833 Topics

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Member Avatar for scobi
Member Avatar for simplypixie

Can anyone help with this please (I have read a lot and cannot see an issue with what I am doing and it is driving me mad). My css for the @font-face is: @font-face { font-family: 'NotethisRegular'; src: url("fonts/Note_this-webfont.eot"); src: url("fonts/Note_this-webfont.ttf") format('truetype'), url("fonts/Note_this-webfont.svg#NotethisRegular") format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } The …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for brainfo

I am having a problem on fetching content from wordpress admin page to ajax tab menu which is placed in index.php. I can fetch content to index.php but i am not able to fetch it to ajax tab menu. Any idea how to resolve it. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for zagam2

Hi I need to do in wordpress, when we click on readmore post option then post will open in a popup window , (show full post in popup or show only after readmore link) Can some one give me any plugin for this or any code or guide line..! thanks …

Member Avatar for vaibhav_j
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to web design in general, so I'm not really sure how to get started with this. I have a wordpress site that I would like to be able to manage user profiles on. The built in account management stuff works great for regular logon/off sessions, …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

I have the following code for a wordpress theme. For some reason an arrow appears on the page. I originally thought it was because of the thumbnail but once I removed the thumbnail it still appeared but in a different spot. What I'm aiming for is have the blog post …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Ribamar23

Hi I'm using Auctionpress to make a ebay like website. I have over 300 categories you can list an item in. When user is listing a item it only gest a list box with all the categories..... and then has to go throught all them to find the right one. …

Member Avatar for Ribamar23
Member Avatar for cdogstu99

Hello all, I have a wordpress site with a certain membership login plugin. When i have an expired user that logs in i get this message: (this same error repeats itself for about fifteen or so lines for pluggable-line 669, 670, 671...etc * Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hi All, I have a WordPress installation at the following: http://www.domain.com/wordpress/ However I need some help... When a use goes to http://www.domain.com I want it to redirect to http://www.domain.com/wordpress/ however I want to hide the /wordpress/ so the user only sees http://www.domain.com But it still needs to work with links …

Member Avatar for Beattle55
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I've created a template in wordpress where the child pages of one page are displayed on the page. What is displayed is the thumbnail (feature item) of each page and the content of each page. The problem I'm having is that in Safari, the third (last page) is not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for johnwords

Hello Everyone, I need little help for determining which one is better CMS ? Joomla or wordpress

Member Avatar for suni123
Member Avatar for DSLKeper

I have created a number of topic specific pages on my Wordpress site. Example: sports, fashion, music, movie, etc., I have users who wish to manage the content for each specific page. Is it possible to assign a Wordpress editor or author page specific privileges so that can create/upload content …

Member Avatar for DSLKeper
Member Avatar for AskAtum

Hi everyone, Our company has recently made a decision to turn our existing website into an entirely Wordpress format. We have a lot of pages that are regularly updated and have dynamic content such as videos, blogs, promos, network status updates etc. I'd love to know your expert opinion on …

Member Avatar for Coloradojaguar
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

I am trying to incorporate a number of small pieces of php code into a Wordpress database (for banner ads). Unfortunately the template I am using is not designed to take php code but rather html or javascript. I wondered if there is a way to amend the template file …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for .exe

#okay i hope to god some one can help me becouse im about to throw my pc against the wall...# im designing a website ofline on localhost couldnt be bothered to change the default domain name i need to log all messages from users, user registrations ect in a crm …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for .:n'tQ-boy:.

Hi every1 I am building a website using wordpress, can you show me how to create a form that allow visitor register to join a class or something like that? Thanks you much! :)

Member Avatar for .:n'tQ-boy:.
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all i am working on a third party recruitment site in wordpress. Site basically acts as intermediary between candidate and employee. Is there any plugin to manage employees and employers in wordpress??

Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I really need help with this. I've tried multiple things and can't get it to work and I've posted on a few forums and no one is replying... So my issue is I'm using a custom menu on a wordpress site as my main navigation. The problem is that …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Security researchers are warning that some 30,000 WordPress websites, 85% of them based in the US, have been compromised by a mass-injection hijack attack which sees visitors to any of more than 200,000 individual pages redirected to a Trojan infected rogue AV scam. [ATTACH=RIGHT]24076[/ATTACH]The senior security researcher with Websense Labs, …

Member Avatar for occirats
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I have imported a number (500+) posts into Wordpress from another CMS (Expression Engine). On a number of posts I have a problem with the way paragraphs are being displayed and I can trace this back to the post data that has been copied across. For example, when the …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all I am trying to show a comment box under each post, i have tried [code]<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'single' ); ?> <?php comments_template( '', true ); ?> [/code] but the comment box is still invisible

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for pras0784

Hi friends, I have installed event calendar plugin on my [URL="http://www.totalnetworkingandconsulting.com/"]website[/URL] I started facing problem since yesterday. If I deactivate this plugin then I can see all pages fine over my website but if I activate the plugin, then each page is showing blank calendar page. each URL is showing …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for youvi

See am doing an android application,it has a web back end,am using wordpress,but how can i code web services in wordpress?suppose i need to fetch some contents from database and pass it as json to android phones.So where should i place the php script or how can i do this?Is …

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for darianculbert

Hello, I have a site built with Wordpress and I want to create a form but I'm facing some troubles now. I want to have a form which can get the title of the post where I put the form, and more than one form fields on the same line …

Member Avatar for darianculbert
Member Avatar for Robert1995

Hello, I have a problem :), like everybody else here :P. Ok so I need to update a wordpress plugin from 2.5 to 3.3.Did anybody else had to do something similar ? Any tips are welcome. Also books about wordpress plugin development would help a lot :).Worth to mention that …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for essaydoctor

I'm developing a nifty prototype of a future online solution that I'm envisioning. Some of this is developed on moonfruit and other parts are developed in wix. In the future, some of my work will be developed in wordpress and some others would be developed in moonfruit. Is there a …

Member Avatar for kaleem_ullah

Hi, I am new to Wordpress. I am using latest version of wordpress. I am launching new designing blog. I want new user to register on my blog so they can post blog post on my blog. I use PIE REGISTER Plugins. I have done all the settings. But i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for techningeer

Hi everybody, I just set up a LAMP server with cPanel/WHM. I then tried to install WordPress, but I received this error: [ICODE]Input file not specified.[/ICODE] I did a search on Google, but nothing relevant turned up. I then posted on the WordPress forum, and somebody told me it is …

Member Avatar for resellersvps
Member Avatar for rudevils

Hi all, glad to write here again, i need all your help :) Does anyone knows or have simple online booking system that can attach in a wordpress blog. This plugin let user choose check in date and check out date to check room availability.

Member Avatar for zwieciu
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello Everybody. I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the Linux forum. Here goes: 1 - I have a local Linux server (Mandriva 2010) with a WordPress blog in it. It's for testing. 2 - I have other 2 computers at home (both have Linux and …

Member Avatar for G_S

The End.