20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

Is there a way to wrap the text on the list box items, i.e. go to the next line, when they're too long for the box. A few of my items are too long to fit, so they are truncated.

Member Avatar for OldQBasicer
Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse

Hello, I have created a program and i have managed to publish my application. I have set it up to be installed via CD but it does not attach the MSAccess DB. My question is how do I add the DB?

Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse
Member Avatar for Saidar

Hello, I'm trying to fill in web forms automatically by using the vb.net webbrowser. I'm using code like the following to fill in the name: [CODE]Dim elementsInput As HtmlElementCollection = wb1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("INPUT") For Each element As HtmlElement In elementsInput If element.Name = "OWNER_NAME" Then element.SetAttribute("Value", name) End If Next[/CODE] The problem …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hey there, A am not too sure if this is even the correct place to post this but sorry if its not. I am using crystal reports with vs 2008 express and i am having trouble with one part. I have a parts filed in my database and I need …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Developers SQL, Table CODE has data as following Code------product 1-----------Mango 2-----------Potato 3-----------Orange SQL, Table SALE has following data Code------Product 2----------- 3----------- I want to fill sale.product column with code.product columns as Code------Product 2-----------Potato 3-----------Orange What query should I USE? Please help

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Member Avatar for khcns

Please send some sample coding for the Dot Net windows base Storage class or give some tutorials. It is urgent. Thanks KHCNS

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rp_prakash

hi to all i need a help from I'm using datagridview in my vb.net project. in that datagridview i use check box for null value check property if the user click that how i check if the box is check or not in a number of rows and know how …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gianrocks

hi guys, i need some help again. my teacher asked to create a program wherein the user must log in to show another form. i was able to do it but here is the twist, my teacher again asked me to create the same program but this time, when it …

Member Avatar for oeatek

I am writing some code to retrieve data from SQL Server, including an image field. I load the retrieved image data into a byte array and then convert the array into an image. Finally, I want to show a thumbnail of the image in a picturebox control on my app's …

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Member Avatar for san.kothari

I have written a simple program which receive data from serial port i.e (temperature) and display on a line graph. but i require accumlate the graph data upto 10 minutes on screen. after that it again accumlate next 10 minutes data. **The Code of VB.Net program is below :** [code] …

Member Avatar for ravikiran32

How can i retrieve data information displayed on the hyperterminal or is there any way to redirect the information being displayed on hyperterminal to a file?

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Member Avatar for Bagleys

Hi I have made a program that i would like to be able to move from PC to PC; at the moment i would have to change the string directories within the program for each PC i would like top run it on. By having the user select their drive …

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Member Avatar for pablo989

Hi, I would like to use nested tokens, a similar question was asked in this thread [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread110255.html[/url] While this did address how to do it with a single instance, I was wondering how to do it with multiple instances in a string. ie. input to textbox1 "I {love|like} {blue|red|orange|pink} its …

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Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hi, I really need line with this I can't figure this out . I am looping through items in a list view box, I am then adding them to a string. I need each new line in the listview box to be a new line in the string. I will …

Member Avatar for JAM1011
Member Avatar for cutie0407

im trying to add a new records to database access but when i click the button submit it say's Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement, OledbException was unhandled da.Update(ds, "MSHS") = syntax error INSERT INTO here's my code [CODE]Public Class StudentRegistrationForm Dim inc As Integer Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse

Hello everybody, This must be so simple but I cannot find it anywhere. I want to split a form into two section by a line. Example TopData ______________________________________________ BottomData I cannot find the functionality anywhere and it is really bugging me. Any help will be much appreciated Thanks

Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse
Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I found myself a difficulty on creating a image uploader to my database. This is because in .NET CF, I cant find File Upload control. Is there any other options and how should I do it? I know there is a OpenFileControl but there is a problem on saving …

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Member Avatar for tqmd1

I have followin codes [CODE]Dim dt As DataTable Dim str As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select code,name from employees", con) da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(str) dt = New DataTable da.Fill(dt) dt.Columns.Add("city") Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("UPDATE dt SET city=(SELECT top 1 city FROM master WHERE master.code=dt.code)", con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() [/CODE] it says [COLOR="Red"]Invalid object name …

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Member Avatar for ameltei

Hello, I have a project where I am using a listview to display a data received through XML. One of the columns called "STATUS" display only 2 text data, either "ON" or "OFF". I would like to know how to count how many times the word "ON" it is apearing …

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Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse

Hello, How do I reinitialise a form load event? Example; Form1 Loads data from a Db and has 3 buttons, each button represents showing data from a different table onto form2 When form2 is initialise for the first time i can use an onload event, but if i go back …

Member Avatar for Ap0ca1ypse
Member Avatar for Tucker0

Hi... I'm trying to add a name of a product to a Textbox...the name of the product is stored in a database. Now there is a Combobox with number in them....1 2 3 ect. Now if you select one of the numbers it must display that product name? I know …

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Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover

Dear Developers SQL, Table1 has data as following Code------product 1-----------Mango 2-----------Potato 3-----------Orange Datagridview has THREE columns as Code----product-------qty I have following codes [CODE]str3 = "SELECT product FROM table where code =" & Val(DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Cells(0).Value) dt3 = GetTable3(str3) If dt3.Rows.Count > 0 Then DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Cells(1).Value = (IIf(IsDBNull(dt3.Rows(0).Item("product")), "", dt3.Rows(0).Item("product"))) Else MsgBox("Code Not Found", …

Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover
Member Avatar for darcee

im making right now a auto sign up application for example in registering yahoo mail when i click a button in VB all information will be filled out and submit Example: [CODE] Private Sub btnFillUp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFillUp.Click Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Input") …

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Member Avatar for darcee

im trying to make a auto sign up in youtube but my problem is the " I accept" button doesnt have value in html so i try to use the id but i doesnt work help me please.... heres my code [CODE] Public Class Form1 Public Sub BHMNavigate(ByRef Wb As …

Member Avatar for darcee
Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover

I have following codes [CODE] str2 = "select sno,name from employees where sno =" & Val(Me.TextBox1.Text) cmd2 = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(str2, con) da2 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd2) dt2 = New DataTable da2.Fill(dt2)[/CODE] Now dt2 has two columns as sno and name But I want to add a 3rd column city type char(80) …

Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover
Member Avatar for Pari13

Have nice Evening! I have an error message of "[B]Overflow Exception was Unhanded by User code[/B]"when i am trying to exceute below very simple code. [CODE] Partial Class zeesant Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim x As Integer Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load x = (Val(TextBox1.Text) …

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Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

I'm a novice at VB.NET and I'm having a problem with the compiled versions of my applications. If I take the .exe file (it's real small, like 40KB) from the BIN/DEBUG directory, it runs fine on most computers (I've tried it on 5), including Windows 7, Vista and XP. When …

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Member Avatar for jbrock31

I have been reading books trying to learn .net on my own. I am working on an exercise that asks me to create a 1MB file. what i have below does work, but it seems to me there would be a more efficeient way. It seems like what i am …

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Member Avatar for RTK

Hi everyone, I've created an application that runs queries against a SQL server (via Data Adaptors) in VB.NET 08 and returns the results to a DataGridView. It works great and returns my data, but when I switch to a different query that returns different columns, the DataGridView keeps the old …

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Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I am using datagrid to show my products. The products have a image and I should show it. Problem is, datagrid is only text and there was some reference on creating custom columns but I still dont quite understand (Mostly are custom url columns). Any help please, thank you!

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The End.