833 Topics

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Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Alright, so I have been o this for quite sometime. I am building a Facebook application with Wordpress and have a question. I have the app integrated into my fanpage and that works fine. The only problem is, whenever a user clicks a page inside the iFrame, it should be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK a lot of developers out there use CMS to design their clients' websites. Among them wordpress seems to rank amongst the top five and I can totally see why. This thread is for all the useful resources you know of using wordpress. I'll start this one off. An absolute …

Member Avatar for simonbuzz12

I have found a good list of plugins that you can use on your blog to make it more search engine friendly.. [url]http://timesnewstoday.com/666/must-have-wordpress-plugins-lists-for-your-blog[/url]

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for bjeffries

If anyone is familiar with wordpress and the plugin shopp I am having an issue and no one on any other forum can seem to help me. I am running the plugin shopplugin which is a shopping cart. I want to the featured product to show up on the index …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for HelenLF

What type of site will work best for SEO - Wordpress or a conventional well coded website? Or is there no difference?

Member Avatar for claydcousta
Member Avatar for vectro

One WordPress site on one of my servers is giving an incorrect HTTP response code when a page can not be found. On the end-user side, the user sees a custom 404 page. But on the web-server side Apache is giving a 200 or 300 response (not sure which one) …

Member Avatar for vectro
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

I need help. Please [URL="http://pastebin.com/THbfSZj2"]check this code[/URL] This is the snapshot of what the form look like now. [URL="http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/qa/screenshot-1.jpg"]http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/qa/screenshot-1.jpg[/URL] I would like to add some extra fields under the description form. I think i need to edit the_question_form() function in [URL="http://pastebin.com/THbfSZj2"]this file[/URL]. I need to add some extra fields below …

Member Avatar for HelenLF

When addding tags to a Wordpress post is it better to limit it to 1 or two or doesn't it matter?

Member Avatar for claydcousta
Member Avatar for Acids

I am making a wordpress plugin but I am having difficulty accessing the results from an array in a function Radio Box: [CODE] <!-- First radio button --> <label><input name="posk_options[radio_group_two]" type="radio" value="satellite" <?php checked('satellite', $options['RADIO_GROUP']); ?> /> Satellite</label><br /> <!-- Second radio button --> <label><input name="posk_options[radio_group_two]" type="radio" value="hybrid" <?php checked('hybrid', …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for HelenLF

At present I have a client who has 3 domains and a wordpress subdomain. Domain 1 performs best at present and it is intended to build the new main site on this with domain 2 also pointing to it. Would it be best from an SEO point of view to …

Member Avatar for adityaa
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

Hey guys i'm creating a site network using WordPress. Lets say my site name is blahblah.com and lets say i have 10 subdomains like site1.blahblah.com,site2.blahblah.com Now i want something like this. There will be no articles in my main domain. But i want list all subdomain's articles in my main …

Member Avatar for Viruthagiri
Member Avatar for rolfg

Installed Wordpress Multisite on Windows server 2008R2 and seems to be working fine EXCEPT: the update feature in WP fails or anytime when it tries to install something for you. I set up a valid / working FTP account as it sometimes asks for this, but that does not work …

Member Avatar for lasitha2005d
Member Avatar for arjani10

Hello!Somebody can help me to restricted access only a part of my wordpress when asked to register to view it?I need something like this [CODE]<code for restrict view> content to hide </code for restrict view> [/CODE] Thank you..

Member Avatar for arjani10
Member Avatar for stranger_on_way

I want to insert wp-survey-and-quiz-tool code in wordpress page using href tag, so that the quiz only comes up only when link is clicked. But the problem is whenever i use this shortcode, it automatically starts the quiz.Please provide the possible solutions. [CODE]<a href='[wpsqt_quiz name=Memory]'>Memory Allocation</a>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for adige72

Below code is what i found from a search in daniweb forum. ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/253997"]Link[/URL]) Suppose i have a taxonomy called [B]Color[/B] and terms are [B]Blue[/B], [B]Green[/B], [B]Red[/B], [B]Yellow[/B], [B]White[/B]. I want when i select Blue, Green and Red and click submit button, i want to get ALL posts those have Blue …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for fermk090

I'm have problem trying to centralize Piecemaker 2 in the center of a page in Wordpress 3.1.3. Does anyone knows how to do it?

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for Graycode

Hi! I'm not sure if there's something i'm missing... I want to implement the Wordpress Gallery Plugin into my site. I want it to be present just after the navigation (which would be stuck to the top if the browser window almost as if it were in header). I'm sure …

Member Avatar for Graycode
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Does anyone know of any good links to in-depth tutorials on Wordpress customization. Obviously there is google but I wondered if anyone else had any better links. Cheers.

Member Avatar for rhand

I am working on a local server on adding a media uploadbox to a Wordpress plugin Datafeedr Randam adds for a few days now and the code I have come up with so far is here [url]http://wordpress.pastebin.com/xF0xs9mL[/url] . Code added to load needed scripts starts at line 101 and media …

Member Avatar for gibigbig
Member Avatar for Dannis86

So i've got a little problem. I'm just running a website for fun, got it from a friend because he didn't need it anymore. Site is called: fapperd.nl Now i'm really happy with me installing a phpbb forum on my server and made a button for the forum as you …

Member Avatar for Dannis86
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi all.. I am using 13floor wordpress theme for my website ([URL="http://www.ryzalyusoff.com"]www.ryzalyusoff.com[/URL]) But my problem is that I cannot make the blog page. I already set the front page to be static and blog page to dispay the posts by going to Settings > Reading on my wordpress dashboard. But …

Member Avatar for samsons17
Member Avatar for khaleel_rashid

Hi i want to Color picker to wordpress website but unable to find any plugin to do it. i don't want it in admin section. i need it on my website.

Member Avatar for khaleel_rashid
Member Avatar for Elihu5991

I'm thinking of starting a blog, yet I'm not sure what service to choose. Is tehre another alternative? I've seen huge fully functional sites on Blogger (e.g woorkup.blogpsot.com which is now woorkup.com) and large Blogs on Wordpress. I'm willing to learn what ever it takes to develop a site like …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for reborn2010

I'm new in VPS and need your help how to install WordPress in VPS Window Server 2008 R2. I tried webmatrix but I can't connect mysql. Any recommended software to install some wordpress blogs in VPS window server 2008R2? I'm familiar with cpanel, any ideas for this? Thanks and kind …

Member Avatar for chaze

Anyone know the best Wordpress shopping carts? I have a customer that wants to integrate this but I have never used any with Wordpress before.

Member Avatar for pgmco
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

Ok guys, I'm going to start a user generated content site using wordpress. Please suggest me a wordpress plugin. Here are the features i need. Registration/Login User content submit form upon login. User can post the content. A moderator have to approve the content. Once published disable the edit option …

Member Avatar for rahul131090
Member Avatar for BzzBee

I want to show some description of my blog post at home page and a read more link when user will click that link it will redirect to post detail page. I am using the_content('Read More...') function. Now how can i give character limit that how many character i want …

Member Avatar for workon
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people. i want to create a page views counter. i know how to create 1 using php but what i want to create now is to create a very dynamic page views counter that update it's self when ever a new value is added to the database. what i …

Member Avatar for makman99
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, I am tryingto create the wordpress plugin and have written this code: [CODE] <?php /* Plugin Name: OSCommerce Productu rodymas Plugin URI: http://www.google.lt Description: Pluginas produktu roymui is OScommerce parduotuves Author: Darius Version: 1.0 Author URI: http://www.google.lt */ ?> <?php add_action('admin_menu', 'my_plugin_menu'); function my_plugin_menu() { add_options_page('My Plugin Options', 'My …

Member Avatar for McLaren

The End.