10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for bongobob

Hello and thank you to those who responded to my earlier request for a script to hide media control panels. As a result, I have tried the following suggested script, but I still can't seem to get it right. But, I think I'm getting close ;-) I could not find …

Member Avatar for GoodKingJohn
Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi, I love DaniWeb it has almost everything that has to do with IT; except it is missing a 3d animation forum which would be real helpful for me and a bunch of other 3d animators. I am currently working really hard on learning 3d animation all the way to …

Member Avatar for Meugo
Member Avatar for peterbarber
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16331[/ATTACH]A [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383530439838568.html?"]Wall Street Journal report today[/URL] suggests that for Microsoft, customer concerns about privacy came a distant second behind ad revenue when designing browser software Internet Explorer. When Microsoft initially planned the Internet Explorer 8.0 browser, they intended to offer users functionality that would allow them to avoid being tracked …

Member Avatar for sorefish

Hey folks, realise this is probably beneath the general level of conversation in here, but I have no technical training. I'm working on a WP site called worseforwear.com, helping out a friend. In the right sidebar, I want to create a CSS exception for the list-style: square part of the …

Member Avatar for sorefish
Member Avatar for Flexor123

Hi I'm trying to create a professional looking JQuery Slideshow for the website I am currently working on. I know the basic syntax of JQuery and could really use some help on how to create this. I have tried making one using JQuery and CSS, but it ultimately did not …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Wakesta

How do you create the icons that appear within the Internet windo tab, I have attached an example as I would like to create one for my website

Member Avatar for Flexor123
Member Avatar for gubbasrikanth

Hi, I have one more doubt in dreamweaver, how to export template based documents in a site to another site without include Template markup

Member Avatar for Reliable

I have a bunch of pictures I'm retouching/restoring. I have one, though, that has a bunch of red discoloring dots in quite a few places. As opposed to taking the spot healing tool for about an hour is there another more efficient way to go about this ? I was …

Member Avatar for PixelExchange
Member Avatar for dominique7

Hi, I'd like to have a slowly shifting effect in my menu-items on mouseover, which makes the menu-item stand out. An animated Gif worked fine, but only for the shifting-in of the effect (colour/contrast/form of letters), while I would like the effect to shift-out slowly when the mouse focus is …

Member Avatar for PixelExchange
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I'm trying to get a number of things accomplished, and getting stuck on all them. First of all, I'd like to have the footer all the way at the bottom, whether or not there is significant content on the page. I'm also having issue with the footer link, it is …

Member Avatar for zevrap21

I have a header div and below that a topMenu div and then two right floating divs for left sideBar and content area then under that a footer. On firefox, and safari and IE8 everything shows up fine but in IE6 and IE7 the left menuBar wont show up at …

Member Avatar for powersstuff

Is there a way to get a video to based on what player they have installed on the person's computer? Can a .wmv version and a .flv version both be embedded or linked and whatever player you have will be prioritized for playing the movie? If so, can someone give …

Member Avatar for powersstuff
Member Avatar for avernon2

When I use Conditional CSS for Firefox (Gecko) the styles do not change. I'm trying to align the icons with the menu in Firefox. [URL="http://jaelmarketing.com/index.php"]http://jaelmarketing.com/index.php[/URL] My code: [if Gecko] #nav-icons ul li { padding:20px 0 1px 30px;} What am I doing wrong? Please help? Avernon2

Member Avatar for showerhater

hi, i am just now learning to take advantage of XML and RSS feeds. I actauly just finished my first RSS Feed. Whenever i check it in google reader the RSS feed shows up as a list of links with short descriptions. like i would like it to do. However, …

Member Avatar for kjdavis1210

I am having problems as I work on a layout for this site [URL="http://www.alserracolorado.com/dnn/"]http://www.alserracolorado.com/dnn/[/URL]. It is in DotNetNuke. I am trying to make a pure CSS skin. You can see that the two containers or Div(s) with my content arn't stretching the main cell behind them. Instead it is staying …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello everyone, I'm having a hard time getting a an AVI file to play in Photoshop CS4. It shows that it is there: the layers pallet has the filmstrip icon on it and it shows in the animation time lien. Unfortunately , though, all I see is white. I've searched …

Member Avatar for frankdushan
Member Avatar for levsha

I have four buttons in an HTML form. Here is the HTML: [CODE]<tr> <td> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" /> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="file" class="file" name="uploadedfile" /> <div class="fakefile"> <img src="uf_btt.png" /> </div> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="reset" class="reset" /> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="button" class="print" onclick="window.print()" /> …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for rawrjoeynashomg

But I can't figure this out. :/ I want my nav bar to look like [URL="http://www.casingit.com/nav/source/index.html"]this[/URL]. But when i put it into my code on my [URL="http://www.casingit.com"]homepage[/URL] the highlights aren't alligned... :/ Any help? Here's the [URL="http://www.casingit.com/nav/source/menu_style.css"]css [/URL]for the nav menu if that helps.

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for AntoniaRosedale

Hi there, our in-house web-based data vault has a built in search engine. If you hover over a search result's title it will display the first two lines of the document. In this way the user can sort of tell if it's what they're looking for. I am working on …

Member Avatar for Luigi987

Hi, New here. I have been trying and searching the internet for a way to remove these non breaking spaces from my Apache directory listing. [url]http://i28.tinypic.com/2uqdfgw.png[/url] [url]http://i30.tinypic.com/35l54p2.jpg[/url] As you can see there is a break in the layout being caused by blank spaces, I used "IndexOptions SuppressDescription" To remove the …

Member Avatar for sparatacus

Hi, I'm a complete newbie at web design, but have come up with a business idea for a simple price comparison website in my local area. I've registered the domain name and have a web hosting provider, so I just need a little advice about getting this project off the …

Member Avatar for sparatacus
Member Avatar for priyam1309

I am trying to create a simple horizontal dropdown menu using CSS. I have developed the code so far but there are two problems - 1. Positioning of the list items 2. Hovering can not make the sub-menu visible. I have [B]attached[/B] few screen shots. the HTML code is as …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for brenzor

Hi I am busy with a google map, and I have the 'to here' 'from here' directions on my info window, but i have a problem. When i type in an address for the directions, it links me to the google maps site, but i get a message in the …

Member Avatar for virtuemart
Member Avatar for JimiH

Hello, I recently constructed my first website for a friend using Sharepoint designer. Everything seemed to go well except when I click a link then click home again the webpage shifts position. Here is the site [url]http://www.surveillanceservices.org/[/url] Click "About" then "Home" repeatedly to see the problem. Anyone know what is …

Member Avatar for bunny12
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Friends, I have a simple problem, in my HTML page I want to display a paragraph and link but do not want to print it. Please guide me how to use CSS to achieve this.

Member Avatar for raj_developer
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi.. I dont know actually how is the best term i should use to describe my problem.. I already code the css,and everything is on their on position seems to look find, but not until I shrunk the browser that i use, then only the items that arrange before became …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Currently I am pointing my domain (mydomain.com) somewhere by using this as the index.html: [code] <html> <head> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://somewhere.com"> </head> <body> </body> </html> [/code] However, when I go to mydomain.com, it redirects to somewhere.com, but the URL is actually changed to "somewhere.com" in the browser. Is there a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for plattypuss

hey guys struggling with a couple of myspace codes here, would really appreciate some help as I'm new to coding etc. 1. I want to get the soundcloud dropbox aligned left...this is the current code: [CODE] <style>a.soundcloud-dropbox:hover {color: 1896D1 !important; background-color: transparent !important;}*html a.soundcloud-dropbox {background-image: none !important; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='(http://a1.soundcloud.com/images/dropbox_small_white.png?d23308)', sizingMethod='crop') …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RickyG

Hi there Expert Designers, I am building a Web form for a medical institution, can you give me an advise in how to make this form look cool??[code]<%@ Master Language="C#" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" EnableViewState="false" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClick1() { if (divCalendar.style.display == …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.