20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for swenzy

but an erro occurs specifying that syntax error in update statement.Plz tell me how i could rewrite the code[code]cmd = New OleDbCommand("update login SET password=@password where username=@username", con)[/code]

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for oceantrain

I have a datagridview with 10 columns. Every month the user will update new info in the grid. I would like to have a datetimepicker next to the binding navigator. The purpose of the datetimepicker is to scroll forward or backward month by month. If scrolling forward the datagridview creates …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Raged

Hey all I'm having loads of problems trying to update my database with a dataset, I have been looking around forums and posts and trying all sorts of work around's, as far as I can assume, I will need to manually create (insert, update) function querys (even though as far …

Member Avatar for Raged
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I Use visual Basic 8.0 and Mysql 5.0 I have one Table1: [COLOR="Red"]Table1[/COLOR]: RecordID , Integer = primary key auto_increment NOT NULL Articlenr , Integer Articlename, Char(20) Table1: has two records: RecordID, Articlenr ,Articlename 1 , 1000, Hamer 2 , 2000, saw I want to use Datagridview to update Mysql …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for sifar786

Hi, I am trying to find a logic for reading sql query data and displaying it properly. i have 2 sql tables Modul & Relation (see attachments) which i am using to create a GDL file format (see Old and New GDL file attachments). I am trying to extract data …

Member Avatar for blondie.simon

Hello I have an array of 50 text strings, is there any way that i can easily link each item in the array to a different text box on the screen? and then to have the text boxes auto update if the array changes? Thanks Simon

Member Avatar for matt.clark.228
Member Avatar for akamini

I was wondering whether anyone could tell em whats wrong with this code. Its trying to get the records where the theorydates (stored in a database as shorttime) are before 2 years ago and return the records in a datagrid but it doesnt. [CODE] Private Sub ExpiredTheoryTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for lein.o16

how can i save the path of the picture i've browsed. i'm using vb.net as my front-end and ms access as my back-end. thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for Max D
Member Avatar for carylle

Hello again. I would like to ask if anyone knows how to use datagrid, that when i clicked or double clicked a data shown in datagrid it will appear in a textbook.. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for akamini
Member Avatar for 3Dees

Hey, i am trying to convert a 2D array to a 1D array and also the reverse. Not sure if i am doing it right so does anyone know how it can be done. below is the code i have for 2D to 1D but now how do i do …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Karthik_sanjay

If suppose i am using the vb. How can i export the data from text file to datagridview. I need with sample code. Its very helpful to me.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for buffalo0

Hi, I am using visual stuido 2008 to develop a smart device application for a pocket pc but seem to be having trouble loading an image into a picturebox. The image is stored on the web and becuase I am using the compact framework normal methods arent working. Can someone …

Member Avatar for iou

How do you make something happen everytime the program runs? [code] Dim CloseValue As String = Space(255) Win32.GetPrivateProfileString("Close", "value", "Default", CloseValue, 255, "C:/UserData.ini") [/code] I need that to execute, I've tried Public Sub Form_Load() Public Sub Form_Initialize() Public Sub Form_Active() None works, I've tested with MsgBox("HELLO") to see if that …

Member Avatar for iou
Member Avatar for akamini

Hi This is my first time posting after daniweb has helped me alot but I couldn't find a solution for this so I thought hey why not ask. Basically I would like to have an sql statement which selects all the bookings from a table in microsoft access callled tblBookings …

Member Avatar for akamini
Member Avatar for xorpej

hi evryone. i really dont get it. i want to put keyboard shortcuts on the button i have other than clicking this buttons. but the problem is i dont know how. i tried putting an ampersand (&) sign before the text of the buttons and it work, but the ampersand …

Member Avatar for biglovehaha
Member Avatar for bombasstic

Hi, i have a division of 2 integer that give me a result as 2,3944534 ... how i can give e result as 2,3 ??? please help me!

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for izyrider

Hi, My first post, please be gentle. I have 64 booleans - all must be displayed on a single screen as a series of checkboxes ([B]no[/B] - I don't care about the 65th bool, [B]yes[/B] - it [U]must[/U] be a single no-scroll screen on the UI). As a VBA-refugee, I …

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Member Avatar for renyges

hi i need help with add edit and delete records in access using vb.net. i got textbox 1 to5 and three buttons which named addnew ,edit, delete. my database is in name records.mdb i want user to enter the information and click addnew button and the system save the records …

Member Avatar for renyges
Member Avatar for emompong

HI! I am working with an image tagger system.. Im done reading the file's properties.. then when i go to code for keywords.. an error exist saying that Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {58968145-CF05-4341-995F-2EE093F6ABA3} failed due to the following error: 80040154. I Already added the DSO …

Member Avatar for emompong
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I hope someone out there can help with this. I'm writing an app where a user selects a folder on the network for a job to deposit output into. The person setting up the job will not necessarily be the same person who runs the job and that …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for carylle

hi everyone. can someone teach me how to validate the textbox in vb.net? that the textbox can only accept numeric only. and the other textbox can only accept alphanumeric only. much thanks.

Member Avatar for vinnijain
Member Avatar for somaih

hi, i want to use DataGridView to display the result from 3 textBoxes ? is it possible to do that ? Please help

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for darcee

ive created a function for generating username, password, email to log in on a website but the problem is i want to use all account one at a time for example num|username|email|passwd 1|username1|email@email1.com|password1 2|username2|email@email2.com|password2 3|username3|email@email3.com|password3 4|username4|email@email4.com|password4 5|username5|email@email5.com|password5 log in 1st acct ... do something then logout... then log in 2nd …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for manchi

I have a form with 6 combo boxes next to each other, they all have the same data source, which is an array. I need to be able to select different values in each combo box.and its value will be entered to textbox and insert to database. i need its …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pratikmehta9
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for zareck

Hi I am new to the forums and have problems with a program I am trying to write. If you could point me in the right direction. It is a vb.net version of the concentration game with a twist. Upon form_load a listbox is loaded with 8 item names(2 of …

Member Avatar for PDB1982

I'm trying to create a form that has a text box that only accepts text entries (i.e. no numeric entries). I can't figure it out....this is what I have so far... [code] Private Sub textName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles textName.TextChanged If textName.Text.Trim <> "" Then Try …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for BigGar

Hey, I have a strange problem. I added an image as the background image for a form in VB.net. When I run the program, after approx. 5-6 seconds, the image partially overlays itself, as in an offset overlay of the underlying image. I never had this problem in VB6, but …

Member Avatar for BigGar
Member Avatar for Totte94l

[I]Hello! In my application, i want to make the user write the code by himself. Like, he have a textbox, there he is going to put the code like, msgbox("Hello") then when he press the button, the msgbox will open. So, anyone out there got any ideas? Thank you! -Prims0[/I]

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for isni_oppa80

hallo everybody, i'am isni..i'am from indonesia...vb.net forum i need e-book or tutorial vb.net 2005 or 2008....please!!!thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for akamini

The End.