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BLURB! Whaddya mean thats not a blurb!? 22 years old, skipped college, fixed my first pc when I was 10(well it was me that broke it!) and was hooked since.Built a few custom systems for friends and numerous upgrades. Tried to avoid working with P.C's…

Tech, Gaming, teaching myself Java
PC Specs
(Home Built) Amd athlon 64 3000+ 2x400mhz 512 ddr ram Abit KV8pro motherboard 4 x 150gb raid 0+1 setup…

43 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

[b][u]Explanation of RAID and installation guide[/u][/b] [i]Thanks to [b]'Stein[/b] for the coding.[/i] Greetings, It's come to my attention, both from call volume in work and online forums, that most people do not realize the diversity of RAID controllers available, nor how to fully benefit from them. This tutorial aims to …

Member Avatar for cheaphosting
Member Avatar for TotalOblivion

Sounds like a video card problem,especially if the monitor starts with another system. If it were a driver issue you're monitor would show the load screen and blank when you hit windows so it isn't that. Do you have an integrated video card as well as you're 3d card? If …

Member Avatar for Vapor56
Member Avatar for alit2002

not really,some microphones have a 20db boost you can enable in control panel-sound and audio devices-voice-advanced.(it's a tick box) This may help Also try testing audio devices in the same menu and see what that does for you

Member Avatar for McSpocky
Member Avatar for importmaster130

If you can get a cd drive from someone else's laptop install it.It will boot outside of Windows unless your connector is broken. Insert the Xp installation disk and choose repair with the keyboard It looks like a full installation but it's just repairing all the system files including the …

Member Avatar for ilmf11
Member Avatar for jigoro

Seems to me you don't have much time to try troubleshooting so- First try unplugging EVERYTHING except the keyboard out.If windows boots in plug them back one at a time until you find the problem.if not- 1.Insert windows cd and boot to it 2.Select install windows xp(don't worry we're not …

Member Avatar for katjaxmusic
Member Avatar for kdv1982

Try this link,I couldn't see you're particular model but my guess is the lcd's are all fairly similiar [URL][/URL] It's better than nothing but if you just want to see a very nicely laid out instruction process(It IS going to differ from your screen but it's a great general look …

Member Avatar for zukerama
Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

Hi guys,the noob again :) I think this tutorial section would be great and help a lot of people out.Off the top of my head here's some I could write- 1.Raid,what is it,how do I set it up and why does it need a floppy disk? 2.Windows Xp Recovery console(including …

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98
Member Avatar for happygeek

Couldn't afford the trip for a few months although I would be interested in going. London is probably the easiest to get to for a UK meeting,I assume no-ones too keen to fly over to Limerick or shannon :) If I do manage to swindle myself over I'll be the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for roryt

A google-powered search bar that lets you choose site or internet in the normal place.An absolute essential that microsoft,in their infinite wisdom, still have not adapted

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

You can set up any type of RAID 1 configuration as long as your raid card supports the connections.When setting up RAID REMEMBER the secondary bios!!! To access the secondary bios you press "ctrl" + the first letter of your chipset manufacturer(n for nvidea, i for intel etc) The BIOS …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for Mirror Ballad

Problem 1- Use the xp pro disk to boot to. Enter recovery console Type"fixboot",try loading If this works the ntldr tree was probably affected If it doesn't work restart and again use recovery console Type FixMBR This tries to repair the MBR but I've only seen it work twice,I think …

Member Avatar for dcc
Member Avatar for DrumminFoo92

Are you logged on as an administrator in safe mode?This is the usual cause of access denied errors in safe mode.You're password should be blank if you didn't change it when you installed windows.If you made you're own password and forgot it then I would say that your best bet …

Member Avatar for DrumminFoo92
Member Avatar for imrickyduh

I don't know about virtual boots but if you have two computers mount the linux cd in one,network them and try to boot from LAN in the one you want linux on. Alternatively most linux distro's will send a free cd and just charge you shipping or for the cd.I …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for mr_chinnery

Quick fix is try switching to firefox 2.0,it may not have the same vulnerability to you're re-directer. If a full scan shows nothing I'd just nuke the disk and start from scratch,making sure windows and virusscan are up to date first of course

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Niklas

You havn't mentioned hard drives but with the mobo you're going with i'd recommend a dual sata raid 1 configuration with read ahead and write back caching enabled,or a raid 0+1 if you can afford 4 HD's A sata raid 1 with read ahead and write back should increase speeds …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Gimp

You seem very competent but I have no idea what step's you've taken with the mobo so apologies if this seems too simple: 1.Is the P.S.U. voltage switch set correctly? 2.Is the bottom of the motherboard properly insulated from the case? 3.What components have you used since you began?(ie. that …

Member Avatar for Gimp
Member Avatar for jbennet

Actually thats pretty much on par with what XP was last year.I think you pay around 75% more in a shop than you do on an OEM version.I think any Dell's bought between the beginning of december and the Vista release at the end of january get a free Vista …

Member Avatar for Dortz
Member Avatar for patrikk07

Can you give more details?do the lights come on and go off when you let go? Can you hear fans etc? Does it turn itself off or do you have to hold it down again? Please include the manufacturer and model number of your armada as I've never heard of …

Member Avatar for patrikk07
Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

Hey can't log into hotmail today,anyone else with same prob? Tried all the usual-resetting firewall,cookies,certs,browser options etc and I've tried logging in from windows live today and windows live messenger(which both let me log in to IM and live today even shows me the email sender and subject) and …

Member Avatar for lol_hacker101
Member Avatar for heathermom0927

Could be a faulty memory dimm/slot Try swapping the memory dimm to a different slot.The best place to find out how to do this is the manufacturer's website. Unfortunately I have never worked with an armada so I can't be any more specific

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Eitheladar

Have you tried a system restore to the last time you didn't have this problem? start-programs-accessories-system tools-system restore

Member Avatar for Teachingmyself
Member Avatar for XRJon0609
Member Avatar for Qwazil

I had a play-around with the training release of Vista on friday The last beta did drop 10-30 fps on games but remember guys it's a beta,they're trying for stability and then they tweak the rest Personally I think it's a hog,especially all the new aero tools.Thankfully you can turn …

Member Avatar for Teachingmyself
Member Avatar for mariod10
Member Avatar for boyney123

Hey Dave Quick and easy(hopefully!!!) using "ctrl + alt + del" as you have been doing select "new task" Type "msconfig" Select "normal startup" and apply.You will have to restart your pc. This should work as I assume something has disabled the Explorer process from loading. If not please post …

Member Avatar for Teachingmyself
Member Avatar for apocalypse2004

It's possible that a virus is causing it but not very likely if the post is slow A power surge may have damaged something internally ,do you feel confident enough to take a peek inside the case?no need to touch anything,just look for charring or melting(disconnect everything first,hold down the …

Member Avatar for xcellpro6
Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

Hey guys sorry to keep asking questions that probably have a one word answer with a link but I'm finding the site a bit hard to navigate due to the sheer amount of info. So can we submit tutorials and if so how?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

Hey all I'm wondering what the industry standard for game designing is at the moment? I'm teaching myself Java at the moment and intend to go on to C++ afterwards but if there's a general consensus on a different language as being the macDaddy of Games Development I'd love to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Saizt

When exactly does it blue screen?Is it at a set point or random? I'd guess you have a HD failure but let's try a few things 1st- Reset the BIOS to factory settings. Does it boot into safe mode? Try booting to the Dell diagnostics partition(F12 and boot to utility …

Member Avatar for Teachingmyself

The End.