20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for shuey79

Hello, I am a beginner trying to make a networked game called Guess Who. I have 2 combo boxes I am trying to read a access database. Whatever is selected in the 1st combo box will be the column to 'lookup' the values in the database. These values should go …

Member Avatar for bmndayakar
Member Avatar for Killzusall

Hi all, Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a search but couldn't find anything. I am new to programming and thought I'd start with a GUI menu type thing. One of the options is to tell program's to install one after the other. This works fine but …

Member Avatar for Killzusall
Member Avatar for Contagious98

Can someone point me here any tutorials or ideas how can I start an event log in my Program? Vb.net am using msaccess as Database. Detailed info: Writes or records who was the last account that logged in the system.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for birdlover2010

Hello, I am doing a simple calculator program. I have a combo box and assigned numerical values to a string variable under each case number using the same variable name. My problem is I don't know how to assign that value. When I use the current code, it pulls the …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi All, I have a vb net program that shows a datagridview which pulls data from a mySQL database. When the user clicks on a row (I am checking for a 'cellclick' event), a text box is filled with data from a hidden column in the datagridview. This works fine …

Member Avatar for toomutch
Member Avatar for dweebmasterkun

Ok so for some reason I can't get the current item I selected in my datagrid to display on my textboxes I'm new to vb net and programming itself so please bear with me. here's my code: [code] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim ds …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for jigarsangoi

This is my Vb.net Project for company i want to generate code for each individual slip so that i get one field as unique field for that i want to use date & slip no to generate unique key. i have attached screen shot my project in this date 21/12/2011 …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I want to write an application that can query a dll or class stored in another location on a server to receive information or perform an action. Can someone please give me guidance on how to go about it.

Member Avatar for tashee2007

Hi everyone, I have a form with one combo box and text box and buttons. please refer the snapshot with i have attached. I have the following code: My Stored Procedure for inserting the data: [code] /* Name: usp_InsertBranchSetup Description: Insert the Record to dbo.hrBranchSetup table Author: Tashi Modification: Insert …

Member Avatar for tashee2007
Member Avatar for Contagious98

Can someone here give me an idea how should I make a transaction form or should we say a payment form. I already have a database with lists of students in it. Also a database with an event in it. Along with a fee on which every student should pay. …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for taylormsj

Hey, Im trying for a message box to pop up with a price, depending on the time. Before 11:30 costs £3.00, afterwards costs £4.50. This is what i have tried but it this code gives me the message for £3.00 when the time is over 11:30 [CODE] Dim day As …

Member Avatar for oderbang
Member Avatar for tendaimare

i wanted to know how to deploy a simple program that is coonected to a access database.I have tried it many times but when I try to install it says that some file is mising. How can I do it so that I dont have to copy the database from …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for NewUserVB.Net

Good day everybody i am wanting to make a new application, an application for sales, but i don't know where to start, any ideas? i want to make an sales application with charts, stock sales, ... and all functionalities(add sales, modify, delete, ...). What an enterprise or a business need?

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for atticusr5

hello all, I have a question about assigning variables values based on values stored inside an sql database. I have the connection part down, but here is my basic set-up. I have a table with the values {username, password, isAdmin}, where username and password are strings and "isAdmin" is a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have this program that uses OLEDB connection in order to import the excel sheet into datatable, now I am using windows xp and the server that I'm about to use would be in windows 7, what connection string do I need in order for me to connect to …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I have a DataGrid table like this: [img]http://ni8.upanh.com/b1.s24.d1/f869170161faa9e6ad2c272d6f66228e_40513398.capture.png[/img] How could I change the plain-looking arrows in the RowHeader into row number (Like 1,2,3...)??? Thanks for any help from you guys!

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm doing a school schedule and i have this: [URL="http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg13/scaled.php?server=13&filename=22875721.jpg&res=medium"]http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg13/scaled.php?server=13&filename=22875721.jpg&res=medium[/URL] as you can see i have the times on the first column and that is from table "tempos_letivos". now i have a "schedule" table where is the hours of class of the courses, but in this table the cod_prof …

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Member Avatar for esameisa

Say to me some program in VB2010 like : How I record a program by the data and I can retrieve and review later with the knowledge that the program has a Password for access , How to link button in Visual Basic 2010 with file on your computer such …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts, I need a text box for entering only for 0 to 9,.,Delete key ,Backspace key and Enter key except this i want nothing to do for this i am coding like as given below Private Sub TxtAmendment_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TxtAmendment.KeyDown If (e.KeyCode …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for JustineAubrey

Hi, I'm creating a form application using vb. I'm still new to this and I'm teaching myself via the internet so please don't be too mean. I wrote my code using queries that I created in visual studio. I don't quite remember how to create an update query and write …

Member Avatar for GAiXz
Member Avatar for aqeelmoosa

Hi, I am using VS 2008, asp.net and VB coding. Using Grid View, How can I access the data of the selected row if the column type is check box? The following line is working fine with text, date, number, lbltest.Text = GridViewRVs.SelectedRow.Cells(7).Text but the problem is that I need …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I'm working on a Visual Basic application and would like to have it send its results (either an XML file or database rows) from the application to a database online for processing. I'm more familiar with MySQL/PHP but have no idea where to get started on with this. What I …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for nesnes

just want to know how will i able to display the info description in my list view but the one that appears in the database is its id(using vb.net)

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for docgrid

Hi everybody i need a bit of support in my vb coding. i have publish data on data grid(in vb express 2010) and want to check for the data in each an every row. there are few columns and i want to check the string "OK" under "Status" column. if …

Member Avatar for docgrid
Member Avatar for ryma

I have problem to read XML source to datagrid.I can't put data subject and subsec to column and click at row show data all_topic in textbox .I try code but not show. I want result show Principles of Programming Languages 800 and when click Principles of Programming Languages show Topic …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all. I have a program in vb.net and with it I have an expiration Key. I would like this key to be valid for 3 moths for example. I don't want to use the users system.date because to prevent them from changing the date. I there a way I …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for unika010690

i have created a new form to display the listview that contains the field from my database..i have a problem how to do that..help please

Member Avatar for crysvinz
Member Avatar for vivekanandaan

[CODE] Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim dbprovider As String Dim dbsource As String Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim sql As String Dim maxrows As Integer dbprovider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" dbsource = "Data Source = d:\sprrg\scm\scm\sprrg.mdb" conn.ConnectionString = dbprovider & dbsource conn.Open() sql = "select …

Member Avatar for malkit.672
Member Avatar for princenathan

Private Sub autocus() Call main() Con.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT cust_order FROM Inventory", Con) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds, "My List") 'list can be any name u want Dim col As New AutoCompleteStringCollection Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, I'm just wondering, what should be your approach here: Here's the content of text file: [CODE]0022005138450000425081959 091 003200513845161223180000001Doppel-Pack, WET "Warming" & "Original" 0000001499 003200513845161048400000001Handschellen-Set, "Fetish Fantasy" 0000000999 003200513845161214340000001Strap-on, "His Vibrating S(extension)" 0000003999 003200513845000000030000001Versicherung 0000000099 00220023198100004 091 003200231981161057180425001Gel-BH, "Romantic" 0000001000 003200231981161084072250001BESIRED Bustierkleid 0000002499 003200231981161084050252001BESIRED Trägerloses Minikleid 0000003199 003200231981000000030000001Versicherung 0000000099 …

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The End.