when we are loging out we will get a php page.when i save that page i am not getting that box.i need source code of that page to get that box.Or please say me how to make that box
Iam attaching the image of the logout page

I am not sure what you want to do, but generally, to view a website or web page source, you can right click on the page and select "view source" or you can go to "View" at the top of your browser, and from there select "view source"

Just as Kraai said, you need to view source and not save the page. Bear in mind that viewing the source only shows the outputted HTML and will not show any PHP so you won't be able to steal websites database passwords.

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Like Borzoi said, you can't get the php of that code. Unless you ask the webmaster or someone like that to send you part of it that dosent contain any sensetive info, like just the part of the code to clear your cookies if thats what you want. You could probably find that elsewhere in a tutorial anyway.

This forum is using Vbulletin, and the logout screen is simply being styled. Creating this screen requires very basic PHP.

As for "the box". It's even more basic HTML and CSS.

Regards, Arkinder

I am not sure what you want to do, but generally, to view a website or web page source, you can right click on the page and select "view source" or you can go to "View" at the top of your browser, and from there select "view source"

sorry that way it is not working. it is redirecting to another php pages

sorry that way it is not working. it is redirecting to another php pages

View source does not redirect to another php page, it is opening a page in your browser to see the html code of that page.

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