834 Topics
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I have a wordpress Blog website [www.finetechcode.com](http://www.finetechcode.com) ,i wanted to convert whole website into another CMS like Drupal,Magento or any other.I am Novice .So please help me to tell me the Better and awesome CMS according to my [website ](http://www.finetechcode.com) | |
Guys, do you have any idea why I can't change permalink by Clicking Permalink Edit button on the individual page. May be it's a template problem? It works for Posts, but for pages while the damn thing created permalink it refuses to allow me to adjust it. (and yes, permalink … | |
A client of mine wants to implement SSL on their site. They have a number of forms which communicate sensitive/personal information, and want to send the data over a secure channel. I've worked with sites that have SSL certificates already, but never actually implemented one myself. The site runs on … | |
I'm trying to work out how to import drupal blog posts into a wordpress website. I found a website that has a script but I'm not sure how to execute it and what I need to do. This is the website I found with the script http://www.binaryturf.com/migrate-drupal-wordpress-export-import-mysql-script/ If someone could … | |
Hello guys, Neeed urgent help. I am working in wordpress. I need to merge commnets of two or more post in a single thread. Please do help. Thanks in advance. Jack | |
I want to know that how I prepare a website in wordpress from scratch without using any premade template. What files are required and how to upload them on server that browser start showing that website. | |
Hi all, I am a completely new user of wordpress. Don't know I should post this over here or not. Can somebody please tell me this basic thing. How to insert data through wordpress in mysql. | |
Which is the best CMS for websites ? its wordpress or any other ? | |
Hi there, I am using the code below, which is bulked in with the "Keyring Social Importer" plugin for Wordpress, to import my Tweets on a regular basis as individual blog posts in my Wordpress blog. I would like to add a line of text within each created blog post, … | |
Hi there, Following on from an earlier post, the below code is part of Keyring Social Importer, and it imports my Tweets from Twitter and posts them as individual blog posts on my Wordpress.org website. I was wondering, if any of you know php and Wordpress, how I could make … | |
Hi.I didnt find wordpress section so I am posting my question here . i am creating a new "Bookings" custom post type in wordpress . And I already have a table in Mysql database set up where I am filling date from ,date to and the room name . My … | |
I have created a function that creates .xml files from input from a form provided in another script and saves the file in a network location. I got this working correctly, however, when i tried to convert it into a wordpress plugin (creating the .xml file from post meta data … | |
Hi there, I'm wanting to display Tweets as blog posts in my website. I'm currently using a Wordpress plugin called Twitter Tools ([http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-tools/](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-tools/)) to do this, and it works to an extent. So far I can get it to pull my tweet into the content of a post and publish … | |
Hi there, I've been trying to add a Mailchimp sign up form into the sidebar / widget area of my Wordpress.org website. It works to an extent, but it doesn't validate on the same page. If you enter an email address in bad formatting it takes you to Mailchimps hosted … | |
I want to include an external php file in wordpress single.php file; conditional to existance of certain custom taxonomies. That file should only include if post is linked to specified custom taxonomies. If custom taxonomy terms do not exist for that post, then file should not appear. Thanks in advance; | |
The basic need of any website is content management,There are many CMS system, so help me in choosing one which is best suited for a web site for osCommerce Services. | |
Hello!Can somebody help me please with worpres to manage every admin have separate eatch useres . like in image ? [image link](http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/9712/usergroupsw.png) | |
hi there, I have a little question that i am facing a little problem in my theme breadcrumbs and dont know how to resolve this issue actually the breadcrumbs is not seprating the main and primary category it should be work like Home > Main Category > Parent Category > … | |
Hi there, I am currently building a wordpress site and have downloaded a responsive theme that seems easy (for the most part) to work with. However, I need to make a fairly big change and have little idea of how to do it. The website in question is dev.rjthompsonmusic.com If … | |
Which method is generally used by companies/businesses(out of curiousity)? Over the year I've been learning PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery. I was wondering if I should also learn how to use Wordpress. | |
Hi guys I'm in way over my head here and have absolutely no idea how to fix this or why it's even there. I have a wordpress website and after comments were turned off in the posts page, I now receive an error where the comments box used to be. … | |
To start off, thank you for your time and assistance. I recently bought a wordpress theme with a built in gallery. Here's the link to the theme's live preview, just click on the 'Fashion Model' link and the gallery will pop up: http://themeforest.net/item/mediabook-multimedia-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/3025192 As you can see it's a nice … | |
Dear friends, I have some problem in my image attachment page, when i open single post it's as it is, but when i click on image it opens attachment page but template changes. means sidebar goes off (it's by default i know, but i don't want to remove sidebars). and … | |
Hi, I have a problem whith my multisite wordpress website. On my local server is all ok but on the server i have an 400 bad request error. I think that this is a problem problem with my Web server. Here are some code snippets of my .htacces file. # … | |
Hi, I have a wordpress website where I want to change the font for H3 and H4. I can't seem to change the H3 font. I've noticed that if I change the styling to H3 in the wordpress admin page editor, it will not change, colour changes but not the … | |
Hi everybody, I have this really little piece of code wich I want to implement inside wordpress: http://jsfiddle.net/YPAy6/9/ I simply need how or where to put the "function" and how to call it from a post in wordpress. Any idea? really thanks! PD: I'm loading all scripts from google's cdn … | |
[Click Here](http://lowermainlandrealestateinfo.net/) to view my website. If you will try the search bar, it will not display most of the text inside the page. Its because most of the text inside the page are generated by "shortcodes". How do I fix this one? Pls help... | |
Hi, I have a blog that is managed by WordPress on my domain site. Every day i get like 10 "comments" to approve but I do not think even one is relevant to the post. Only weird names, email addresses, and crazy list of keywords... How can we stop people … | |
I use this function http://goo.gl/Luxkx to create Fetching Posts by Category with jQuery , but the problem is that I need pagination. For example, I have in some categories more than 10 posts. The first 6 posts show up okay, but I need pagination to show the rest. You can … | |
I am converting a traditional website to WordPress for an animal rescue charity so members can have a blog and more easily update various pages. All has gone well but I am stuck on one key aspect. Viewers of the original site can click on a page that will then … |
The End.