190 Topics

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Member Avatar for younes.keraressi

Hi, i got a problem in my websever, i am using lastest version of uniform server on microsoft windows 2008 r2 , but the problem is the httpd crash i searched for the solution some1 tells that i should use sfc/scannow , i did it same problem , and details …

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Member Avatar for RikTelner

If I had a server, but I don't want to have it at home, at all costs. (dreaming starts here) I'd like to put my server (size of a home PC) in a room that would be 1m by 1m by 2m. Which would have electricity slot (I don't know …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for JonnyP

Many of you guys might be looking for a good hosting that is not very expensive - here's a great one that is free for one year. So here it is, a way to get a free Windows/Linux VPS for 1 year, here are the specs : - 30Gb Hdd …

Member Avatar for Moot
Member Avatar for evandrosiqueira

I work for a small company made up of a salesman, a graphic artist, and an engineer. The engineer writes and maintains all of his own software to run a network of interactive kiosks around the globe. As artist, I use his tools to maintain and update the network content. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for madmax9922

Hi have this code to manage my main page. Everything works fine on my local server at home,i'm using easyphp. But on my webhosting server i got this error: Warning: scandir(D:\Hosting\12067690\html/,D:\Hosting\12067690\html/) [function.scandir]: Access is denied. (code: 5) in D:\Hosting\12067690\html\index_menu.php on line 65 Any ideas? thank you in advance. <?php $dir …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for A.Muqeetkhan

hi guys! i am a person who takes interst in the programming and try and implement some basic programs that i come across. I recently came across a site that allows us to see youtube videos as if we are watching it on youtube.(youtube is banned in pakistan and thus …

Member Avatar for A.Muqeetkhan
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hello, I have just attempted to update my database login page to MySQLi and also use prepared statements but upon submitting a form I receive the error "Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: NO)". I have been researching this before posting this here but have only come across sites …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Danish_4

I want to create view on my database on free hosting website. I am unable to create views same query if I run on my localhost then it creates view. Is due to some limitation which is causing not to create views on free hosting website

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kubi081

I need to play video files which are located under client pc. For this I need to use embedded http server which will be setup on client. [embedded http web server is taken from here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20445/C-Customizable-Embedded-HTTPServer?msg=4370868#xx4370868xx)If there is more advanced one I would like to learn. I'm using jwplayer to play …

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Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hello fellow coders, I am in this situration right now, where i'm soon going to buy my 3'rd dedicated server, and i wondered what Linux OS would be best? Right now i have a 64 GB and a 32 GB server with Linux CentOS 6.5 Minimal, and i'm using the …

Member Avatar for amalfatima
Member Avatar for Smalls

As searching has returned very little, my question is simple yet seems to have a complicated explaination. How does one go about processing and sending aspx pages that don't have a physical location (i.e. the apsx page is built in a string or is an embedded resource) to the client? …

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Member Avatar for Chris920

I have an OpenVZ unmanaged VPS. Installed the control panel, LAMP stack, have the DNS and domains on the new nameservers(showing up if you go to the domains) But when i run a pingdom check i have an SOA error. Was reading that it is probably a reverse DNS issue...What …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hi fellow coders, I'm Martin, and i need a good PHP/HTML coder to my Website. I have a Danish hosting provider company, and i could seriously need some nice stuff to it, to make it more atractive. - If you would like to help, you are not getting paid each …

Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for momonq1990
Member Avatar for accra

Is there any software out there with GUI that i can use to install mysql and phpmyadmin on my vps account? Am new to vps,thx...

Member Avatar for accra
Member Avatar for woocha

Hey guys… Does anyone know the cheapest yet the best way to start offering hosting on one of my websites. I also want to start allowing people to register domains on the site as well. I would really like to start something like hostdime.com There services are awesome, and the …

Member Avatar for Shashikant_1
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a domain name lets say. mydomain.com and it has a hosting account. But I also have another domain name, mydomain2.com that doesnt have a hosting account. How can I make mydomain2.com go directly to mydomain.com? I am using Host Gator

Member Avatar for vps9.net
Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hello fellow coders. I am trying to make a Minecraft Hosting Company (Danish Company) And i need a "Loading screen" for my Login popup. I found this: HTML: <div id="outer-barG"> <div id="front-barG" class="bar-animationG"> <div id="barG_1" class="bar-lineG"> </div> <div id="barG_2" class="bar-lineG"> </div> <div id="barG_3" class="bar-lineG"> </div> </div> </div> And this CSS: …

Member Avatar for tapananand
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello, I have my VB 6.0 Application and make a Exe and I hosted it on my windows server 2000 it gives me error 'Could not access network location \\mynetworkpath'. earlier when there was Datepicker control was used then also there was error coming but I had registered MSCOMCTL2.dll and …

Member Avatar for Pravesh_1

I changed my hosting; and in my website has SMS facility. After changing hosting SMSs are not sending. Is my hosting disabled cURL ? How I can see cURL is enabled or disabled ? If it is disabled then how I can enable through PHP coding ?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ankit1122

hello i use https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/php/remote-hosting-and-ftp-account.html to make changes directly to my website from netbeans but it doesn't work... can anyone tell me about what to fill in hostname?? i used my websites name .....www.gigname.com

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Cẩm

Hi there! I am working on my company site hanoiguide.net. In a few days ago, i have found out sitemap.xml file is error and un-useable. I cann't re-update sitemap. Because i don't have hosting account information. Unfortunately, I have no way to get hosting account information from my boss. My …

Member Avatar for Hemanth Malli
Member Avatar for BogdanCov

Hello guys. I developed a simple game in C# on Windows (WFA). Now I want to crate a database with accounts and all stuff. I know to crate this with a SQL Local Database, but I think there should be a host where to put that DB to be accessed …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, I have a VS2005/C#/.NET 2.0 application in which i'm hosting a web browser control. I would like to offer a "record" and "playback" functionality for web page activity. Meaning- Say a user wants to record a certain sequence of actions like (just a raw example): 1) navigating into a …

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for jithinjohny

Hi, I have linux based hosting. I need to upload and work the jsp/servlet pages. after i uploaded the files into the hosting, when i checked the files , it shows the code itslef. How to fix this. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ChemE_Programma

Hello all, I have a website made with a flash banner. The banner contains links that direct the browser to different locations on the website. The banner does not show up on iPhones and would like to solve this. My question is, do I need to make an alternative website …

Member Avatar for SaintAce
Member Avatar for chaze

I moved my old site to the new domain and have parked the old site over the new domain. Any ideas how to do the proper 301 redirect so the old site redirects each page to the new site. So: http://dwhs.net/web-hosting-plans.htm Redirect to: http://webhost.pro/web-hosting-plans.htm So far I just have: Options …

Member Avatar for pravien
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

public string Data() { string dohvat_podatka = ""; using ( MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection("Server=xxx.000webhost.com;Port=3306;Database=xxx;Uid=xxx;password=xxx;")) { con.Open(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ime FROM `nastavnik` WHERE prezime=@prezime", con)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("prezime", "Carić")); using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { dohvat_podatka = dr.GetString(0); } } …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for momonq1990

my hosting directory permissions is writeable but still i recieved in 0kb files came form my upload page.

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Member Avatar for sureronald

Hi all, So here's some background information on what we are trying to setup. We have two data centers over 40km apart and one of them runs the webserver (over 80 websites) and we use another machine on the other side to keep backups (typical cpanel backups). So I have …

Member Avatar for rch1231

The End.