20,284 Topics
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Hi I have a bunch of VB6 code and I want to translate/upgrade it to VB.Net. I have used the "upgrade wizard" and it generates massive errors. Is there any document that lists the differences between VB6 and VB.Net? I have lost many of my important functions, such as MouseDown, … | |
Hi,I have looked around here for the correct way to use Modules and I have not come across anything that seems to point me in the right direction. I am wondering if I can use modules to define what a button would do but I keep getting the error "ModStart" … | |
I am working at winforms project and i have a datagridview from which i am trying to update a database from it when the user changes something. Here is the code: [CODE] DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EbosPr.Properties.Settings.Database1ConnectionString1"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand("Select * From CustCalls … | |
I have a question programmer's... we know that in Visual Studio...you can open a different kind of database... like: Access, SQL server or file, Oracle... is there any reference that you'v know on how to make that kind of program?? i don't know where to start... VB.NET codes please..... TIA! … | |
Hi I am trying to bind a list box with Video data from an sql query and use the selected url of the video in a session object posted to another page media player object. The problem is that i'm not sure why the session value is not being passed. … | |
i have problem in C# window platform i have to publish a application by doing some alteration i have 5 licence key when i enter those licence key, then that should get copied to the application2, form1 5 textboxes in application1 their i am using button by clicking on that … | |
[CODE]Dim connectionString As String Dim cnn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim sql As String connectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = d:\sprrg\scm\scm\sprrg.mdb" sql = "insert into mr_detail select job_Code,mr_no,item_code,qty,addl_description" cnn = New OleDbConnection(connectionString) cnn.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, cnn) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() cmd.Dispose() cnn.Close()[/CODE] I am getting eror as No value given … | |
My question is how do I put the numbers in descending order this is the question: VB.NET programming language to write a program to print the value of a series of numbers from 0 to 9 in descending order. This is what I have: [code]Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim num1 … | |
[b][i]please help to connect our vb.net forms with database. I know make forms and connecting that forms.i know creating tables in database and inserting values in it.no idea about connecting forms and data base.pls help me.we use sql server 2008.i am a beginner in vb.net[/i][/b] | |
Private Sub login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles login.Click Try Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SUSHANT-PC;Initial Catalog=USB_APP;Integrated Security=True") con.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT username, password FROM admin WHERE (username = '" & username.Text & "') AND (password = '" & password.Text & "')", con) Dim sdr … | |
In a data grid, I have a data grid with a column like this: [CODE]Dim colAdd As New HeaderAndDataAlignColumn With colAdd .MappingName = "Address" .HeaderText = "Nationality" .Width = 150 .Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center .TextBox.Enabled = False .ReadOnly = True .NullText = "" End With[/CODE] How can I disable this column … | |
Hello, When I go to Debug my program (F5), the program will load, until I click on the form with the main part of code in it, and then the program freezes, although it doesn't lock up because as soon as I press stop debugging/ task manager end process, it … | |
I'm trying to validate the correct format for a phone number in a text box: (000) 000-0000 For a test, i made it so that a messagebox shows up saying "correct" if the format is correct. This test works well WHEN the format is correct. BUT when the format IS … | |
Is it possible that I could use the VB.net print dialogue tool to print a receipt from a payment? Like If I were able use a ready to print document which I will only be needing to change the amount, cash, change and name before printing. :D I dont want … | |
Hello Friends, Please help me in this.... I have created a project in VB.net and its working fine in my machine. But when I provide the exe to my senior to test it shows the initialization error. I came to know the reason that the error is because the microsoft … | |
I have Listview1 and listview2 After from listview1 focus to listview2 ex: row 20 keydown listview2 not go to row 21 but go to row 1, also keyUp not go to row 19 but go to row 1 any one can help, what to do Thanks | |
Hi I'm having some problems with an array i have in the definitions [CODE]Dim x(4)() as string[/CODE] then when it comes to my assignments I have [code]x(4)(ss) = (TextBox5.Text)[/code] but it throws an exception (Null Reference) Can anyone help me with this? Thx in advance | |
how to enable my button if all the required textbox is not null | |
Hey guys, something went really really wrong in the DataGridView with my final project :( it doesn't work the way I want it to be. I'm not sure what's going on please help me... I'm in really desperate need or else I might have to redo everything again. I'm currently … | |
hi friends, i m very newbie to vb.net. i'm using opendialog control to select the database file. this works for me. [COde] Private Sub btnbrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnbrowse.Click opendatabase.ShowDialog() txtfilename.Text = opendatabase.FileName End Sub[/COde] Then i need to connect with the actual code. i'm … | |
Having a bit of an issue with my file.scanner and that issue is that I cannot figure out how to run multi.threading when searching the files within a folder(8,000+ files). [CODE]Imports System.IO Module x Function xGetFolderFilesCount(ByVal selFolder As String) As Integer If Directory.Exists(selFolder) Then Return Directory.GetFiles(selFolder).Length Else Return 0 End … | |
I have problem with saving entry to mysql.. first entry saved but it doesnt work with second, somehow the save_new button didnt respond at all.. then i use saveandclose button it works or after i restart the pc the save_new button function will do it job for the first entry … | |
Hello everyone, By the way im portuguese so , sorry for my english and im new in VB.net so sorry if i dont understand somethings. I really need everyones help, you may think that my question is kind off easy for you , but for me its a bit hard … | |
I'm using IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName) to read all lines from text file to array of strings at once. Problem is, text lines include ANSI characters above ASCII value 127 (Scandinavian letters e.g. "Ä" (Ascii 196), "ö" (Ascii 246) and "é" (Ascii 233). Array is build up nicely, but all chars above ascii … | |
I’m using VB.Net 2008 application program. I’m using DataGridView. I have a Print option where i need to print the DataGridView. I’m using this code for Printing and for Print Preview. [CODE] Dim MyDataGridViewPrinter As DataGridViewPrinter Private Function SetupThePrinting() As Boolean Dim MyPrintDialog As PrintDialog = New PrintDialog() MyPrintDialog.AllowCurrentPage = … | |
Hi! I'm load file XML to listbox It have old value in new line how to edit it. [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <catalog> <book id="bk101"> <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author> <title>XML Developer's Guide</title> <genre>Computer</genre> <price>44.95</price> <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date> <description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description> </book> <book id="bk102"> <author>Ralls, Kim</author> <title>Midnight Rain</title> <genre>Fantasy</genre> <price>5.95</price> <publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date> <description>A … | |
Dear friends I am using vb 2008 with access 2007 at the backend. I want to make custome invoice id like Inv0001. when make next invoice the id should be Inv002 and so on. add 1 numeric value in the previous one. Please help me any help will greatly appriciated | |
hi, I am having two tables with a similar structure. I want a code to select data from one table and update the same in second table and then delete the records in the first table. Kindly help me out. Thanks & Regards Vivek | |
in application am using list box i load items from a text file i want to remove single items from list and want to keep duplicate items in listbox any help? | |
[CODE] Private Sub btnedit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnedit.Click 'check for the selected item in list If Me.dgvData.Rows.Count > 0 Then If Me.dgvData.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then Dim intStdID As Integer = Me.dgvData.SelectedRows(0).Cells("id").Value 'get data from database followed by id 'open connection If Not cnn.State = ConnectionState.Open … |
The End.