833 Topics

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Member Avatar for flaxseoguru

[B]I want to update a site by changing the WP theme. This, of course, may mean changing the names of categories to seam well with the theme. Will this screw up my rankings?[/B]

Member Avatar for Robdale
Member Avatar for LiBOC

Dear all, [COLOR="Green"]Given the requirements: [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]1) A few of my friends would like to log into WordPress account, update our entries. 2) The website that we set up, would automatically retrieve the latest entry on its own and be viewed by the visitors.[/COLOR] What are the things I need …

Member Avatar for Jen0608
Member Avatar for kanaku

I'm using a blog hosted at wordpress and for really long posts, I'm trying to add a "cut-the-crap" link to something else in the page. Now for plain html, I know you can do it with this: [code] <p>Blah blah blah, this is going to be a long post so …

Member Avatar for sciamannikoo
Member Avatar for slobjones

I'd like to style the WordPress (v2.6.3) calendar to fit my site design. However, I can't locate the source of its css. Checking page source reveals some basic styling information, but doesn't tell me where the styles are located. This seems to be a common issue when you're trying to …

Member Avatar for LogicWeb

Hi folks, new to blogging and looking to install WP 2.6. My Goal (and how-to needed please): - make a new Wordpress site look like a business site using any theme I want if possible. The theme I wish to use this the popular Fresh Theme by Woothemes. So I …

Member Avatar for allena
Member Avatar for astereo

I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to use the [URL="http://www.markettheme.com"]Market Theme[/URL] for wordpress and what their results have been like? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for lite_ws
Member Avatar for blogging23517

I've installed the plugin "WP Security Scan" on a fresh install of Wordpress 2.6 running on a Apache server at hostgator & the plugin says this about my table prefix. Your table prefix should not be wp_. Click here to change it. Change your database table prefix to mitigate zero-day …

Member Avatar for Pykex

Firstly: Here's my site: [URL="http://aizen.usakochan.net/"]http://aizen.usakochan.net/[/URL] Well, I got a Wordpress theme and started messing around with it a lot. When I viewed my site in Firefox, everything was OK. When I viewed it in Internet Explorer, I noticed the bottom scrollbar was there... the width was somehow expanded. Exapanded, being …

Member Avatar for Pykex
Member Avatar for petr.pavel

Hi there, I have read a few articles about WordPress plug-ins and themes but I can't figure out how to create a completely new page that uses theme. Let's say that my blog is set up to display post detail with the following url: [url]http://myblog.com/2008/06/29/this-is-title[/url] I want the comments listing …

Member Avatar for justinmyoung
Member Avatar for JonathanD
Member Avatar for rebsysue

Hi. I've had a website for five years that used to get lots of traffic from google and it was the first search result when i searched my name. I recently installed wordpress to make it easier for me to update the site. Then I noticed I wasn't getting anymore …

Member Avatar for gdi
Member Avatar for Mike Bean

Hi everybody! My name is Mike Bean and I'm an alcoholic ... oops! ... computer geek! I've been 'in computers' since 1972 fooling around with compiler compilers, program generators, assember coding, context sensitive compiling all in the dim and distant past. I've been investigating RFID, area WiFi, self-healing networks and …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Patrick_Walsh

Hi everybody, I had designed a website last month but I’m not satisfied with the current theme. I wish to change it so that I can get a more attractive view. I have searched many providers that provides ready-made theme but I don’t found any interesting theme from them. Please …

Member Avatar for ullala
Member Avatar for DCF

[B]HELP![/B] I'm preparing to launch a new WordPress-based blog tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 29), and am in urgent need of a series of very small customizations by tweaking the existing template somewhat. Estimated time required: 3 hours tops. Please get back to me asap with your availability, rate and extent of …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for microtekblue

Hello. I don't know what I did or what has happened, but all of a sudden when I try to click my RSS feed link on my Wordpress blog, I get this error: [inlinecode] XML Parsing Error: xml declaration not at start of external entity Location: [url]http://www.justwantaquote.com/blog/feed/[/url] Line Number 2, …

Member Avatar for ritgrad83
Member Avatar for plebism

Ive been using Wordpress for ages now, and have been using a plugin called Rudd-O's Wordspew. This is an AJAX chatbox that works as a plugin in my sidebar. For some reason lately the chat box, in Firefox, is broken. The chat window rather than a scolled live updated chat …

Member Avatar for hafdis

Hi This is my new site [URL]http://www.almennt.com[/URL] I just installed latest version of Wordpress and gallery plugin, thats where the problem is, see here [URL]http://www.almennt.com/myndir[/URL] see how the sitebar goes down after i installed the gallery, i was wonderning if this had something to do with css style. Here is …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for hoboken411

Greetings. My first post. I'm running a fairly popular wordpress blog (about a million page views a month). I have a plugin called "recent comments" which lists the last 20 or so comments in the sidebar of the site. However, the queries it makes are very disk and CPU intensive. …

Member Avatar for php_coder

Hey all I am kind of stuck with this WP issue...... The issue is this , client wants different layouts in the same theme. for eg: the home page will be 1 layout and other pages(posts) will be having different layouts.(having different CSS). How can i do this with a …

Member Avatar for zingomams
Member Avatar for didier-fr

Vbulletin is in the folder "/forum", and Wordpress "/blog" What is the best solution for the sitemap?

Member Avatar for didier-fr
Member Avatar for php_coder

Hii all I am working on a project implemented in WordPress. Basically developing a new theme for a client. My task is to add hyperlinks on the header so that they navigate to new page. This is possible if the pages are placed in the root folder but not in …

Member Avatar for php_coder
Member Avatar for thekaushik

Friends am new for blogs and just for learning purpose i hosted 2-3 blogs and one of them is in WORDPRESS and the others in blogspot. Blogspot is rather easy for customization but WORDPRESS is hard what i felt. i want ur help to learn more. I hered that you …

Member Avatar for thekaushik
Member Avatar for tgreer

I've been hacking away at WordPress to get the style the way I want. My main task has been to convert their vertical menu tower into horizontal dropdown. It's working fine except for one problem. The blog software creates a calendar as a table. The table, the entire menu in …


The End.