , Integer = primary key auto_increment NOT NULL Articlenr , Integer Articlename, Char(20) Table1: has nine records: RecordID, Articlenr ,Articlename 1 , 1100, Hamer Big Red 2 , 1110, Hamer Big Blue 3 , 1120, Hamer …

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Member Avatar for vvashishta

hi all... how can i use TestChanged event of a text box in vb.net... do i need to use any javascript or some other scripting language for same? thanks

Member Avatar for comsci2

[CODE] Imports HR.EZTwainLibrary Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class frmNewScan Private Sub btnSource_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSource.Click If EZTwain.IsAvailable Then 'if TWain services are available EZTwain.SelectTwainsource(Me.Handle) 'select Twain source Exit Sub Else MsgBox("Twain not avaialble.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical) End If End Sub Private Sub btnAcquire_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

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Member Avatar for kalehl

I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am trying to take dates from two fields and using the current date show the progress percentage in a different field. So, if past date is Jan 1st, the current date is "x", the future date is Jan 11th. How …

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Member Avatar for abhi_marichi

When we copy/cut and paste a file a dialog box opens showing the process of coping and pasting files it includes only cancel button, but I want to add "pause" & "resume" button also there.... To do this how should I write a program, on what I should write the …

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The End.