834 Topics
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I'm getting this error message when I go to my login page: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a4259hos/public_html/ebookadvisor/wp-config.php:40) in /home/a4259hos/public_html/ebookadvisor/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881 Can someone help me with this? | |
Wordpress Site regularly getting injected by codes, which is throwing following error in browser Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/client/public_html/design/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3753 Multiple sites are having these problems - is this a Virus injected in Wordpress? Anyone facing similar problems ? can you suggest how to make … | |
Does anyone have any suggestions on a stat map? Wordpress has -[http://en.wordpress.com/stats/](http://en.wordpress.com/stats/) But I would like to display live people.. Any suggestions or ideas to point me in a direction? | |
I am experiencing this problem for wordpress multi sites . I have enabled network of blogs . So now I create many blogs in my wp and visit subblog via myblog.com/sublog . But the problem is that resources in the subblog starting with myblog.com/sublog .. dont load like css images … | |
Hello, I have a lot of files uploaded with wp-admin in uploads folder. I don't have access to FTP, however, I need to download those files stored in uploads directory. Is there a way of doing it? Like - a wp plugin or something. Thanks | |
I am trying to implement this effect http://billschwob.com/wphome/wp-content/themes/BuilderChild-Covert/sample/gallery.html inside a wordpress page: http://billschwob.com/wphome/testergallerysample/ There is a plugin that will implement the supersized effect, but it only applies to the entire body bg. I found this implementation through a forum post (on another forum somewhere) of how it can be applied … | |
I have a website that runs fully on PHP. The footer is contained in footer.php. Is there a way to make the footer customizable via Wordpress? | |
how can we use the permalink (Post name) in wordpress..? | |
Hi, I have a wordpress site but really I'm looking for a plugin that will allow one word captcha. I have been searching for this but it doesn't appear to be the right name for it. What I want it to do is say "Please type the word frog" and … | |
Hello, I am trying to add a few custom modifications to a classifieds theme for Wordpress. It uses custom fields to get all the information in a post. Phone number, location, price, etc. It was designed to send an email to the user, the user clicks a confirmation link which … | |
Hi everyone, I'm sure this is a simple fix but it may take a minute to understand what I'm trying to achieve. Here is my code, as you can see it's for a shortcode: function verticalnav_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'category' => '0', ), $atts ) ); ?> … | |
Hello, I want to learn a framework for using php, I think wordpress is the perfect one, if there another opinion please tell me, and what is the right source to learn this framework. | |
Hi Guys I have this page http://beuniquegroup.com/ the slideshow working, now i copied the code to other page http://beuniquegroup.com/our-values but unfortunitly it gives me no image, so I think this slideshow is not connected to my post yet! Please help! Thanks | |
How to create template and database for following structure in wordpress? **index.php** main wrapper width 90% 5%-5% margin left and right left column 65% of main wrapper(article) right column 35% of main wrapper(only image) **about.php** main wrapper width 90% 5%-5% margin left and right left column 35% of main wrapper(only … | |
we have a new team in odesk and we are web developer team but we are confused about our team web site developmet. please see our [site](http://www.teamworkerpm.com) and give us a suggetions about our site. and you can see our odesk profile team. [odesk profile](https://www.odesk.com/users/~~927d1abd625ccb19) thanks all | |
I'm trying to finish the last tweaks on a [site](http://www.friendshipcirclenc.org/fc-evaluation-2011-2012/) I created using an Elegant Themes Wordpress theme and I'm having a frustrating time figuring out how to center the page titles so they are each exactly centered regardless of their width. Here's an image of how I want it … | |
hi. I successfully created a portfolio section in wordpress with quicksand with the help of http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/theme-development/create-a-quicksand-portfolio-with-wordpress/ site. And now am having problem that when ever i click any view detail page it shows " This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps … | |
Hey guys, I am currently learning wordpress and I am having some trouble with Custom Post Types... I have added all the code for custom post types in my theme functions.php file however the links to the single posts done seem to work... they just go to my 404 page? … | |
Is there a way to get the name of the category and the link to the category page separately [B]inside the wordpress loop[/B]. I don't have the id of the category either and I wanna display images instead of category names therefore the_category() doesn't work for me. Thanks Appreciate all … | |
This function dosen't work any thoughts function css() { // Register the style like this for a theme: wp_register_style( 'custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/style.css', array(), '20120208', 'all' ); // For either a plugin or a theme, you can then enqueue the style: wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-style' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'css' ); ?> … | |
There is an article I read that I you can customize the WordPress Administrator login. It calls for editing the HTACCESS file. I have (2) HTACCESS files, one in my root on my server and the other located with in the WordPress installation. My server does not permit me to … | |
Inline Code Example HereI have this url http://lawnkinglandscapedesigns.com/ I edited the CSS inside wordpress to center the logo, and now .slide .banner { display: none; } is showing up on the website. This is what I put into the code: #logo { margin-left: 125px !important; } .slide .banner { display: … | |
I'm using Wordpress with Woocommerce and using Affiliates Woocommerce Light This plugin has a limitation: you can setup only a fixed comission for all products. I need different comissions for each product. I thought creating a custom field for product in product page when inserting a product. Then I will … | |
Hi guys Our college has a website(php, html, css) that is hosted elsewhere, but now we have a college database (mssql) on a local server and the Director wants me to link the website to the database at the college's server. Any ideas on how to do that? thanks in … | |
I am developing in WordPress plugins and I would like to know.if someone could guide Me with this issue. I would like to know what's the easier method.of declaring a global variable that I can use. As of now I am not using classes, mostly because i'm not sure how … | |
I am trying out wordpress for a section of my website. It gives a tag line at the bottom "**Proudly Powered by Wordpress**" ..I want to remove it obviously. Can anyone guide me on this please. | |
Hi, I'm trying to link a thumbnail to the link I assign it to in wordpress when I first uploaded the image. I know it's originally set to the image itself but I would like to change this. At the moment the thumbnail doesn't link anywhere. The code I have … | |
I have an input text and want it to suggest **custom taxonomy terms** as soon as i type on it. These codes below i found after some googling, gives the idea about how to use autocomplete method in WP but i can't figure out how to achieve custom taxonomy terms … | |
Hi, I'm having some trouble transfering a HTML website to Wordpress for a CMS. The HTML page which I'm transfering has a table in which I presumed I could simply copy and paste into the HTML view of Wordpress's page publisher. Inside the page publisher it looks great. You can … | |
Hi there, I am trying to customize a Woothemes shortcode toggle in their 'Canvas' theme, and in my particular case I have two toggles on my Wordpress page. One toggle shows by default, the other is hidden. What I want to do is switch those toggle states around (open the … |
The End.