919 Topics

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Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in coping a file to machine in the network i use the below code [CODE] public string UploadFile(string ID,string Phase,string source,string fileName) { string path = @"\Server-003\F\Details\Reports\" + ID + @"\Phase" + Phase + @"\Proposal"; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); //string folderPath = path.Substring(0,slashIndexLast); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path); …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for johnkeartson

How do I install visual Studio 6 in Windows 7 Visual Basic Not completed the installation at the access to the installation of Microsoft Vrtual Machine ( VM ) What is the way ? What i do ? Because, I need to use the Visual Basic Now. :'(

Member Avatar for addym55
Member Avatar for shizu

Hi all.. I am using windows XP with vision studio C++ 6.0.. my software is using CAsyncSocket communication with TCP/IP.. during sending and receiving signal / data.. my software always face communication cannot delivered to server.. sometimes OK..sometimes not.. I called CAsyncSocket::Send(...) function to send data.. sometimes able to send, …

Member Avatar for kdcorp87

i convert some opengl code from visual c++ 2006 to visual c++ 2010 i mean visual studio framework. problem is in visual studio 10 they r running but mainloop is not working, i mean windows r supposed to wait for key input but it shows and gone at instant. no …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, Is it possible to write and compile a cross-platform C++ Program in Visual Studio (C++) Express or Professional? I only ask this question (before starting on a big project) because I would like to support other platforms without changing my coding environment, if you get what I mean. Kieran …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for mca.narender

what is msvcrt_x64_vc8.lib and what is ther role of this file in visual studio and how can we add and get this lib file. I am converting 32 bit application into 64 bit. Is this file help me or not? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arsnic

Ok, I'm not new to C++ but I am used to running a g++ compiler vs Microsoft's VS C++. I understand what this error should mean. It should mean that I'm missing a ';' on the line before or in the class Polygon. I can't seem to find anything wrong. …

Member Avatar for arsnic
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, Can anyone please provide me the link for downloading Visual Studio 6.0(Full Version) Thanks.

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for localp

I need to add MYSQL to Visual studio 2008, and run a simple SQL may be an insert to verify everything is working. so this is what i did. i got this part from a forum>> [QUOTE]go to control panel>administrative tools>odbc datasource then on user dsn click add select Mysql …

Member Avatar for Isaac Remuant
Member Avatar for Jarrhed

I'm having a whole lot of difficulty attempting to add data to a multi-column ListView Here's the code for the ListView [CODE]ListView Height="263" Margin="12,29,12,0" Name="Tasks_ListView" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding Source=}"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Width="91" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding CourseName}" Header="Class Name" /> <GridViewColumn Width="275" Header="Assignment Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding AssignmentName}"/> <GridViewColumn Width="110" Header="Due Date" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Due_Date}"/> <GridViewColumn …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for TSims11

So I need to be able to close a window when I open another window... Here is my code: [CODE]private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { Form2 ^form2 = gcnew Form2(); form2->Show(); Form1->Close(); }[/CODE] All this does is close both windows... If you guys could help out a noob to …

Member Avatar for TSims11
Member Avatar for stelman

Hi there, I want to use a PictureBox in my project. The PictureBox does not appear in the default toolbox settings, so I tried to add it myself. I opened tools->choose toolbox items->.NET Framework Components and I chose the PictureBox along with other controls that are selected by default, but …

Member Avatar for Mubusher

sir i am having a Visual Studio 2008 but it not install with crystal report when i open add new item-> its didnot contain Crystal Report how can i add crystal report and make crystal reports in visual studio 2008 how i install crystal report with visual studio 2008 only …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for deadelgabar

hi, my name is saad. i will start working at my graduation project. we should do a windows mobile application. the project is a mobile application interacting with a web-site to help people avoid traffic jam. description:- we should develop a mobile application which will work on (HTC) windows mobile, …

Member Avatar for hueikar

I would like to do a coding to delete the txt.file that i had created before using visual studio..can anyone teach me the coding?thank you.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for hueikar

Hi.i am facing the problem that is when i open my file in datagridview.it didnt have extra column let me edit(add,change) the data.Besides that, when i want to save it into textbox.it will appear like it added 1 more empty column between each column..why it will save like that?please help …

Member Avatar for hueikar

hi.i m new in the visual studio basic 2010..can i noe how to import txt file to datagridview? the txt file like below: name>date>id jay,2010,a111* cheryl,2011,a222* i had successfully import the data to the datagridview. but i cant import for the attribute.. the attribute and data will always change if …

Member Avatar for schoenfelder.p

I'm new to Visual Studio 2010 and whenever I create a new project I can't actually create new files or add files to the project. The only option under the Project menu is "Rescan Solution". There is no "Add New Item..." or "Add Existing Item..." option. Why is this? Is …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for i.am.wolf

So, our group was assigned a project to calculate the GPA of a student. We are using visual Studios 2010. Anyway, all seems to be good but I just cant figure out how to link the out put the GPA to its corresponding boxes. If you scroll down to the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Izzy123

Hi can anyone pls tell me how to add notes in source code in Visual Studio 2010? I only want the notes to be viewed in source code view, not design view! I tried //notes here 'notes here but they all ended up showing in the design view, HELP PLS!

Member Avatar for Ailurophile
Member Avatar for ekailan

I have this tow errors ,how I can solve it.any ideas? error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup MSVCRTD.lib AC fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Debug\AC.exe AC

Member Avatar for ekailan
Member Avatar for smariano77

Hi, I have this connction string: [CODE]Private conexion As New OdbcConnection("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1.50 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=netstore; UID=root; PASSWORD=123456; OPTION=3")[/CODE] I use: Visual Studio 2010 MySQL 5.1.50 When I try to open the connection, this error appears: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver …

Member Avatar for smariano77
Member Avatar for tomlocke

Hi I am having problem connecting to my sql2000 database. The database is on a MS Server 2008. I had no problem connecting to my other server Server2003. I selected '.Net Framework Data Provider for SQL Server', entered my server name, and selected 'Use SQL Server Authentication'. But when I …

Member Avatar for tomlocke
Member Avatar for jonniebl

I have created a porcess that manipulates large volumes of text. I have created a form that has a button that manually starts the process. I have tried to give some feedback that the process is actually progressing through the data by changing the value of text fields on the …

Member Avatar for jonniebl
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

[ATTACH=left]17191[/ATTACH]Today at Intel's IDF 2010 was the official launch of the 2011 version of Intel Parallel Studio. Parallel Studio is a set of tools that enhance Visual Studio to support full parallel programming. This is more than just a simple plug-in for Visual Studio. It's an entire set of tools …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in LINQ in C#, i have a webpage and in that i have a button called clicl and theGridview . i have a LINQ to SQL class with the Employee and the USErLogin which the EID in the Employee calss is a foreign key …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for bokr66

Hi, I have a problem with an VB aplication programmed in Visual studio 2005. Recently i was upgraded my computer with windows XP to Windows 7 Ultimate (fresh instalation). After that I made reinstallation Visual studio 2005 and service pack 1 for Vista/win7. My problem now is when I run …

Member Avatar for bokr66
Member Avatar for deadelgabar

hi, im having a graduation project which i should make a windows mobile application using visual studio 2005, and really i dont know what topic can i choose and the doctor doesnt want to provide me with a topic,, so if anyone can help just with a topic, because it …

Member Avatar for rahulbatra
Member Avatar for neti1987

hi! I'm looking for things which compile on visual-studio, but not in the gcc compiler in the C programming language (C++ it's ok too). I have to make list of such things. If someone could send me link to such list or send me some examples, it will be great! …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Orion2k

well first of all I ask u people don't try to give me advices like use QT instead that waste my time lot I want a direct answer how to do this cause this is really important C++ Module in my college has just started well the whole yesterday night …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.