10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi i am vishal i need to know source code on how to add datas in combobox in a form dynamically at run-time with ms access as it's back-end

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mavtcr

I want to print adress from a database containing lot of records. I have done it through report. But the problem is, All the address is printed in a single column. I want it to print in four or five columns in the paper so that I can save a …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi Everyone, Been a few years since I had to post anything here so I'm glad to be back. I've been asked to do a report to show vouchers that have been issued and presented for July (this year and last year). I have done this SQL: SELECT tblOutlet.OL_NAME, Format([VI_TRANSACTION_DATE_TIME],"mmmm …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Thermalnuke

Hey guys, I havent coded visual basic in a long time I am using access 2003 and doing some code under a form. I have a button that is named system Setup and when you click on it it opens up and another form that has three comboboxes and a …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for ogucheed

Hello, Please any one to guide me through. was a VB 6.0 programmer 3 years ago. Now I want to use Vb.net how to I migrate/upgrade my projects to VB2008

Member Avatar for xcrunner15
Member Avatar for mrjekzz

Hi all! i have a problem from my program in vb when i click the delete button.... EXAMPLE : |QTY| NAME |PRICE 2 1st FOOD 250 1 2nd FOOD 150 TOTAL AMOUNT IN TEXTBOX >>>>> 400 >>>>>>>DELETE BUTTON<<<<<<<<< then when i click 1st food and click delete button THIS IS …

Member Avatar for xcrunner15
Member Avatar for Shaikh Sharif

I have develop a project using vb6 with Sheridan Activex Data Widgets SSOLEDBDataGrid here three (3) Column Named 1- SL 2- Item Name 3-Amount. I want to check run time duplicate item name entry but I can't. Any one can help me?

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for androidz

hi i have a table name table1 i want to display all the records in the table by using data grid and when i try to run it there is no records display in the datagrid and i have already configure the datalink which i name it adodc. could anyone …

Member Avatar for Adrian779
Member Avatar for tommuhumuza

I have this code am when i try to execute it give an error where am i going wrong Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset Rs.Open "Select stank from sidetank where job_id='" & Label18.Caption & "'", FrmMother.Db, adOpenKeyset, adOpenDynamic Rs(0) = Val(Rs(0)) + Val(Text7) Rs.Update Rs.Close Will be glad if i …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

when im adding some group header or footer in datareport i always got an error msg **report sections do not match data source** i fix the grouping on dataenvironment and everything nice but i could not find the way out of this. hope you all will help me..thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for mavtcr

I have created a Login form and coded as below (Before that.. I am very new to VB I have the knowledge only of the basic.) I got the code from this forum itself But it is not working properly Can anybody help me... My form contains two textboxes 'TextUserID' …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

I have to print the invoice in my datagrid using datareport but i dont have the total amount of all the selected items.i have uploaded a picture. I hope u could help me..thanx

Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

can anyone help me of how i can copy a file from user computer to a server that can anyone open the file??? my case is : i have a text field to read a path and command button to save a path and i have another command to view …

Member Avatar for wcttech
Member Avatar for Henry Schubel

I was here looking for a solution that I didn't find, but have since figured it out so I thought I'd post it as I doubt I'm the only one who has had the need. The issue is - How do you have Crystal print to a 'Named Printer' without …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R

I work with VBA and VB6 so I miss some things. I notice in sample code that some folks use if MyString <> "" then and others use if Not MyString = VBNullString Is there a difference, and why? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for razamughal67

Hello every one i have a problem webbrowser1 cannot fill textarea. we use already a command to fill form in my another projects. this command work fine. but in this site this command could not work. web1.Document.GetElementById.All("description").Value = Text5.Text Kindly help me to solve my problem. cause we invest 1600$ …

Member Avatar for razamughal67
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hi , i have 3 forms, the login form, profile form and notice form ... my problem is if ever my LAN connection lost the profile form will LOGOUT automatically if ever there is someone who logged on and show login form ,if not the login form will hide, then …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for sprishi9

I am trying to print a single record on the data report control in vb6.0 with sql2005 as backend can you please sugest how to do this. please send the code.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close rs.Open "select Distinct ActvID where ProjectNo = '" & ProjectNo1 & " ' ", db, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveLast While Not rs.BOF actvID.AddItem rs(0) ActvID2.AddItem rs(0) ActvID3.AddItem rs(0) ActvIdA.AddItem rs(0) & " " & rs(1) ActvID2A.AddItem rs(0) & " " & …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for eshajoshi

Hi everyone, I have a list of an unknown number of Microsoft Access 2003 databases. All of my databases have the same tables but obviously different recordset data. I am able to open one table from one of the databases (select a table from one database) and edit one recordset. …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE
Member Avatar for raknahs

Dim asynconn As New pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection Dim conn As pfcls.IpfcAsyncConnection Dim session As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession Dim oModel As pfcls.IpfcModel Dim A As IpfcBaseParameter Dim Av As IpfcParamValue Dim A_value As Double Dim A_value_new As Double Dim new_paramowner As pfcls.IpfcParameterOwner Dim pa_model As pfcls.CCpfcRegenInstructions Dim asyncConnection As IpfcAsyncConnection Dim cAC As CCpfcAsyncConnection Dim …

Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

greetings here in saudi arabia.i come in peace.i have a problem in search hope you guys have time answering this. i have a datagrid table a textbox and adodc controller.if i input the characters in textbox i want to see only the characters that i have entered and the other …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

i used this code to send email from vb6 form that connect with out look email account 'Dim olapp As New Outlook.Application 'Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem 'Create a new mail object form the 'Outlook98 Application object 'Set olMail = olapp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'Set the mail fields of the olMail object 'olMail.Subject = …

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

why is command2 in dataenvironment cannot be added on datareport.only the command1 is allowed in datareport.guys pls help me..

Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I have made a program and now I am not sure how to clear the screen. When I start the program I will have a blank screen and just my program visible. Lenny

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

i have this new problem i hope that im not a spam here in this site.but i have to do this bcoz i have no where else to go.sorry for my english hope u understand me.in the picture that i uploaded i have textbox1 and textbox2 their value comes from …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

'Text2.Text = "C:\MyPath\MyDocument.pdf" 'Shell "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" & " " & Text2.Text, vbNormalFocus this code correctly work for one user pc, but other users that use the system cant be open the file , how i can make the file published??

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for siu17

i need a code to enter data into a textbox and update an access database table which must be displayed in my listbox, please help i also want to know hoe to search data in the table

Member Avatar for Need u:
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

im doing a program in vb6.0 and im using datagrid as my table for database. i want to print selected rows in datagrid... the system im working on is inventory system printing the selected rows..help me thanxx..

Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

The End.