833 Topics

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Member Avatar for coolrj01

I want to make css manager for my site like wordpress's css manager. I want to open css file in textarea so I can edit it than after pressing submit button, changes in css file should be saved. Please help me. Sorry for my bad english.

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for AndreRet

With all the recent hype about spammers, bots and malware, I found [URL="http://wpmu.org/why-you-should-never-search-for-free-wordpress-themes-in-google-or-anywhere-else/"]THIS[/URL] link "Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google or Anywhere Else" The first page that google supplied is numbered and discussed in detail to every link provided. It seems they are all cluttered …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mushget

I use wordpress 3.0 yesterday , I can login in and post articles,I didnt change anyting. Today, I input the username and password, When click submit, There is only a black page appears. I am sure theusername and password are all right, I have reinstall the blog, But now the …

Member Avatar for flashfango
Member Avatar for dbj6417
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, I have a few wordpress blogs that I can content relates to my site. Some of the pages are not indexed very well on Google. How often do we update Wordpress blog content? Where do I submit my blog pages to get indexed faster? thanks.

Member Avatar for dbj6417
Member Avatar for superspudnuts

Hi Guy's I have just started my own independent blog on my own server account to compliment my Life Insurance Site and would like some tips on how best to set it out. In terms of seo should my categories, blog roll, latest posts etc columns be on the left …

Member Avatar for bobwillz
Member Avatar for jrock2004

Of so if I use this in a template on the index page I get what I want. If this code lives on a page.php page it shows me the recent pages created. [CODE] <?php $i = 1; while (have_posts() && $i < 6) : the_post(); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for Snowbell

Hello, I'm trying to customize thesis theme of wordpress. I've done most of the things by using custom_functions.php, but the comment box is still under my home page. I've tried removing several functions, but none seem to work.here's a screenshot of my problem : [url]http://tinypic.com?ref=wmayj9[/url] right now, I'm using wordpress …

Member Avatar for Snowbell
Member Avatar for prezblog

Hi all! I'm putting together a WordPress blog, and I'm trying to make it work with a standard template called "Tribune." It uses custom tags on posts to apply thumbnails and featured images. I can't quite figure out where to place the code in the index file to get it …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii.... i have word press based website in which i am using SEO plugin named All in SEO in wp-theme (dyna Blue).but i ma facing one problem this plugin not working in internal pages ......plz any one can hellp me Waiting for response Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for 2hamed
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, My script works perfectly but when I put in in the wordpress post the below variable is changed from [CODE] var initialData="\{\"0name\":\"Secret\",\"0brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"1name\":\"OldSpice\",\"1brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"2name\":\"Degree\",\"2brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"3name\":\"Dove\",\"3brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"4name\":\"Axe\",\"4brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"5name\":\"Maxim\",\"5brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"6name\":\"Nivea\",\"6brandStatus\": \"checked\",\}" ; [/CODE] [B]to[/B] [CODE] var initialData="{"0name":"Secret","0brandStatus": "checked","1name":"OldSpice","1brandStatus": "checked","2name":"Degree","2brandStatus": "checked","3name":"Dove","3brandStatus": "checked","4name":"Axe","4brandStatus": "checked","5name":"Maxim","5brandStatus": "checked","6name":"Nivea","6brandStatus": "checked",}"; [/CODE] [B]How do I make sure the …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

Can anyone recommend a good SEO plug-in for WordPress? I have tried a couple but I have had marginal results. Any advice would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for Onlyweb
Member Avatar for netclick

I would like to design web site templates and start selling templates online. I am a designer not a programmer. Is there a Framework for Wordpress that I could use to build various design layouts with options in various places? I would liek to sell them as my own rather …

Member Avatar for badsolo
Member Avatar for kako13

I have a WordPress theme that is affecting the style of the post. Using another theme it look OK (Screenshot-4). Any idea?

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for kako13

I had been trying to make my WordPress blog Thumnails Clickable without any luck. Here is the code I am supposed to change: [CODE]<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title();?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for design324095
Member Avatar for navi17

Hi, Client will have library of available themes I need to create a plugin in wordpress. which will search are available themes from client server and when anyone click on activate the theme it will copy all the files from client server to user server. can anyone help? how can …

Member Avatar for Frankey
Member Avatar for zamurai127

hi, please tell me about creating squidoo lens or wordpress blogs to gain backlinks or for promoting our sites. I have seen some site like <snip> offering such services.But i am not sure of how it will help.Have anyone of you tried such techniques? How much it will be effective …

Member Avatar for digipham
Member Avatar for k9shark

hi, I am aware there are far easier and simpler ways to solve this problem, but due to certain circumstances, I am unable for instance to change filetypes etc.. so, here we go: using wordpress with the thesis theme, I need to append an html file(shop.html) onto a page(gardens). my …

Member Avatar for k9shark
Member Avatar for youlichika

I use wordpress 3.0.1 and install Exec-PHP plungin. I edit the code in admin panel- pages - html cede. I want to add some javascript in a custom page. when the code use two ampersand. it occupy wrong. `& &` become `& # 0 3 8 ; & # 0 …

Member Avatar for amrish2338

Hi, I want to know that how can make a seo friendaly wordpress blog. I also want to optimize some keywords for that. I there any way to increse search engine ranking for a wordpress blog instantly?

Member Avatar for Hafsoh
Member Avatar for Living-seo-life

Good Day Guys can someone recommend me a good plug ins for word-press to tag rel= "Nofollow" to all outbound links except those I have assigned a relation. Please only advise if you have used it.

Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am trying to secure a wordpress ecommerce page. I need [url]http://mysite.com/products-page/checkout/[/url] to be redirected to [url]https://mysite.com/products-page/checkout/[/url] So, I added the following line to my .htacces file and put the .htaccess file in the document root:[ICODE]RewriteRule ^products-page/checkout/$ [url]https://mysite.com/products-page/checkout/[/url] [R][/ICODE] It did not do anything. I can still go to …

Member Avatar for benhowdle89

Hi, I'm doing a site for a client and they want a blog and an articles area. What i imagined doing was designing the homepage in html/css/jquery etc...and then install WordPress through cPanel for the blog and the article area. I have a choice i need some help with, do …

Member Avatar for sops21
Member Avatar for asifsomy

Well I have a lot of confusions about wordpress. And I unfortunately could not find a satisfactory answer to my questions. So expecting a detailed answer. To what extent we can customize a wordpress website? for what kind of projects we should use wordpress. Can we create a database oriented …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for cip6791

Hello, I would like to allow the author of a post to edit it after he/she posts. I currently have this: [CODE]<?php get_currentuserinfo(); global $user_ID; $author_id=$post->post_author; ?> <?php if ($user_ID == $author_id) { include 'post-upd.php'; } else { echo "You are not the post author."; } ?>[/CODE] I tested this …

Member Avatar for cip6791
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a small problem with WordPress. I have a page in WordPress and works great but "www" is missed in the URL. e.g. If the website is example.com and when I write [url]www.example.com[/url] then the address is changed in [url]http://example.com[/url] (correctly should be [url]http://www.exmaple.com[/url]). So, I want …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for cjcDigital

Hi everyone, I'm sure the fix to this problem is really easy as I checked my code and I've pinpointed the cause but I'm not sure where to apply the fix. Currently I'm developing a Wordpress theme at ReceForPeace.org and on the index page you can see that the footer …

Member Avatar for cjcDigital
Member Avatar for mac4281

I have a site i've done in wordpress with multiple select boxes loaded from the database. How would i take the selected options from the select boxes and send the user to the corresponding url?? The select boxes are not chained or connected at all. Do they need to be …

Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, I am having an issue with my custom field for my download button within post loop. It is supposed go to an external link, but when I enter the "[B]download_url[/B]" value it ends up linking to "[B][I][url]www.mysite.com/blog/http://www.downloadurl.com[/url][/I][/B]" instead of "[B][I][url]http://www.downloadurl.com[/url][/I][/B]". So basically it is adding my blog url …

Member Avatar for wpmonster
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey guys, I am new to Wordpress and am having a slight issue. I have a "featured" posts section at the top of my index page that shows 3 recent posts from the featured category. Everything shows up fine except the post image. So I see the "post_summary" and the …

Member Avatar for wpmonster

The End.