3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for 111ron222

Hi everybody, I have this XML file,, [code] <users type="array"> <user> <id>12345567</id> <name>Ronsna Stedinberg</name> <screenname>Donnsax</screenname> <location>New York</location> </user> <user> <id>12345568</id> <name>Sonsna Dtedinberg</name> <screenname>Nonnsax</screenname> <location>Las Angeles</location> </user> </users> [/code] and I wonder how can I read all the id's info in the xml? (the <user> </user> is repeat 50 times, so …

Member Avatar for shwetawaghmare
Member Avatar for Eshwaramoorthy

I am using xslt 1.0 My input xml is as below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Employee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>Peter</LastName> <Initial>T</Initial> <Spouse> <FirstName>Rita</FirstName> <LastName>Hudson</LastName> </Spouse> </Employee> I an trying to write a xsl to produce below output... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ArrayOfstringVariable xmlns="http://schemas.abc.org/2004/07/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <stringVariable> <name>ServerName</name> <value>tmn.eu.com</value> </stringVariable> <stringVariable> <name>EmpFirstName</name> <value>John</value> </stringVariable> …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi can anyone help me find what am i doing wrong. i have an xml request that check data on db and return the result. and base on that result it will clear or highlight a textbox. its working fine using the original function but when i add another xml …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I was thinking to work on a new interactive project but I might need some advice before I start. So, essentially, I want an interactive map and I want to give users (they will have to have login details of course) the possibility to add as many markers …

Member Avatar for Masterblank
Member Avatar for Wisnu_1

Hello! I'm having trouble with my college assignment. The assignment wants me to display an XML file using XSLT and add some filtering function. I have no problem displaying the XML with XSLT in my web page using javascript. I used the tutorial from w3school (http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_client.asp). However i have no …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for t_thakar

I have a soap call which returns an object which has a xml string. an example is shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <LoginResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <StatusCode>1</StatusCode> <StatusMessage>Login Successful</StatusMessage> <AuthKey>b2365767-ae42-1a44a6436575</AuthKey> </LoginResponse> I would like it to convert it into an associative array which will be similar to: array( "LoginResponse"=>array( "StatusCode"=>1, "StatusMessage"=>"Login …

Member Avatar for t_thakar
Member Avatar for craig.m.farish

Hi people I have been interested in writing very simple html for many years, every now and then i decide to attempt something new. I want to populate xml data from an external source so the data in my html is automatically updated when the xml is updated. Is this …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for grakovski

Hello. I have one problem with only one text witch shows two times (i want only once) Here is picture: http://i.imgur.com/cfOrBCs.png Maybe the for cycle loops this text and...this is happen. I want to show only once in the middle. Here is code: var matchcount = 4; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', …

Member Avatar for andrew80

Hi, i have 25 questions with images in quiz. i want to make the quiz in Visual Basic. Any idea on how to start making this project? The quiz will have time limit to answer the questions and score in the end. any help is welcome thanks a lot

Member Avatar for llgms
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi ... so I'm not sure if I have PubSubHubbub set up correctly. I tried setting up subscribing to the feed in Feedly (which supposedly supports the protocol) and now I'm starting a new thread to see if it shows up ASAP. Here goes nothing ...

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hiiiiii@

hi can you plz explain wic is best fot devrloping websites or web application Php,.net or using xml xquery

Member Avatar for Vimal Bhatt

Hello everybody ! Happy Diwali and Happy new year I report my problem as under : I have a problem to extract data from XML file.My XML file is small ,limited to 5 to 10 lines. I want to use XML file as a arranged (readable and printable) text file. …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

i am designing an android app and in me deisgns there is one with a tabView thats hosts another tabView in one of the tabs. i want to know if there is a way to implement this design please, if yes i would appreciate some suggestions and pointers. below is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for fabregas42

<item> <HaberKodu </HaberKodu> <Kategori</Kategori> <Sehir</Sehir> <title</title> <description></description> <pubDate></pubDate> <images> <image> 1 </image> <image> >2 </image> <image> 3 </image> <image> 4 </image> <image> 5 </image> <image> 6 </image> </images> <small_images> <small_image>1 </small_image> <small_image> 2 </small_image> <small_image> 2 </small_image> </small_images> <Aciklamalar> <Aciklamala>1 </Aciklamala> <Aciklamala> 2 </Aciklamala> <Aciklamala> 3 </Aciklamala> </Aciklamalar> <link> </link> …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for hdreyer

Good day, Can anybody help me with this question please? I want to know how to write info back to a program line. In other words to be able to search for a file and put it into the xslt.Load(".....") This is the source code to transform XML to HTML …

Member Avatar for Herman_1
Member Avatar for xardoz

Here is a sample of the XML I need to get the <Order Header> Nodes, then loop through the <Order Detal> <Line> Nodes Using xml Reader "Using reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New StringReader(sFileContects))", i get all the header information, but cant properly parse the Line Iformation Using LINQ "Dim xd …

Member Avatar for xardoz
Member Avatar for fabregas42

<Aciklamalar> <Aciklama HaberKodu="20141101AW232013" ResimKodu="20141101AW232013_01"> <![CDATA[ YENİ MALATYASPOR MAÇINDA SAKATLANAN UMAR, KARŞIYAKA DEPLASMANINA GÖTÜRÜLMÜYOR. ]]> </Aciklama> <Aciklama HaberKodu="20141101AW232013" ResimKodu="20141101AW232013_02"> <![CDATA[ YENİ MALATYASPOR MAÇINDA SAKATLANAN UMAR, KARŞIYAKA DEPLASMANINA GÖTÜRÜLMÜYOR. ]]> </Aciklama> </Aciklamalar> Select HaberKodu text? Select <!CDATA text? Help.Thanks

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Dani

I keep seeing requests for browserconfig.xml in my server log. Rudimentary research shows that it is for IE browser settings?? I'm not sure I quite grasp the purpose. What are some use cases for this?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for jackalex122

Hello Every one, Tell me how many tipe of site map we can use for positive seo..

Member Avatar for Chem_1
Member Avatar for SKLE

Hello, I have to found out why our Web Service Client, which is generated by Wsimport, only works with HTTP-urls. When it try to communicate to a https-url, it returns an error in de logfile: Failed to access the WSDL at: https://catalogus.debibliotheekhaarlemmermeer.nl/nbdgeleidelijst/services?wsdl=1. It failed with: Connection timed out. I'm just …

Member Avatar for VUEKID

Using: Visual Studio Language: Visual Basic I already loaded a xml file to my datagrid already, what i am trying to do is have the option to save the datagrid data back as an xml file. I have the code, but how do I close the original xml file that …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for samsons17

I have this XML data which basically to add/minus/multiply the two numbers. And I have this Xquery function that suppose to convert this XML data into a readable string format. For example, let say XML file has in this form : <expr> <add> <number>2</number> <number>3</number> </add> </expr> <expr> <divide> <number>7</number> …

Member Avatar for poloblue
Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Vijaysurya

HAI everybody, `` I am working on a Google API to obtain the contacts of users at my website, and I obtained a result using like this, but I wish wish to have the contacts out of the whole chunk. I just wanna know , how can I parse values …

Member Avatar for gelani_1
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hi I have a code in java to generate a sitemap xml, and to get the last modified date using the following line of code: `oPrint.println(" <lastmod>"+ doc.getLastModified().toString()+"</lastmod>");` The output in the browser when calling the xml file is `<lastmod>23/05/2014 16:48:24 ZE4</lastmod>` which is in "dd/mm/yyyy"format. However, from this link, …

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Member Avatar for James_30

Would it possible to get sample build.xml file with imports a properties sheet. Or links to good build file structure and maybe a example of a good file system to maintain? I am dl the ant manual now. Anything that pertains to eclipse and ant would help me get started. …

Member Avatar for James_30
Member Avatar for James_30

Is the a model folder and file structure to follow if I wanted to build java projects in eclipse?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for James_30

Can someone post an example of:importing a .properties sheet,and the basics of what needs to be in the file?also,along with the baseline . Dir is it possile to also reference a a system environments variable that I created to reference the path to my eclipse workspace?

Member Avatar for James_30
Member Avatar for alex9620

Hi, I am trying to create a web service which will taken in JSON response and then query the DB with it to return store details (JSON response). I intend to use this with a mobile app later on. But during the development I am testing using AJAX calls. I …

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The End.