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Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

How can i send an email from vb6.for example my driver’s license will be expired in a month. I want my vb6 to send an email to notify me about the expiration. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Good Afternoon, I have 2 senarios to which I need some clarification. I have an Access 2010 frontend with linked tables to mySQL using ODBC. Senario 1: I need to add a few fields to the main table and the software is used 24/7 if I add new fields will …

Member Avatar for vividiah
Member Avatar for vividiah
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

im making a system that will notify me when one month before its expiration. anyone can give me an idea??pls pls pls?? thanx

Member Avatar for emmy3G
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal i am using vb6 as front-end and ms access as back-end.I dont want to use data report instead i want to export all these multiple tables values to excel into a single sheet.I am using a command button and whenever i click that command button …

Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE
Member Avatar for vividiah

how to make auto numbering for an ID? but id has been given an initial value, examples of initial value: 100027 how to make the ID is automatically incremented by 1? thanks,

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Member Avatar for gmmorpheus

Private Sub Load_Faculty() Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim myMS As New IO.MemoryStream Dim sSQL As String = String.Empty Try sSQL = "SELECT b.FacultyFirstName, b.Image, b.Course, a.Course" sSQL = sSQL & " FROM studentsrecords as a left …

Member Avatar for teppuus

Hello, I am trying to write a macro for Excel 2003 that will allow me to search for two words in Sheet1, copy all the data below those words, and then paste that data in Sheet2. That part I can get to work. My problem is that I have multiple …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Carlo Miguel

whats wrong with this.. its not working! Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from Personal inner join Company on Personal.CompanyID = Company.ID", conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic rs.Filter = "FirstName LIKE '*" & searchtxt.Text & "*'"

Member Avatar for kennethjohn.esada
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

hi again , how i can read a path of file that location on a server in vb6 ??? for example my server is and folder is software

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

hi everybody , i need to solve this case as soon as possible : i have the master table that include the following data : (SerialNo - integer (P.K), civil-bit, mechanical-bit, etc) and form that include the serial no text field that automatic increase by one each time the user …

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody tell me why i got syntax error(missing operator) in query expression'ID='; here is the code what i have written.any help would be greatly appreciated. [code] Private Sub Command2_Click() If CheckInput = True Then Dim success As Boolean Set con = New ADODB.Connection success = OpenConnection(con) If success = …

Member Avatar for babu.shahulhameed
Member Avatar for valter.schmaltz

Can someone help me create the code that moves the second table when clicked the next. because tables are connected but I can not make the code to keep the two aligned tables. What I want and clicking to move the main table to select other data that automatically.

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hi my program is need to print different forms but each forms must use different printer and all printers was connected to my pc via usb port, my problem is if i want to print a form A i will click the command box then it will use the EPSON …

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Member Avatar for baabjitvk
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Member Avatar for abdu_1

Help my program gives me error:argument not optional Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim First_Number As Integer Dim Second_Number As Integer Dim Answer As Integer first = Val(txtFirst_Number.Text) second = Val(txtSecond_Number.Text) Answer = First_Number + Second_Number MsgBox ("The total is " & Answer)

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for eshajoshi

Hi can andbody help me? Below is my code. I get this message: Run-time error '-2147217900(80040e14)': Table 'PreampAutoDetect' already exists. The error points to the line below with the stars around it. stringSQL4 = ... Please help me ... Private Sub Command4_Click() ' Copy Tables from List1 to Database(s) in …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for anJelo.towT

can someone help me ? whenever i start this program its always says that " compile error type-declaration characters does not match declared data type. then the rs.Fields! will go hightlight. can someone help me ? Dim rs As Recordset Private Sub Form_Load() Dim list As ListItem ListView1.ListItems.Clear Set rs …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for eshajoshi

Hi, I am having some with my program. I want to copy table content and data from one database to identical tables in different databases. (overriding the old tables) So far, in the different databases, I am able to delete the original table, create a new table with the same …

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Member Avatar for venomv1

I have encountered a block in my programming escapade. The project that I am working on is from a visual basic 6.0 programming book and is a program that opens a data file filled with roman numerals, read to end of file, and outputs the numerals digit form, performs a …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for sshinde

Hi can anybody please let me know how to print barcode in visual basic 6.0 with code 93 font,i am using printer object to print on to the printer.also code through which i can minimize the width of the barcode so that it can print completly on the label.

Member Avatar for asaa
Member Avatar for anto_nee

hi frnds here i found many solutions for vb thanx for all your help and now i came with a new problem i have a file (doc,xls,txt, jpg or whtever it is) here i have to open that file from vb i have the filename i cant imagine i have …

Member Avatar for Md Saiful
Member Avatar for jason.craft.5439

So I have this assignment for school and I've got the program working, but some minor issues (maybe major issues with cleanilness of code, but working on it). I'm having to make a Guess My Number program and it seems to work, but when I start a new game it …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for gudboi.ian

Can anyone help me making this Gasoline Meter Simulator? Here's the problem, Using .NET construct an application that will simulate Gasoline Meter. The users allows assigning the amount of gasoline per liter. The user can select whether by liters or by amount. If the user select liter, then he will …

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Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

this is my code , it should save a pdf file from sql server to a folder but nothing happened can anyone help please ?? Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from PDFStore where filename='" & co_name.Text & "'", db, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic If Not rs.EOF Then Set pdffile …

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for Michael Leung

When I copy the VB program to a directory, how can the program find the directory. So, it can read some data on this directory.

Member Avatar for Klahr_R

The End.