20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Totte94l

[I]Hello! In my application, i want to make the user write the code by himself. Like, he have a textbox, there he is going to put the code like, msgbox("Hello") then when he press the button, the msgbox will open. So, anyone out there got any ideas? Thank you! -Prims0[/I]

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for isni_oppa80

hallo everybody, i'am isni..i'am from indonesia...vb.net forum i need e-book or tutorial vb.net 2005 or 2008....please!!!thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for akamini
Member Avatar for xammy

hi! am a final year student and i need u to help me wit some project topics in vb.net. and the source codes. thanks

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

I'm new at this. How come this doesn't work... [CODE] Private Sub ColorKeyForm_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint 'Draws diagonal line of dot and dash on form Dim objGraphics As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim objPen As Pen objPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.DarkBlue, 3) objPen.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot objGraphics.DrawLine(objPen, …

Member Avatar for OldQBasicer
Member Avatar for tjfitz68

Hello all, In attempt to use a class contained in a DLL provided with an application which we are a vendor for, I am running into the following error when I close the application; .Net-BroadcastEventWindow. The instruction at "0x########" referenced memory at (etc) I am able to add a reference …

Member Avatar for mkalinic

I am having some trouble moving labels up and down. I've gotten them to move left and right but cannot seem to get them to move up and down. Also I wanted to control a picture box by arrow keys. I'm not totally sure along which code I need to …

Member Avatar for mkalinic
Member Avatar for pablo989

Im making a simple program to log into a website I subscribe too and check if I have any mails. However im getting stuck when trying to input the username field this is the code for the username field: [CODE]'<input type="hidden" value="qfqovig" name="actualval">[/CODE] And this is the code ive been …

Member Avatar for abhay1234

hello again i wrote a class but not able to see the output in visual studio [code] Public Class Class1 Public Shared Sub Main() Console.WriteLine(Min(10.1, 10)) Console.WriteLine(Min("last", "first")) Console.WriteLine(Min(#1/1/2000#, #3/4/2000#)) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Overloads Shared Function Min(ByVal dblA As Double, ByVal dblB As Double) As Double Min = IIf(dblA < …

Member Avatar for abhay1234
Member Avatar for ashukite

I am new to crystal reports. I have a form with a binding source bind to the invoice table. I want to generate invoice report when the user selects an invoice record from the datagridview and clicks generate report. What i want is 1. how can i set the report's …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Ok. So. I'm trying to develop an application to capture the input buffer to identify a device's input commands to build a user control that uses this commands for further use. I'm actually developing a project that simulates Guitar Hero, and I want it to recognise the Guitar Hero Controller's …

Member Avatar for Offsprey
Member Avatar for devz2k

hey there, i am creating a program, and i have text fields such as Customer Name, address, postcode, telephone email etc. and i also have a button 'add record' what do i have to code in add record to actualy save the records.. will i have to make a file …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for devz2k

hey there, i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password .. and a button Confirm i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work... what must …

Member Avatar for devz2k
Member Avatar for BruenorBH

I am trying to open a cmd window as an admin but it never works. I can open a command window but it does not open as the admin.. Here is my code (VB.NET 2008).. [code] 'This is in a module Public strUserName, strPassword, strDomain As String Public SecPassword As …

Member Avatar for BruenorBH
Member Avatar for scooby36

Hi Guys, I have a problem getting my head around an issue with printing labels. I can get my program to print a single label from gaining the ID number for that record and using the e.drawstring method but I need to print multiple labels say from one persons ID …

Member Avatar for zuve_fox

hi.. I am developing sms application using vb.net that application can send and deliver sms, the problem of my application is can't display delivery report such as pending,delivered,fail how can i display delivery report using atcommand on vb.net? i have searched google, all status delivered message is "Delivered" if destination …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for scias23

i just want to know, what is much better to do for data access? include the database to my solution (tools>connect to database), or just hardcode everything? somebody reply please. thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for noname1015

I am doing fyp with rfid student attendance system currently. And, I face the problem on saving the database's data.This is the code that i write below: [code] Dim sqladapter As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from table_0", conn) sqladapter.Fill(ds, "table_0") Dim sqladapter_1 As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from …

Member Avatar for noname1015
Member Avatar for Satal Keto

Hi, I was hoping that I could get some guidance from some of you guys on Object Design with Database back ends. I am trying to build what could be considered to be my first full scale application, which is a student tracker (simplification). While I have a reasonable idea …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MCBambi

hie if you could help me out i'll be forever grateful!! okay i am creating an ordering system but when i try to add a new customer it allos me to add but it doesnt save to the database and i can not also call it up the code i …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tanisa

hello friend, hi! i am new to vb.net app. i want to do all the radiobut. unchecked by click on button at runtime byusing foreach syntax if anybody help me then plz contact me my id is: [email]Snipped[/email]

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mahesh2008

Can anyone tell me what is the correct way to setup and deploy a vb.net 2008 project that uses crystal reports and a ms access database?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for samuel_cyk

I wrote a code to send file as below: [CODE]Dim objXMLDoc As New XmlDocument objXMLDoc.Load("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XMLSchema_Test\XML\1773777.xml") Dim blnResponse As Boolean Dim objURI As Uri = New Uri("") Dim objWR As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(objURI) blnResponse = objWR.HaveResponse Dim strXML As String = objXMLDoc.OuterXml objWR.Method = "POST" Dim encoding As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Dim …

Member Avatar for samuel_cyk
Member Avatar for mikeandike

Hi, I'm trying to store a new value within a variable and then compare it to the previous value of that variable using the Math.Min method. I have created two seperate variable 1 for the previous and one for the new but I can't seem to store it. They both …

Member Avatar for StuartMillner
Member Avatar for upadhyayakta
Member Avatar for manchi

code for adding item in combobox and also want to show two fields in display properties of combobox by concatenate this two fields[code][/code]

Member Avatar for tanisa
Member Avatar for mikel07

is there any difference between VB 2008 express with VB.Net??? some people says vb 2008 is the same with 2008??is it true??

Member Avatar for mikel07
Member Avatar for alex-VX

hello I created a simple program that login then the program gets some data from a file. I logged in but then a error message pops out error cant read file cause it is used by another process. The weird thing is that it can be open in the notepad. …

Member Avatar for alex-VX
Member Avatar for bpl1960

Hi! I'm writing a statistical analysis program where I don't know, in advance, how many variables will be involved. I'm having the user enter data for each variable in a datagrid. First I ask for the number of variables. Based on that, I add as many new columns as needed. …

Member Avatar for bpl1960
Member Avatar for jadch29

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread78476.html[/url] [/b] i have the same problem can you plsss help us... :) plssssssss!!!!!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for matt.clark.228

I am working on a project, and in the project i need to include a video file. For the best control i selected WMP 12 ( I am running Windows 7 ) however, when i start to play the video file in vb.net i have full video but no sound? …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.