20,284 Topics
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I have a form with 6 combo boxes next to each other, they all have the same data source, which is an array. I need to be able to select different values in each combo box.and its value will be entered to textbox and insert to database. i need its … | |
How to Check whether the Exchange Server 2003 is installed on Target computer while making installer? | |
Hi I am new to the forums and have problems with a program I am trying to write. If you could point me in the right direction. It is a vb.net version of the concentration game with a twist. Upon form_load a listbox is loaded with 8 item names(2 of … | |
I'm trying to create a form that has a text box that only accepts text entries (i.e. no numeric entries). I can't figure it out....this is what I have so far... [code] Private Sub textName_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles textName.TextChanged If textName.Text.Trim <> "" Then Try … | |
Hey, I have a strange problem. I added an image as the background image for a form in VB.net. When I run the program, after approx. 5-6 seconds, the image partially overlays itself, as in an offset overlay of the underlying image. I never had this problem in VB6, but … | |
[I]Hello! In my application, i want to make the user write the code by himself. Like, he have a textbox, there he is going to put the code like, msgbox("Hello") then when he press the button, the msgbox will open. So, anyone out there got any ideas? Thank you! -Prims0[/I] | |
hallo everybody, i'am isni..i'am from indonesia...vb.net forum i need e-book or tutorial vb.net 2005 or 2008....please!!!thanks a lot. | |
hi! am a final year student and i need u to help me wit some project topics in vb.net. and the source codes. thanks | |
I'm new at this. How come this doesn't work... [CODE] Private Sub ColorKeyForm_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint 'Draws diagonal line of dot and dash on form Dim objGraphics As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim objPen As Pen objPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.DarkBlue, 3) objPen.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot objGraphics.DrawLine(objPen, … | |
Hello all, In attempt to use a class contained in a DLL provided with an application which we are a vendor for, I am running into the following error when I close the application; .Net-BroadcastEventWindow. The instruction at "0x########" referenced memory at (etc) I am able to add a reference … | |
I am having some trouble moving labels up and down. I've gotten them to move left and right but cannot seem to get them to move up and down. Also I wanted to control a picture box by arrow keys. I'm not totally sure along which code I need to … | |
Im making a simple program to log into a website I subscribe too and check if I have any mails. However im getting stuck when trying to input the username field this is the code for the username field: [CODE]'<input type="hidden" value="qfqovig" name="actualval">[/CODE] And this is the code ive been … | |
hello again i wrote a class but not able to see the output in visual studio [code] Public Class Class1 Public Shared Sub Main() Console.WriteLine(Min(10.1, 10)) Console.WriteLine(Min("last", "first")) Console.WriteLine(Min(#1/1/2000#, #3/4/2000#)) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Overloads Shared Function Min(ByVal dblA As Double, ByVal dblB As Double) As Double Min = IIf(dblA < … | |
I am new to crystal reports. I have a form with a binding source bind to the invoice table. I want to generate invoice report when the user selects an invoice record from the datagridview and clicks generate report. What i want is 1. how can i set the report's … | |
Ok. So. I'm trying to develop an application to capture the input buffer to identify a device's input commands to build a user control that uses this commands for further use. I'm actually developing a project that simulates Guitar Hero, and I want it to recognise the Guitar Hero Controller's … | |
hey there, i am creating a program, and i have text fields such as Customer Name, address, postcode, telephone email etc. and i also have a button 'add record' what do i have to code in add record to actualy save the records.. will i have to make a file … | |
hey there, i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password .. and a button Confirm i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work... what must … | |
I am trying to open a cmd window as an admin but it never works. I can open a command window but it does not open as the admin.. Here is my code (VB.NET 2008).. [code] 'This is in a module Public strUserName, strPassword, strDomain As String Public SecPassword As … | |
Hi Guys, I have a problem getting my head around an issue with printing labels. I can get my program to print a single label from gaining the ID number for that record and using the e.drawstring method but I need to print multiple labels say from one persons ID … | |
hi.. I am developing sms application using vb.net that application can send and deliver sms, the problem of my application is can't display delivery report such as pending,delivered,fail how can i display delivery report using atcommand on vb.net? i have searched google, all status delivered message is "Delivered" if destination … | |
i just want to know, what is much better to do for data access? include the database to my solution (tools>connect to database), or just hardcode everything? somebody reply please. thanks | |
I am doing fyp with rfid student attendance system currently. And, I face the problem on saving the database's data.This is the code that i write below: [code] Dim sqladapter As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from table_0", conn) sqladapter.Fill(ds, "table_0") Dim sqladapter_1 As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from … | |
Hi, I was hoping that I could get some guidance from some of you guys on Object Design with Database back ends. I am trying to build what could be considered to be my first full scale application, which is a student tracker (simplification). While I have a reasonable idea … | |
hie if you could help me out i'll be forever grateful!! okay i am creating an ordering system but when i try to add a new customer it allos me to add but it doesnt save to the database and i can not also call it up the code i … | |
hello friend, hi! i am new to vb.net app. i want to do all the radiobut. unchecked by click on button at runtime byusing foreach syntax if anybody help me then plz contact me my id is: [email]Snipped[/email] | |
Can anyone tell me what is the correct way to setup and deploy a vb.net 2008 project that uses crystal reports and a ms access database? | |
I wrote a code to send file as below: [CODE]Dim objXMLDoc As New XmlDocument objXMLDoc.Load("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XMLSchema_Test\XML\1773777.xml") Dim blnResponse As Boolean Dim objURI As Uri = New Uri("") Dim objWR As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(objURI) blnResponse = objWR.HaveResponse Dim strXML As String = objXMLDoc.OuterXml objWR.Method = "POST" Dim encoding As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Dim … | |
Hi, I'm trying to store a new value within a variable and then compare it to the previous value of that variable using the Math.Min method. I have created two seperate variable 1 for the previous and one for the new but I can't seem to store it. They both … | |
code for adding item in combobox and also want to show two fields in display properties of combobox by concatenate this two fields[code][/code] |
The End.