10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for sanket044

I have created one report in crystal report... i want to filter that report in vb6 with different conditions... i have created selection formula, like, str = "isnull({Prescriptions.RecDateR})" Report.RecordSelectionFormula = str but while running this it gives error that " SERVER HAS NOT YET BEEN OPNED"... if i remove the …

Member Avatar for sanket044
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Please, I need someone to show me the correct synatx - code to FTP a file (in an Access table) to a server. The access table contains the following information: Open Username Password File path - sourcefile destinationfile Quit. I tried to run the code below and I get: …

Member Avatar for evry1falls
Member Avatar for sanket044

ey i have following code for crystal report 8.5 to vb6... i just want to change database location of report from vb code... Private Sub Form_Load() Dim Reportapp As New CRAXDDRT.Application Dim Report As CRAXDDRT.Report Set Report = Reportapp.OpenReport(App.Path & "\orders.rpt") Report.Database.SetDataSource App.Path & "\RatanDB.mdb" CRViewer2.ReportSource = Report CRViewer2.ViewReport CRViewer2.Zoom …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for evry1falls

What we have done was : Specifying valid FTP remote server name, a username and a password if password required in their relevant textboxes on the form then we click on connect, we notice that the TreeView control is filled with main directories while ListBox control is filled with main …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Hi! This is my submission for code snippet contest. I also posted this code to help other members on how they can use compact & repair their MS Access Database within Visual Basic 6.0. You also need to add Microsoft Jet and Replication 2.6 in your project reference. To use, …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for steveh000

` connectionString="Data Source=########;Initial Catalog=DowntimeD51;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=#######;Password=########;Connection Timeout=120;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;Network Library=dbmssocn"` I have the above connection string in a vb windows application , This is part of my app config file. I then have a number of table adapters for connecting my business logic to the database , One of the queries …

Member Avatar for steveh000
Member Avatar for lendyl16

Call Open_conn If BEdt = False Then Rs.Open "Select * from tblpayroll where EmployeeID='" + Trim(txtEmpID.Text) + " '", Cn If Rs.EOF = False Then MsgBox "Duplicate Employee ID", vbInformation, "Duplicate" Else Cn.Execute "Insert into tblpayroll values('" + Trim(txtEmpID.Text) + "', '" _ + Trim(txtfullname.Text) + "','" + Trim(cbogender.Text) + …

Member Avatar for mustaffa hasan
Member Avatar for vanesh

How to connect datagrid from database using adodb connection. so that the records in the database will display in the datagrid. I have category here that i want to display to datagrid: ID, LName, FName, GLevel. I need a code for that. THANK YOU!

Member Avatar for mustaffa hasan
Member Avatar for KalebG

ME and a freind of mine have a vB class. We are using the schools outdated microsoft visual basic 2003. We in are spare time are trying to make a "Siezure" program. The point of this program is to simply have the user click a button and the background begin …

Member Avatar for mustaffa hasan
Member Avatar for twistercool

Good Day Everyone: I am creating a tabulating system for a bikini open. How can you create a client-sever application with database on server without using winsock control? One server for monitoring and document printing. I need client for multiple judges (atleat 5) you can add and remove. And a …

Member Avatar for twistercool
Member Avatar for lmpush

Hi all, i need to find Internet Service provider IP Address through VB6 Coding. (http://www.whatismyip.net/) Is it possible? Please send me the coding.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for hallianonline

Hello Every One, I am new to VB6 and I am getting the problem from few days. I want to print a label sheet of the specific barcode which contains(description, barcode image and unit price), as much times I want the label should repeat on the same sheet to that …

Member Avatar for Parloverde

So I'm currently making program for my year 12 IPT assignment. It's a maths game for Year 4's and 5's. I need to carry a variable throughout the entire project (across forms) so I can easily specify what level the user is playing and how many questions they want to …

Member Avatar for Parloverde
Member Avatar for sanket044

I am having one projract EXE in vb6... and i have to create it again and needs to add some extra features in it... so is it posible the i can get the vb project of that exe again??? or can i attach new functionality to it directly without rewriting …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

My project is what I thought is probably a popular one, so I'm hoping the solution is easy enough. To develop an Intranet using the functionality of forms authentication, but automatically logs in authenticated Active Directory users with their Windows authentication (so they do not have to sign in again …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Any body of you guys knows or have a link of a multi column combo box? A recenty used this combo box [Click Here](http://planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=71617&lngWId=1) but it crashes when 2 the same combo box is created on the form especially MDI form. Thank you!

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for johndmingione

I'm having some trouble defining constants correctly. I know the format should be this: Const CONSTANT_NAME [As ConstantType] = value But I'm a little unclear of how to word it. So here is the Line I need to change into a Constant. Normally I would have a BAS file do …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for frnds2vivek

Hii everyone.. I have upgraded a project on VB6. However when I run the setup on a fresh PC it gives me run-time error 3706. After doing researches, I came to knw dat it was due to mismatch of the versions of some dll files being used in the program …

Member Avatar for frnds2vivek
Member Avatar for twistercool

I WAS CREATING AN INVENTORY SYSTEM USING VB 6 AND ADODC. HERE IS MY CODE [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim temp2 As Integer Dim temp As Integer If Text1.Text = 0 Then error.Show Else If Text1.Text > 0 Then purchase.Show Form38.Hide Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select *from purchasetable", cn, …

Member Avatar for twistercool
Member Avatar for ISAYA VAIMBA

Hellow friends, please help me to create a program that will disolay only a postive prime number

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for TwijoO

hi, eventually this program should be able to automatically upload an image to a youtube page. (origionally the idea was to add a gamertag alongside the channel name so people could see current gamerscore etc...) I have coded a lot of it and one part which i thought to be …

Member Avatar for TwijoO
Member Avatar for newbie26

hi. can anyone help me on how to create a spider web graph in vb6. is it possible? my client wants a spider web graph not the usual bar/line/pie chart. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for newbie26
Member Avatar for C0ding

Hello everyone, I've been trying to generate a way to catch or suppress errors in my web browser control. actually what i really need in my browser is that if i run my project and the page cannot be display, to generate an error handler so instead of showing "The …

Member Avatar for C0ding
Member Avatar for sanket044

is it possible to run one code on differet events of different controls like vb.net??? how???

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hello to all VB masters, I have a problem with the search command. I have a button name [B][COLOR="red"]"btnSearch"[/COLOR][/B] a text field name [B]"fldSearch"[/B] a table named [B][COLOR="red"]MSFlexGrid[/COLOR][/B] and a database named [B][COLOR="red"]db.mdb[/COLOR][/B]. The function of the search button is to search the data being entered in the fldSearch and …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for Bile

Hello everyone, can some one help me with the code to create a folder by code in vb6,I am greatefull for Qvee72. The scenario I have is that I have an application that allows users to login but waht I need specific is to create users forlder during registration so …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for abu taher

i work with 3 more form. 2 form has no border. when i click a button a form is show. when i minimize main form the other form still show. but i want when i minimized main form all from will minimize what was open.

Member Avatar for Qesha carol
Member Avatar for hassanumair1

kindly send me a vb / .net code for sync 2 mysql databases on localhost. I need only 1 way syncing. Thanks and Regards: Umair-Hassan

Member Avatar for nanako

How do i transfer the information stored in the 2nd and 3rd col of the selected row in datagrid im using visual basic 6 i have to transfer it to a textBox in a diferent form please tell me if its possible

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for abathurst

I am having trouble with databinding when trying to add it to a dropdownlist. I can get it to work with a label: <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Location") %>'></asp:Label> But when I try with the DropDownList I get this error and I can't seem to find an answer for it. …

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The End.