I got 3.13!

3 to 4. Conspiracy Theorist! You actual prefer a conspiracy theory to any mainstream explanation. For you, the MSM (mainstream media) is mainly disinformation. You read way too much internet “news.” Try to go outside a little more.

Hey im glad im 'awake' to the evil reality of the world!!

it's a conspiracy to make you think you're a conspiracy theorist when really you're not but well in touch with reality!

And I made jwenting say that with my Jedi powers (forget anything scientific).

The test was too obvious the way it was laid out (still my score was just about "e" which gives some logarithmic significance to my answers).

My score was:

Your score is 0. You are not a conspiracy theorist. Most likely your watch Fox News or CNN, and feel you are an informed citizen. You did not even answer all the questions, showing you have little time for conspiracy theories.

I do not watch cable news.

no, but your political ideas match those of the site operators so according to them you're no conspiracy theorist (after all, if you were they'd be and conspiracy theorists never think they are conspiracy theorists).

Do you ever try to make sense? (just kidding, that was actually artfully convoluted)

2.46: Borderline case. You have an interest in alternative explanations for historic events. You are certainly out of the mainstream, but it is still a free country, right?

i'm happy with that. it fits my self-declared agnosticism just fine.


> I got 3.13!
I got 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
I found the test as easy as pie ;)

Your score is 1.3333333333333333. You are not a conspiracy theorist. You have probably read a few stories from the alternative press, or seen the occasional hard-hitting 60 Minutes segment, and been angered by them, but you will never do anything about it.

Really? That site was clearly misled.

> I got 3.13!
I got 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
I found the test as easy as pie ;)

Hey, I got in with the "e" reference first. There's only so much room for irrational numbers in this town. ;)

Who wants to know this, why do they want to know, and what's their secret motive for collecting all of this information? By definition, no one who takes the test could be a conspiracy theorist.

1 to 2. You are not a conspiracy theorist. You have probably read a few stories from the alternative press, or seen the occasional hard-hitting 60 Minutes segment, and been angered by them, but you will never do anything about it.


I think its GOOD BEING ONE....

It means your eyes are not closed to other (NOT MAINSTREAM) answers for things (WHICH IS QUITE GOOD)

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