190 Topics

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Member Avatar for TierVM

Hello everyone, this is Daniel from TierVM. We are a recently launched VPS, Web and Reseller Hosting Company. Good to be here :)

Member Avatar for Khalilur_1
Member Avatar for Zorrro

I will be hosting a website on windows 7 using Apache and a java based project tracking web application called jira on Tomcat using reverse proxy method. To secure that web application and my PC what steps should I take and from where should I start?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for GliderPilot

Getting a little tired of my current host so I've been looking around at some other hosts. It's hard to sort through all the fake reviews out there these days so thought I'd turn to my local DaniWeb community for suggestions :) Anyone have any recomendations for a quality shared …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Good day everyone Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but im trying to connect to my database online "Control Panel of my hosting site" from my local machine basically the webpage is running locally. but i want the data to be fetch online. my question …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for Lokman_1

Recently I have moved my server from hostgator to another hosting but after configuring my site, it only loading white page. Please check my website here: www.zoombangla.com or www.news.zoombangla.com Please help me to solve the problem. Thanks

Member Avatar for almuniz
Member Avatar for ZER09

Hi Is there way to enable the mail function without access to php.ini? The mail function was disable by my hosting provider, and there is no way to enable it because it was shared hosting. I already search in google how to enable mail function, but got nothing. I was …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for aisha.edris1

hi everyone i need website for free to create a domain name and hosting server to upload my project

Member Avatar for rozermartin28
Member Avatar for best4earn

I already used free hosting of these websites 000webhost.com byethost.com biz.ly & freeservers.com bt their free hosting is not best because their mysql link down or server some time redircts my site to some advertisments . Can any body suggest me a free webhosting which wil be best & their …

Member Avatar for rozermartin28
Member Avatar for nisbusiness

There are plethora of free hosting providers available in the online market. Is it true that choosing any one of these providers help gaining success in the online world? How can i choose between a right host and an ineffective host offering free hosting services? what are the things that …

Member Avatar for rozermartin28
Member Avatar for vibhuti@sharma

hi everyone recently I made a jsp website as a part of my minor project now my clg wants me to host it ,since i am very new to all this i dont know how to do it ...actually I also want that my website should also be connected to …

Member Avatar for rozermartin28
Member Avatar for kevwood

hi i have been following a tutorial on how to build a image viewer using javascript for a web page i am building for my shop. i have not been able to get it to work and i have looked at the comments at the bottom and it seems to …

Member Avatar for kevwood
Member Avatar for Zorrro

I am working on a project where my client want me to design a website and integrate it with Jira. I will be designing website with 4-5 pages. Setup Jira on his computer as he is planning to host it himself along with website. Backup Jira from his existing hosting …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi everybody!! I'm starting with asp.net and i would like to try my code online.. can you advise me some free hosting for asp.net with the possibility to use sql server? Thanks

Member Avatar for smith.james.355744
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I've created some few ASP using Visual Basic .Net and the files when I publish it (exporting from IDE to a folder) are in .aspx format and the problem is that I didn't find the hosting that support this kind of format they support .asp so my question …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I'm hosting my php file in WAMPSERVER PHP Version 5.4.3 and my database is somewhere in the uni server I keep getting this error and I don't know why * A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time or established connection …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for tylerhastings

I am Tyler Hastings. I own many websites for my affiliate business and I earn quite well from those. But sometimes, I get on site’s hosting issues and hosting companies take too much time to respond. So I wanted to figure out if I can get some help from this …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Yassine_1
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi there, Once i done my project whit MVC how should i make it working on line? I mean, i would love to put on line via FTP but the project seems too big for this... which filese shoult i upload? and how?? Thanks

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for techman41973

Expecting a spike in traffic on my website. Not sure what to do. I have a website thats currently on a shared server plan. It's been working fine. In about a week, I'm expecting a spike in traffic during a specific 4-day event. I could have as many as 1000 …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ezra.kim.98

import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class UselessHTTPServer04 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); ServerSocket serverSock=new ServerSocket(port); while(true) { Socket conn = serverSock.accept(); Scanner scanin = new Scanner(conn.getInputStream()); String line=null; int nlines=0; while (true) { line = scanin.nextLine(); if(line.length()==0) break; nlines = …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for Alexis_1

Hi, I'm about to start a new project and there is a hosting issue that has been discussed about mirroring the servers and having some backup. A different team is proposing a mirroring option that has server A with one hosting provider and server B with another provider. They are …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Facte

Hi there, I have a really irritating site problem that I just can't get my head around. I only have fairly basic coding skills and hope that someone here can help crack my issue. I own a small php/mySQL based job board which I have moved from hosting to hosting …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hrnjutt

I just want to know can my own design server communicate directly with mobile appication (Android ,IOS ,BB). I need to send some information in XML form to the app. Regards

Member Avatar for TomH.PG
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am going to host my own website, using Microsoft's ISS to host them. My question is that when I am hosting them, and I want to update them with a newer look, will I just be able to edit my HTML code and then the next time the page …

Member Avatar for Vincentas
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

i have done my web application using ffmpeg to covert my videos to mp4h264 baseline codec and everything works fine , my questions is how do i host the web application in server as my hosting server doesn't support ffmpeg with windows , Any advice would be helpful as where …

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for happyvalentine

I am getting very cheap cloud server hosting packages from atlantic.net and they are saying that, it is VPS in the cloud But I don't understand, what does vps in the cloud mean? Can anybody please explain and clear my shaddyness? Here is the link of the VPS in the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Hi, I have a question about web hosting. I want to purchase a hosting package from web.com, and they have mysql database. But the web hosting package says i can only have 300mb, but the issue is theres a 25 in front of the 300mb, it looks like this 25 …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson
Member Avatar for Nagarajan M

Hi friends.. I am trying to upload file in apache http server(Some Url) using WEBDAV sardine concept..I coded for file uploading and Apache server configuration and all. I wanna do this file Read and Write With authentication.. So,i added .htaccess password file in apache.. When i am trying to upload …

Member Avatar for Nagarajan M
Member Avatar for momonq1990
Member Avatar for nardoclya

I am posting looking for anyone who is or has hosted with [greentohost.com](http://www.greentohost.com/), So any experience on greentohost on their green hosting plan please share with me, thanks

Member Avatar for santanfordfleet

The End.