that is the question, i want to watch some impactful stuff.

Gone With The Wind. Great 1939 epic about the Old South (USA) Civil War and the mixed-up love between four people. The most commonly quoted line in US today is: Rhett Butler said "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Also anything directed by Cecil B. DeMille

>Rhett Butler said "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

cool :) i will use it too :)

Will Smith fights a robot conspiracy to break the "a robot can't harm a human" union rules.

Fight Club

F*ck redemption. We are God's unwanted children? So be it!
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f*cking khakis... You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Reminds us that material possessions mean nothing in the end. What legacy will you leave behind?

commented: Seen this movie 10+ times! +21
commented: Great words!!! +2

Fight Club

Reminds us that material possessions mean nothing in the end. What legacy will you leave behind?

i watched this one

>Will Smith fights a robot conspiracy to break the
>"a robot can't harm a human" union rules.

Read Asimov's short stories under the same name. You'll be even more impressed than some cheesy action knockoff could offer. I, Robot and I am Legend are two good examples of the movie totally ruining a good story.

commented: the Seldon Plan is in effect. +10
commented: Don't forget the minority report +18

If you are looking for wisdom, inspiration, characters as role models who toil with the big moral issues about how to live life, here's a few...

Mississippi Burning
A Time To Kill
Angels With Dirty Faces
State Of Grace
The Grey Zone

Pi and Requiem for a Dream

commented: Yep seen both +21

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Blues Brothers
Pale Rider
Terminator 2: Judgement Day - make sure you watch the longer "Directors cut"
V for Vendetta - I find this rather too prophetic for the way the UK is heading :(

For a more surreal experience, try these
The Wall

commented: some really good movies there. never seen "V", though. have to check that out sometime. +10
commented: Love the terminator movies! +21

i watched two of these Terminator 2: Judgement Day ,V for Vendetta ( i didnt understand british english much though)

>Will Smith fights a robot conspiracy to break the
>"a robot can't harm a human" union rules.

Read Asimov's short stories under the same name. You'll be even more impressed than some cheesy action knockoff could offer. I, Robot and I am Legend are two good examples of the movie totally ruining a good story.

what are your most impressive ones?

>what are your most impressive ones?
They're just movies, dude. Your question is about as meaningful as talking about the last time you picked a booger that gave you an epiphany. People will just look at you with confusion and pity.

>what are your most impressive ones?
They're just movies, dude. Your question is about as meaningful as talking about the last time you picked a booger that gave you an epiphany. People will just look at you with confusion and pity.

i didnt get what you mean.

i didnt get what you mean.

well, that's a surprise.

FWIW, my most impressive movie of my life is: UP

go see it.


commented: anything as you do -1

FWIW, my most impressive movie of my life is: UP

go see it.


Saw it Sat. night at a drive-in-theater. Probably one of best new films I've seen. Everything else new this year has been: to tame, watered down, over used, or long winded(Watchmen!).

Saw it Sat. night at a drive-in-theater

you have a real, honest-to-goodness drive-in-theater?

like with that big metal speaker thing that fits in your window and everything??


i miss those. :(

you have a real, honest-to-goodness drive-in-theater?

like with that big metal speaker thing that fits in your window and everything??


i miss those. :(

i have hard time understanding your english.. when you are posting a foreign speakers thread, please take it into consideration.

i have hard time understanding your english.. when you are posting a foreign speakers thread, please take it into consideration.

(1) i wasn't speaking to you.

(2) cultural references and figures of speech are commonplace. You're the ESL student, it's your job to learn them.

seeing as how you live in america, let me help you better assimilate by not catering to your incessant whining and crying


(1) i wasn't speaking to you.

(2) seeing as how you live in america, let me help you better assimilate by not catering to your incessant whining and crying


i didnt understand the second sentence either. paraphrase it for me please with easier vocabulary.

i didnt understand the second sentence either. paraphrase it for me please with easier vocabulary.

try this

For me First comes "A Beautiful Mind" and falling back just by an inch is "Shawshank Redemption".
The two most unforgettable movies I have ever seen.

commented: If you haven't seen 'Good Will hunting' you'll enjoy that +21

i watched "A Beautiful Mind", i am not sure about "Shawshank Redemption"

"Shawshank Redemption" go watch it now or else you'll miss out on a very good movie, The tag line "Fear holds you a prisoner,Hope sets you free" itself defines it...

It's a great film with a great twist, here's the trailer.

I just remembered two movies that were quite impressive to me.

Carl Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) -- imdb
Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai (1959) -- imdb

two of my favorites. consistently in the Top 10 of lists of best movies of all time. for the record, my wife hates them both with extreme prejudice.

there's probably no middle ground. you'll either love it or hate it.

It would probably be easier to list the least impressive films, as the new ones seem to outdo each other in this respect.

I just remembered two movies that were quite impressive to me.

Carl Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) -- imdb
Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai (1959) -- imdb

two of my favorites. consistently in the Top 10 of lists of best movies of all time. for the record, my wife hates them both with extreme prejudice.

there's probably no middle ground. you'll either love it or hate it.

i read some stuff about janne d'arc, during 1300-1400, still some french people hate british people because of that incident..

There are many things in history that people want to forget. I think that all of us will agree on this,

Lets not go that deep into hatred among people as its mostly an assumption (Though there might be truth in it. )

So people, Lets just stick to the movies and not go into hatred.

As far as my favourite movie.

There are tons and tons of them.

But as for now, I would like to mention Gladiator, Troy and 300 as my favourite medival war movies :)

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