20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajani mayekar

hiiii all, i want to create a cube in vb.net through code.. and even i want to retrieve cube created in anlysis manager in vb.net so i want connectivity code... please help me!!!!!!!! thanks a lot!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for wisorac

Hello! I have a project to where I am making a pizza order for customers. My forms consist of a form for the pizza quantity and size (the cost is displayed in a lblDisplay.Text). I also have another form which calculates the cost of beverages. I am now on the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I was wondering how is the easiest way to send a email thru VB .NET 2005. I want to send a email every 5 minutes a certain text (that I have no problem the only problem is how to send the email with the address, server address, user name, …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Topzturvins07

I used this code to store convert pictures to "[COLOR="Red"]binary[/COLOR]" inoreder to save in database but it stores only one picture from two pictureboxes. let someone show me how, you can convert pictuers in two seperate [COLOR="Green"][B]'picturebox ("picturebox1 and Picturebox2")'[/B][/COLOR] using the function in the code snippet on something similar. …

Member Avatar for deleodesanmi
Member Avatar for mikeandike

Hi, I would like to terminate a do until ....loop when future value is greater than 1000 without using a Exit or Continue statement. Any suggestions? Thanks [CODE] Do Until inti > intMonths decFutureValue = (decFutureValue + decMonthlyInvestment) * (1 + decMonthlyInterestRate) If decFutureValue > 1000 Then End if inti …

Member Avatar for mikeandike
Member Avatar for jlego

in vb.net 2008 you can publish your application to a remote location example: i was publishing my project to \\public\application\setup.exe then i would access the share and install it on client machines. depending on my updating settings, the application would automatically update itself each time the user opened it now …

Member Avatar for dr.e

Hello.... Can someone tell me why this code doesn't workand how it should be done? DataGridView1.Item(0, 0) = ds2.Tables("tabCeniki").Rows(i).Item(0) this is the error mmgBox ........ Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell'. thx dr.E

Member Avatar for dr.e
Member Avatar for 786979

hi thanks for any help in advance. i'm trying to add a record to a MS Access database(2003) but i recieve this error: Syntax error in update statement i don't know what's wrong with my code but i suspect that the problem lies in this bit of code. [CODE] If …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for stumbler

Hello, In the tread [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread122708.html[/url] there is shown how to do this check in .net 3.0 framework. Is there a possibility to do the same in .net 2.0? Thanks for your reply

Member Avatar for stumbler
Member Avatar for SgtKung

For the record, no, I don't expect anyone to 'do' my homework for me. :) I simply have some questions and would like a bit of nudging, I suppose. This question was covered before but I'm not quite following everything, so I figured I'd ask a few more questions. The …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for darcee

can anyone here tell me how to make a check proxy function? ive made a change proxy function but i dunno how to check it... thx in advance!

Member Avatar for kananpatel

hi doing i try to import data from sql server to text file bust i have some probleam like:--- 2/15/2010 12:00:00 AM ===================================================== POSITION GAMENO START ENDDAY AMOUNT TOTALSALE ===================================================== [code=text] #1 223 92 92 $1 $0 #1 121 92 92 $1 $0 #2 222 115 115 $1 $0 #2 …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jungujchoi

"console.beep(frequency, duration)" is clear to me but if I want to set the intensity of the beep (i.e volume) what is the best way to do it? Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ananthaninfo

Dear Friends, I am new to Visual basic 2005 as I have used VB6 till now. I wish to do a database application using Microsoft Access 2003 and Visual basic 2005. I am very happy, if any one could give the step by step instruction to connect Access, insert, delete, …

Member Avatar for ananthaninfo
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if there is any way to check if a email has been sent in vb.net 2008 and outlook 2007. I just need a message box to state weather the message was sent or failed. Here is the code I am using to send the …

Member Avatar for akamini

Thanks to Daniweb I've almost finished my project just the last few bits to do e.g to prevent double bookings I've had a search around and found [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread129022.html[/url] which has helped me to make this [CODE] Private Sub Button2_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim con …

Member Avatar for sifar786

hi, i m trying to run a query on an MSAccess table, but it does not give me any count but only 0. There are 3 null values which i should be getting but it does not give me the result. This query works perfectly in MSSql Server 2008. the …

Member Avatar for adam84

I have a form called privateOrder, and two other forms. in the first form when I double click on a datagridview it opens the privateOrder form. in the second form I have a button, when I click it also calls the privateOrder form. I want to know if there is …

Member Avatar for adam84
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hey all, I wondering if you could help me get my head around this problem. [CODE] connetionString = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = KellihersLawnmowers.accdb" cnn = New OleDbConnection(connetionString) cnn.Open() overDue = "SELECT tblCustomer.*, tblMachineHistory.*, tblPayments.* FROM (tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblMachineHistory ON tblCustomer.Customer_ID = tblMachineHistory.Customer_ID) INNER JOIN tblPayments ON tblMachineHistory.Machine_ID = …

Member Avatar for JAM1011
Member Avatar for Splendid1

I have just started a VB2008 class and I am so confused. plz help i need to write a flowchart that corresponds to this pseudocode if the hours are greater than 40 display "Overtime pay" else display "Regular pay" end if can you start me out in words that I …

Member Avatar for emompong

HI! I am working with an image tagger system.. Im done reading the file's properties.. then when i go to code for keywords.. an error exist saying that Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {58968145-CF05-4341-995F-2EE093F6ABA3} failed due to the following error: 80040154. I Already added the DSO …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello world, I would be grateful if you helped me. I've built a text editing application and I would like it to load values/user settings from the Windows Registry. Here's my code but it is somehow wrong (I believe it whatsoever has to do with wrong syntax but it could …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek
Member Avatar for jallan2010

Please help me for my syntax error? and I want to show all the First Middle and Last Name in the listbox i.e. into Listbox First Middle Last Amit Anoop Motwani

Member Avatar for jallan2010
Member Avatar for collegegirl7

I have an application in which I am using vb.net and excel. Daily readings are taken, written into vb.net and then saved into excel. At the moment i have it set so that: [code] If Gdate = "12 February 2010" Then .Range("C4").Value = TextBox1.Text .Range("C5").Value = TextBox2.Text .Range("C6").Value = TextBox3.Text …

Member Avatar for collegegirl7
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

can somebody tell me how to get file type..of any file..For .txt file file type is [B]Text Document[/B],for doc file - [B]Microsoft Word Document[/B] & so on. Plz help me out,I m not finding anything on the net related to it.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rajunath

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread103912-2.html[/url] [/b] Please help me!!! How to i priview image and then how to rotate that image from left to right or right to left (0 to 360) and it will save in the same folder where it was taken and resize that also.

Member Avatar for horseygal

Hi, can anyone look at this and see why it doesn't work? When I test and enter a numeric value in the text box it still gives the error I have placed in the code, same if I put in a letter etc. Thanks!! :) [CODE]Private Sub valueDouble(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for horseygal
Member Avatar for Fernando_Gomez

Hi: In the application I'm building i use a FileSystemWatcher to monitor changes in any inserted USB flash memory, a FileSystemWatcher is created and started every time a usb flash memory is inserted, my code correctly registers the devices to receive the DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE event from windows so i can unregister …

Member Avatar for abhay1234

ok i know connecting access. i want to learn database connectivity using sql server in vb.net. How do i create a table in sql server in vb.net visual studio i dont have sql server installed in my pc also performing database manipulation in windows application(i have been doing it in …

Member Avatar for akamini

Yet another date time related sql statement i need help with, oh how I loathe them. I need to find the records between now and a week ahead. I have this so far [CODE] Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim OleDBCon As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da …

Member Avatar for akamini

The End.