14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for spike2me

I am trying to fix a HP Pavillion 521N computer. It was working fine until one day the computer said that there was no boot device. Fine, I removed the hard drive and put it on USB controller and ran check disk on another computer. It found several problems and …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for cab_driver

I just removed Internet Explorer 8 and then the prompt for restart popped up. I restarted and got an "invalid system disk" message. Can anyone help me to solve this? Bear in mind, I'm not good with system jargon... Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for cab_driver
Member Avatar for maxx83

[ATTACH]10915[/ATTACH] When I start computer, POST screen looks like scatered characters and bios is as shown on picture. Windows even don't want to start. Only in Safe mode everything is normal. Some ideas? Thanks.

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Nachoaddict

Hi there, I'm new here and I've been trying to get a website. This is the URL: UPSB.info I haven't been able to reach the site for about 3 days now and I have asked people to try it on their computers and it works fine for them. MY ISP …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for jonno80

my emachines 620 pc will not power up.where do i start?any help would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for Suspishio
Member Avatar for bevybev

Hi, I 'm a newbie and I need help! I don't know why there is no sound period from my computer, I went into properties and the mixer device is shaded. Ran a virus scan yesterday thinking that was the problem and was infected and now clean but still no …

Member Avatar for bevybev
Member Avatar for tenchitekno

Hi, I'm actually new to this site and haven't posted here before, so I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right area, but I have a problem that I have been trying to fix for awhile. I have an 500GB SimpleTech PininFarina external hard drive and whenever I try …

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for amso36

Ok, I have an [amazing] Dell Dimension 4600 from way back in, if I'm not mistaken, 2002. It was in storage. I pulled it out. Cleaned up everything, reformatted, reinstalled all the drivers...got it up and running to the best of its ability. Not too shabby, if I do say …

Member Avatar for sparkax
Member Avatar for Rasgulla

hi, i am using 2 systems. one is Windows 2003 server (server system) and Windows XP professionals (client). when i try to ping from server to client it is not pinging, but from client to server it is pinging. i have tried up to my knowledge to solve this problem. …

Member Avatar for Rasgulla
Member Avatar for cbusen

what's the trick to making sure you utilize all your RAM and your L2 cache, are there settings or parameters i need to set to allow for that?

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for Shanon

Ok, I'm not that PC savvy, but I need some help! Our PC crashed and I'm afraid we will loose all our data. Not sure if we got a virus or what? Here's what happened: My husband has created and maintained several small websites using FrontPage. He was updating a …

Member Avatar for mdk2k4
Member Avatar for mdk2k4

I have a Dell Laptop M1330, all of sudden the wifi stopped working, so ran all kind of aniviruses, cleaned 5 viruses, good, now I can´t connect via wifi, but can connect via Lan; so I figured that after deleting those viruse, I was left with corrupted files. I uninstalled …

Member Avatar for mdk2k4
Member Avatar for bigpapaj

i have a 7 Port USB 2.0 Hub that i use to network printers and for some reason when i boot my computer up it freezes before loading the windows splash page and will remain frozen until i remove the usb cord then windows all the sudden continues to boot …

Member Avatar for bluscape
Member Avatar for eyecee

My pc will shut off suddenly. A few days ago I had received an email with a .rar attachment of a chart of pictures of colors. My AV said it was safe so I opened and saved to my harddrive. When I opened it from there my pc immediately shut …

Member Avatar for eyecee
Member Avatar for mamoo

Dear all, I had a problem installing sofware: invalid drive f: so, I reset 3 entries in my user shell folder to the default. Now, access any of my program files, links... etc: Windows cannot find the specified program,... you may not have appropriate permision ... I am the admin …

Member Avatar for programmingme

I have a computer that when I hit which ever profile I want to log onto XP with it says the usual, Loading personal settings... then the screen goes blue for a second then I'm kicked back out and it says Saving personal setting and it goes back to the …

Member Avatar for programmingme
Member Avatar for barryt

[B][COLOR="Green"]I have recently posted a thread similar to what I am posting now, about no connectivity to any Microsoft sites, in the meantime things got even more complicated. I decided to redo the machine that did not want to connect to any Microsoft site just to verify a couple of …

Member Avatar for d-rod33

I've seen posts on this, but here's my specific issues. When I log on, my taskbar starts out normal and then turns gray and I have no volume. My volume icon disappears and my Control Panel says that I have no Audio Devices. Here's my log from HijackThis: Running processes: …

Member Avatar for barryt

Hello :) ..i am new to this site, (been a member for less than 1h) at work i have a couple of XP machines an 4 Server 2003 machines, my problem :-O is that 2 of the 4 Server 2003 machines CANNOT connect to any Microsoft web site, The two …

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for ljben

Hello, Have a compaq laptop. using windows 2000, It has Belkin wireless networking installed. I can get on internet when I hard wire to router but not using wireless. It recognizes router and trys to connect but comes back with limited or no connectivity message. "This problem occurred because the …

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for kymarscheng

Every time I turn on my computer, it tells me that the firewall is shut down. The message will then disappear after a while. And the firewall is turned on again. How can I fix this?

Member Avatar for kymarscheng
Member Avatar for mathias_j

I have been helping a lady perform some upgrades with her laptop and ran into the problem with the minipci card adapter from gigabyte, i can physically install it but the cables for the already factory installed 56k modem doesn't hook up to this new card. I check out the …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I have created a windows forms in which on certain button click i show FolderBrowserDialog. After the user selects a folder and click on Ok button of FolderBrowserDialog i have done some work in the Ok click part of FolderBrowserDialog. For example [code=C#] if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { generateFiles(); } …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for stolenteg

I shut down my computer and now when i try to start it, it would say: Invalid boot.ini files Booting from C:\Windows Then the computer would just reboot itself and goes through the process over and over again. I have window xp home edition and the computer was bought like …

Member Avatar for tasleemyawar
Member Avatar for zillah

Hi I am looking to change location for OE store folder from default location to a network mapped drive. In the quote below it says it is not possible [url]http://www.insideoe.com/files/store.htm[/url] [quote]You cannot move the store to a network drive nor a removable drive. [/quote] While in the link below it …

Member Avatar for haven_u

I am working on Windows XP and I select the hidden properties for some of my folders on my desktop and i can't view them even trying to show hidden files and folder options.... please can someone help me out with this... thanks a million in advace..

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for Kraai

I have a client, who received a pc from one of their children. It runs on XP Pro service pack 3. All of a sudden, they have no internet connection. I could see that their router is connected to the internet. I went out to their house, because I suspected …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for slash49er

Does anyone know how to get a Hitachi Deskstar 160 Gig HD to recognize more that 32.8 Gigs. Is there 3rd party software that will allow this? Or does anyone know which jumper setting I have to remove? Thanks

Member Avatar for slash49er
Member Avatar for Dhirenparmar

Hey Friends when i Start my laptop the error messge apper on my screen stated that DLL file in SYSTEM32 AND THE FILE NAME IS JOFOVOSI.DLL Need your help to solve the problem Thanking you in Advance Dhiren Parmar

Member Avatar for slash49er
Member Avatar for mdk2k4

I bought this laptop from a friend of a friend about six month ago, it was runnig good, but some how got corrupted and I thought that by formating the hard drive would help. My friend gave me the system password and the hard drive password but forgot to give …

Member Avatar for mdk2k4

The End.