Today my wife and I have been married (to each other :)) for 47 years. Going to wine and dine this evening so you won't see me around for the rest of today.

kvprajapati commented: The Great man. +7
jephthah commented: belated congrats! +14

Wow, long time, only a few more years to your golden wedding anniversary, hope you enjoy the meal and have a good time :)

Happy you are still doing well after 47 years of marriage!
Wish you all the luck in the world!
I still have 14 years to go to reach your status:*

commented: Great man. +7

A Very Happy Wedding Anniversary Mr. AD And Mrs. AD:*

Grats on lasting that long.

Looks like you have a wife that lets you play with the computer. Hang on to her for another 47years!!

May you have fun every minute you live, and I wish to see your post celebrating the 100th anniversary :)

Now this is a marriage to be proud of :) Married 83 years, they have 186 descendants. :icon_eek:

Congrats AD - though we haven't married yet, we have been engaged for almost 30 years.

Congrats to you and mrs. Dragon!

Congrats buddy!!!

Nice, dont drink to much wine :p

May you continue to celebrate every day as if it was the first. In this day and age, it's encouraging to hear of anniversaries of this duration. My wife and I celebrated our 43rd anniversary this past winter and as a younger pair we can understand your reasons to celebrate.
LOL :)

Grats on lasting that long.

agreed ! unlike my interest on mathematics !
1st year I did very interesting.( the subjects like cal I cal II diff eq I -II
Linear I ).
2nd year boring.... ( looses the interest on it).
3rd year I dorp it and change my field and now peacefully a CS student. I give up mathematics :(

I mean that's what will going to happen to my marriage life if I married. that's why I never marry. But I really want to hold some
social responsibilities.

Did I hear you say 47 years?! Boy we need more like you in this age of confusion. Little wonder why you sound quite young. Marriage keeps one young.

Congrats to you and Mrs. and wishing you more exciting years ahead together

agreed ! unlike my interest on mathematics !
1st year I did very interesting.( the subjects like cal I cal II diff eq I -II
Linear I ).
2nd year boring.... ( looses the interest on it).
3rd year I dorp it and change my field and now peacefully a CS student. I give up mathematics :(

I mean that's what will going to happen to my marriage life if I married. that's why I never marry. But I really want to hold some
social responsibilities.

If you think marriage is like a mathematical equation than you really are better off not getting married.

Wow 47 years. Its a very long time. Well happy wedding anniversary to you. May you have many many more.

well belated happy anniversary to both of you ...
:D cheers!

Congrats... Its good long time.

Congrats both!
I didnt know there were such old people here O_O

A guy sits in his kitchen at 3 AM staring at the table and looking like he's about to burst into tears.
His wife comes in and finds him there.

She asks him: "What's wrong, dear?"
He replies: "Nothing, I was just thinking..."

Curios, she asks: "What are you thinking about that makes you look so sad?"

He takes a deep breath and starts taking..

- Remember the night we first made love?

- Yes.

- Remember that your dad caught us in the middle of it?

- Yes.

- Remember what he said to me?

- Yes, he said "Now you have to marry my daughter."

- Remember what else he said?

- Yes.. said that, him being a county judge, he would've charged you with rape and thrown you in the jail for 20 years, unless you married me.

He takes a moment and says:
"Today I would be walking out of that jail..."

Wow, Happy Anniversary and 47 years--it is just amazing!

Congrats AD :)

> Now this is a marriage to be proud of Married 83 years, they have 186 descendants.
A birthday to remember every other day - that's gotta be hard work.
"What are you doing? Buying a present. Who for? Dunno, bound to be someone's either today or tomorrow".
Mind you, come xmas, it's payback time :)

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for them you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Wow, what's that been called?

Something like the golden marriage.

Anyway, Happy Wedding Anniversary!! Sweet!

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