833 Topics

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Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii Respected Forum members can anyone solve my problem what i want content restriction based on user role and sidebar category based on user Role i have three type of user role Beginner,Intermediate and Advance... Beginner Role: Can Read only seff Blog Intermediate: can Read self and Beginner Blog Advance …

Member Avatar for deecoup
Member Avatar for Aksel

Hi :) I'm haveing a little trouble working with a string which I need to insert a substring on certain positions. Basically I'm trying to create a pagination for a wordpress site by inserting <!--nextpage--> on certain point in a content string. The content string is of various size from …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for Xufyan

OK, i wanted my page to post a random post in every 24 hours , so i found that code over the internet, I was trying to understand the code and added the comments to those lines which i understood, however i am not able to understand the complete program, …

Member Avatar for Xufyan
Member Avatar for uvishere

Hi to everyone, I want to add a new page in the site, [URL="http://greatwayonline.com"]www.greatwayonline.com[/URL]. It is the site of GREATWAY MAGAZINE. you can see the thumbnail titled epaper on the right side of the magazine. My problem is that I want to make its epaper site. My requirements are:- 1) …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for McLaren

Wordpress should be the thing to make websites fast. But I already wasted 3 hours with it not finding, why it shows a blank page. What I did is I copied the files, even recopied the system files from fresh instalation, copied database from ftp to local server. Changed siter …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for job78

Hello, I have this javascript function: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript">$(function() { YAHOO.MediaPlayer.addTracks(document.getElementById("ajazload"),1,false)});</scr*​ipt> <script type="text/javascript">[/CODE] This function is loaded inside the <div id="main">, which is loaded via Ajax. How can I prevent the javascript function to reload itself at every #main ajax page load ? I just want the javascript function loads at …

Member Avatar for job78
Member Avatar for pallen

This one might not make much sense to anyone. It doesn't to me. I'm creating a child theme for a Wordpress site. I have to create a style sheet in a new directory and import the style sheet from the parent theme. I'm trying to use @import to import the …

Member Avatar for pallen
Member Avatar for bipies

Hi everubody! I have a huge issue with dates and encoding in my database. Two weeks ago I restored a database from an Xcloner copy to my site, since then all problems are there. My site language is Spanish, and I was using in Wordpress define('DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8'); Since then if …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for reygcalantaol

Hello everyone. I do not know where to post this but I think is it php related topic. Currently I am working on WordPress plugin. The problem I have is that I have a url "http://www.widgetel.com/sales/affiliatecode where affiliatecode is unique for every affiliate member. What I want to acomplish is …

Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, this is relating to a wordpress site, i have this query [CODE]$qstring="SELECT * FROM rwb_bk_schedule s INNER JOIN rwb_bk_rooms r ON s.room_id = r.room_id WHERE s.room_status=1 AND r.room_name='".$room."' AND start_date BETWEEN '".$sdate."' AND '".$edate."' OR end_date BETWEEN '".$sdate."' AND '".$edate."'";[/CODE] as i given the code i use OR there …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for theonlylos

For awhile I've been relying on the official pages of Wordpress and Joomla along with a few design sites like SmashingMagazine, NetTuts, and Mashable for finding outstanding templates and useful plugins for clients. Still, I've noticed recently that the sources I've been searching haven't been able to help as much …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for TLCJohn

Hi all, I am looking for some help, can anyone point me in the right direction. I am looking for a Events Calendar for a community website I am building in WordPress. I am looking for it to a UK flavour but easy for people to fill in. If anyone …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

So I am at the fork in the road. Do I use a ready made script like Drupal or WordPress, or build my own system. I have a client in need of a website to store object information (we will call it an object). All the conceivable specifications and then …

Member Avatar for Jashandeep
Member Avatar for DustinG
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

I'm using cubepoints. It has a module named "paid content". Paid content module hides the post content. User need to pay "X" points to view the page. But this module only hides main content. I mean it hides the content whatever "the_content" loop calls. Here is my problem. I'm using …

Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, I cannot figure out why it does not call my overriden function. The original function is in wp-include/comment-template.php file. In my theme there is file functions.php so I put this code to override the original function: [CODE] add_filter('get_comment_reply_link', 'mano_get_comment_reply_link', 1, 3); function mano_get_comment_reply_link($args = array(), $comment = null, $post …

Member Avatar for websoftcreation

Somebody can help me to learn wordpress customization by hard code.send me link of tutorial websites asap.

Member Avatar for |-|x

I originally posted this over on the [URL="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/incorrect-page-content-passed-to-plugin-in-firefox"]WordPress forums[/URL], and got no responses. Eventually I figured out what the problem was and fixed it, but thought I'd repost here in case anyone else is experiencing similar issues (I couldn't find any related articles in my initial search on the symptoms.) …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for skraps

I was wondering on how many people would find this use full and would use it if it was in a more mature stage. [url]http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-aes/[/url] I have been working on integrating AES support into wordpress. I have mentioned it to the wp-hackers group and alot of them just don't see …

Member Avatar for tobeeornot

Hi, New to wordpress and php so please bear with me. I am using WAMP as a testing server and Dreamweaver CS5 as a text-editor to manipulate the theme files. I have successfully set up a live local connection between WAMP, WP and DW and can view the live index.php …

Member Avatar for tobeeornot
Member Avatar for zainshah120

here is a website that i had created in wordpress.now I want to make changes to the site but want to make changes offline,(at my local computer).So that the visitors can enjoy my existing site.I tried the following [CODE]Downloaded the website through filezilla. Made backup of data in .sql file …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for zack654

I'm coding some themes for wordpress at the moment, and I have problem finding HTML and CSS themes that are ready for implementation. I don't want to spend time making HTML and CSS so I'm looking for ready themes for coding into wordpress. I found many free web site templates, …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

I've looked extensively for an answer to this but have gotten nowhere. Here’s what I’m trying to do: I’m having people submit a form on my Wordpress site telling me their pledges for a volunteer campaign. When they submit their volunteer project I want to have a counter track the …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011

we are want to pass value in url when we click om menu in <?php wp_nav_menuservice(array('menu' => '27')); ?> function click on menu , current output in url: [url]http://localhost/daffodilsite/?page_id=540[/url] and we want in url: [url]http://localhost/daffodilsite/?page_id=540&cityid=3[/url] please help me how to pass cityid in url thanks Rajeev Dhar

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Azmah

I ALWAYS hear that Wordpress is the best for blogging and even building other sites. I'm currently in favor of Joomla as it does everything I need it too out the box with very little extras and configurations. I'm totally happy to switch to Wordpress if you can convince me …

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for adcgv

Hi, I have started a site [url]www.techozine.com[/url]. The theme I picked looks great in all browsers but the sidebar is severely distorted in internet explorer. Also the categories tab below the headline is not properly highlighted as in other browsers. Since the site is in wordpress, I cannot figure out …

Member Avatar for bdoga
Member Avatar for lps

Based on my understanding, wp_enqueue_script is the function to bind the script to the head section while wp_enqueue_style is to bind CSS to it. My question is: is there any way to bind a php to head without using include?

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for RachEv
Member Avatar for lps

Good day, I am having problem with the wordpress add_action function. currently, I tried the code provided in wordpress.org forum without success: [CODE] $comment_ID="15"; function echo_comment_id( $comment_ID ) { echo "I just received $comment_ID"; } add_action( 'comment_id_not_found', 'echo_comment_id', 10, 1 ); [/CODE] When I run the code, $comment_ID does not …

Member Avatar for paulbarr

Hi I'm looking to purchase a wordpress theme with inbuilt booking system and payment for cars/taxis, does anyone have any recommendations? thanks


The End.