10,643 Topics
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Hello. In the past couple of months, I put together a simple web design which I planned to use on a site I am planning on developing. I uploaded a few of the pages to the site on one of my accounts to trial it under other people's judgements and … | |
How To create Integrated windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit) in one disk | |
Chaps, I am thinking to build a nice picture blog, to upload pictures and add a bit of a blurb, just enough to describe the picture, and let people comment if they want to. Now, here's the thing: one of the main feature I would like to have, well really … | |
We can provide an alternate GIF/PNG image, in case the user has no Adobe Flash installed and/or deactivated. <object id="flashcontent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550px" height="400px"> <param name="movie" value="myflashmovie.swf" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="myflashmovie.swf" width="550px" height="400px"> <!--<![endif]--> <p> Fallback or 'alternate' content goes here. This content will only be visible if the … | |
Firefox can finally orient itself, at least in terms of iPhones and MacBooks. Mozilla's latest browser, [url=https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_3.6_for_developers]Firefox 3.6 beta 1[/url], can now talk to accelerometers such as those in many Apple devices, thanks to [url=https://developer.mozilla.org/Special:Search?search=accelerometer&type=fulltext&go=Search]orientation event objects[/url] introduced in the new Gecko 1.9.2 presentation engine at the browser's core. Also … | |
Hi, I am a newbie website developer. I can develop html template which can be of cost. I want to know more about premium html template development. I saw in themeforest, premium html template has options to customize. But how is it possible, though there is no CMS? How to … | |
Hello all, I wonder how to create [Interactive Catalog](http://www.rustoleumibg.com/default.asp) by using pdf document ? | |
Hi everyone................... XHTML is an advanced version of HTML. It is combination of XML and HTML. The features of it are: XHTML elements must be properly nested XHTML elements must always be closed XHTML elements must be in lowercase XHTML documents must have one root element Attribute names must be … | |
Okay, [URL="http://newsmap.jp/#"]this [/URL]is cool -- a single screen that shows an aggregation of Google news stories, with size representing the number of stories on a topic, color representing the category, and hue representing the stories' age. The site is designed by a company called Maramushi, headed by Marcos Weskamp, who … | |
Chaps, I am doing a bit of responsive/mobile development. SOme concepts are pretty new to me, like using viewports, initial-scale, maximum-scale etc etc, so I was wondering if anybody is aware of a good tutorial that could clear these things up for me. I have found this quite beneficial http://alistapart.com/article/fluidgrids … | |
Hello! For me everything in a form as to be straight so I have labels and the input boxes (specifically text) in a table. So here is my code (example): <table> <tr><td>Username:</td><td><input type="text"></td><td><i>How you will be known to other users</i> (18 characters max, 3 min)</td></tr> <tr><td>E-Mail:</td><td><input type="text"></td><td><i>Used for account verification … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16395[/ATTACH]HTML5 is a young programming language, with a lot of promise. It has been lauded as the Flash replacement that will revolutionize the web and more importantly, the mobile web. But with so much speculation and excitement, it's hard to recognize the forest for the trees. Where did HTML5 come … | |
Hi there! I have a horizontal navigation. What I would like to do is for each a, I would like the first word on top, and the second word below with an underline. How would I do this? I consider making each a element smaller in width, but it doesn't … | |
I've figured out how to make an embedded google spreadsheet sortable, but I can't get it to be searchable. http://ybpdatabase.blogspot.com/ is my site, and I have no access to or knowledge of php. In the past I've used another piece of google code to achieve these results (see my table … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16519[/ATTACH]As of August 3rd, users of 3DVIA Studio and 3DVIA Scenes can publish their work directly to Facebook with the click of a button. With 500 million Facebook users, that's quite a target audience to showcase and beta test your talent. “We have taken the guesswork out of launching 3D … | |
I know HTML, CSS, and all that put flash is my weak point. I'm learning as I go. But I am stuck at on my buttons how to link them to index, contact us page, etc... | |
Hello! I'm really confused and unfamiliar with HTML5. Some term often used in Java for a community I was a part of was 'handler'. Basically, I have one file from a tutorial thus far. I'd like to split it into seperate files so its more managable. Sort of a 'Main' … | |
Hi all, can somebody please let me know where I can find a good guide on how to use and especially what's included and what you can accomplish with Open CMS (I believe it's an open source content management system, probably a bit like wordpress)? ALso, if anybody has used … | |
Hello, I am trying to figure how to create a dropdown menu like this? [dropdownmenu](http://www.rustoleum-indonesia.com/rustoleum-menu.jpg) [This is the original menu](http://www.rustoleum-indonesia.com) (I'm trying to figure out both how to write the codes for dropdown menu as well as the css appearance) | |
Hey there everyone, i am having difficulties trying to code my css file so that it correctly displays my website in Firefox and Internet Explorer as intended. I have validated both my html and css yet that still hasnt resolved alongwith identifing the charset in different areas within the head … | |
I have added the CSS code for the related boxes. I cannot figure the correct padding that I am missing on the 3rd Column, which is going below. You can check the following page. http://bp.com.kw/index-1-2-4.html Thanks .box-24, .box-25, .box-26{float:left; background:#e5e8e3; padding:10px 20px; font-size:10px; height:580px;} .third-wrap{width:980px;} .box-24{width:375px; margin-right:25px; } .left2-wrap{float:left; width:145px;} … | |
One of my client site is not working properly. when i try to open on high resolution it just show long horizontal scroll bar. i try to resolve it but not succeed, is there any one who know how to get rid of that so please suggest me. | |
I am redesigning a site in joomla, and moving it to new web host. The new site will be in Joomla 2.5, and the old site seems to be some version of Joomla 1.5 plus some home-made cms called netdocs. I am coming back to this after many years away. … | |
Hi everyone, newbie at html here again! I'm really struggling, I have an assignment where I add logos to my page and nothing is working. I used the Markup Validation webiste to try to pinpoint where I went wrong in my coding but I can't figure it out. When I … | |
hi guys please i want you to help me solve the problem i have the following page and this is part of the code <form action="practicetest.html" method="post" target="_self"> <table width="95%" border="0" cols="2" align="center" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td valign="top">1.</td> <td bgcolor=#EBEBEB>Two ducks and two dogs have a total of fourteen legs. <br/> … | |
Hi, I would like to style my <hr> line with css. How to create dashed or dotted line with orange color with css? Thanks. | |
I am not sure if anyone is familiar with implementing Twitter Cards ([https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards)) into a blog, but if anyone is I could use some help. It seems like it should be working on my blog, but my posts don't work in Twitter's testing tool ([https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/preview](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/preview)) if I provide the url. … | |
I would like to create my title image out of pure CSS3, but there is one feature that I'm not quite sure I can even do. Plus, the features that I know are possible don't seem to mix well. I don't know CSS very well, at least anything past the … | |
I have created a website for a small business (i'm not a pro) and have added a comments system on the homepage so that customers can leave their experiences on there. I've used DISQUS for the comments but i have encountered a problem. When you go onto the website [www.pentyrch-kennels.co.uk](http://www.pentyrch-kennels.co.uk) … | |
My form won't submit... nothing happens when clicking the submit button. Any ideas? N.B. I am knackered, I've been up 26 hours :/ Thanks in advance for any suggestions! <form action="contact_me.php" method="post" class="contact-form" id="contactForm"> <div class="controls controls-row"> <div class="control-group span6"> <input class="span12" name="name" placeholder="your name" type="text" /> </div> <div class="control-group … |
The End.