Hi all, last night I had a pop up pop up to ask me if I wanted to download something to scan my computer for spyware. I said no, and the windo closed but noticed later that a file had been downloaded to my desktop. It was a GoLive file. I checked the download manager and it had downloaded about the time I closed the pop up window. I didn't click on it and deleted it immediately. Is this enough? I googled the name and its amaena securityworm666. Does anyone know what it is, and how I can get ride of it?


Hi all, last night I had a pop up pop up to ask me if I wanted to download something to scan my computer for spyware. I said no

Never click a "no" button on a popup, just close the window... the "no" button was probably linked the file.

As for the file, I'd say if you never opened it up, you're fine. The fact that you're on OS X means it probably can't even run, as I believe this worm is written only for Windows.

Thanks. I tried first to close the window, but the 'red button' to close the window was grey (not able to be selected) so didn't allow that option. Crafty people!

I tried first to close the window, but the 'red button' to close the window was grey (not able to be selected) so didn't allow that option. Crafty people!

It's a little Javascript trick. Safari doesn't, but many other browsers have the option of disabling the use of graying out the close button on a window. If it ever happens again, you can try choosing File->Close Window, or just save your work and quit the web browser to close the window.

Thanks again Joe. That's very helpful. Have a good one, Ross.

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